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4th of Uthwix

Session 45 - Talona's Plant

by Kaito "Oreson" Brinejaw

The cauldron that the Spectator was stirring is made out of Under Iron, a metal found in the deeper recesses of the Underdark.
Ape lifts the cauldron and beneath it is a a crack in the floor, large enough for us to go down but very far down. I look down following a pebble with light on it and at the bottom I see what looks like another cavern, a purple rock looking shape, and the start of man made steps.
We decide to rest before deciding what to do. During my watch the cauldron has a strange allure to it and tries to infect the mind and make you go to it. I resisted it's charm. I informed Austar about it but I woke up near the end of his watch to find him standing next to it. Malaphor manages to use Divine Intervention to get Asgorath to destroy the cauldron. No longer magical.
We wake and I send Brokk down the fissure. I see 4 stone rocks and in the middle of them, the purple rock, phallic shaped. Covered in holes, unsure whether it's a rock or some sort of plant. As well as some carved steps. The stone formation around the purple rock/plant doesn't look natural.
Malaphor climbs down the side of the wall to investigate closer. The rest of us decide to jump down the hole with rope in between us and Raskin casting Feather Fall on us. As Ape and Austar are first, when they get into range of the purple plant, vine like tendrils snakes out and attacks them.
We defeat the creature and just above it is a pedestal.
The pedestal in the room with a triangular onyx like stone with a large skull on it. I use detect magic and get an enchantment sense from within the skull and some transmutation. The skull itself is only slightly magical.
Raskin sends his mage hand to pick up whatever object is in inside. A half scarlet half blue sphere of marble, which we discover is an Ioun Stone of Intellect, which we give to Austar.
Malaphor throws the skull at Raskin and he picks it up to throw it back but is instead met with a vision that takes him through a dense forest/jungle and a mountain, an immense form, a chained coffin with a headless body in it, and where the head would be, 4 other stones similar to the one Austar now has.
Raskin had heard stories of a mountain with a similar description, the name being The Burdened Core, exists somewhere in the Underdark, in the Prelands.
There was talk of one possible entryway was in the Mokoweri Jungle in the Southern tip of Eltera. The Shroomasaur that Ape has also came from there as we heard at the auction.
Before we leave, Malaphor goes back up to where we defeated Denthoum to collect the chain that was wrapped up around one of the smaller heads.
We then appear back in Bangol. Malaphor brings the chain out which is a black metal with gold infused with it, but it's not infused and it's just how the metal is. I identify the chain which I find out has a strong magical essence with a powerful divine draw to it. That's all I gather.
I decide to head into the temple library to do some research into creatures of significant power that can advance our elemental powers to mastery.

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  1. Session 1 - New Beginnings
  2. Session 2 - Drunk and Disorderly
  3. Session 3 - Crossroads and Giants
  4. Session 4 - Lorger's Thicket
  5. Session 5 - Pentareach Beginnings
  6. Session 6 - Pentareach Rumble
  7. Session 7 - Friend of the King
  8. Session 8 - Forgotten Ruins and Mystery
  9. Session 9 - Blacktop's Secret
  10. Session 10 - Depths of the Blacktop
  11. Session 11 - Morgan's Mystery
  12. Session 12 - Visions and a Cleansing
  13. Session 13 - The Long Road
  14. Enemies
  15. Session 14 - Laelos Arrival
  16. Session 15 - A Royal Mistake
  17. Session 16 - Revenge and Truth
  18. Session 17 - Trouble and Research
  19. Session 18 - Lonely Toad and Proposition
  20. Research
  21. Session 19 - Vellsten and Disappearances
  22. Session 20 - Wear-wolves, bears and rats?
  23. Session 21 - Heroes of Vellsten
  24. Session 22 - Raven Queen's Champion
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  25. Session 23 - Revelations and a Chaotic Victory
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  26. Session 24 - The Manor and Word
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  27. Session 25 - Isaiac's Maw
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  28. Places of Interest
  29. Allies
  30. Session 26 - Manor Gains and Desert Travels
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  31. Session 27 - Hashal and Partha
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  32. Session 28 - Hashal's Rift Ki
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  33. Session 29 - Sol'Partha
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  34. Session 30 - Partha's Mystery
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  35. Session 31 - Odror Partha's Fall
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  37. Session 33 - Asgorath Revelations & Beast Rescues
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  38. Session 34 - An Exotic Rescue
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  39. Session 35 - Demonic Beast and Desert Travels
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  40. Session 36 - Malaphor's True Self
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  41. Session 37 - Triumphant Winnings
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  42. Session 38 - Sailing the seas and Chankata
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  43. Session 39 - Asgorath's Chosen United
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  44. Session 40 - The Doyen's Teachings
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  45. Session 41 - The Ninefold Rise
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  46. Session 42 - The Ninefold Scatter
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  47. Session 43 - Troll's Denthoum
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  48. Session 44 - Denthoum's Spectator
    3rd of Uthwix
  49. Session 45 - Talona's Plant
    4th of Uthwix
  50. Session 46 - Diege Entities & New Headings
    5th of Uthwix
  51. Session 47 - Poacher's & Mystery Dice
    5th of Uthwix