Austar comes back from talking to the figure, and drops the bombshell that he's been told he's the son of the Raven Queen and Mhyros. Mhyros being the god of the Abyss, corrupted by it and turned evil. Sealed away in a cage crafted by Moradin. A group of demons trying to free him somehow?
Austar mentioned to us that the figure called Archangel Telentis said that there is a demon among us. Likely insinuating Malaphor.
While waiting for Ape and Malaphor to change their Copper Cuirass', I feel rumbling at my feet. I go to the top of the mound and I see, coming from Hashal, an army of the Sanctified making their way to the ruins of Odror Partha. Leading them is one riding a lizard of some kind, and above, two ships in the sky.
We make the decision to go towards Hashal. On our way we feel a rush of sand going past us, towards Odror Partha. Within the sand, we see 3 figures rushing past, the Firbolg and Grung from the other day in Hashal and a lizard like creature all running past, at an incredible speed, way quicker than Momoko's.
We discuss going back to help. Austar and myself are outnumbered in our vote to help, but Austar turns anyway, I follow and shortly after the rest come with us.
As we get there, in the centre is a sight. Screaming Sanctified, some pummelled, others shouting commands. The three individuals we saw running past are in combat with the giant golem that chased us out of Odror Partha.
The three people from The Storyteller were mighty and incredibly powerful. After the fight the Firbolg asked Ape about his lightning powers, and when told that it was innate and given to us, the Grung and Firbolg were incredibly interested. Said their boss will want to speak to us and to come to The Storyteller later.
The Kobold is called Uggy.
The Firbolg is called Carcan Glass-storm.
The Grung is called Oysseus the Living Weapon.
Their boss is called Morgrim.
The Sanctified that was riding the Rock Drake approaches us, called General Divha'Ap , said a reward could be discussed if we stop by the Pasyn Bastion
We headed back to Hashal and stopped by the Pasyn Bastion and we were given 100 gold.
The rest of the day was spent just killing time. I went to the Eager Crown and had my sunstone implanted into a pendant for my Dawn spell. I got a crystal ball from Jem Core for my Scrying spell. I couldn't find a golden reliquary for my Summon Celestial spell yet.
We head back to The Little Courtesan to spend the night before going to The Storyteller to speak to Morgrim. I plan in the morning to cast Scrying to see if I can find Uncle Wodric. We also need to figure out the Malaphor problem.