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Fri 8th Dec 2023 01:15

Abandoned ?

by Krod

...The Goblins really took it out of us. Whether or not they are related to the strange goings on is another matter to explore later.
A fascinating relic of architecture, simple and yet It looks like it doesn't belong ?
What looks like a Trade cart appears to have been brought up to the windmill along with 3 Dead bodies are also scattered around it. I see the holy man on his knees in prayer, thankfully he actually did something smart and checked the bodies for any clues. Upon Checking the trade cart and it contents there is clear evidence that a create, box or chest is missing. Drag marks from the cart lead to the windmill. This may suggest that the goblin are in fact using this area as shelter/point of attack. Advantageous from what was told to us about this building.
-Note Contents of the cart are as follows...
A pewter merchant's weight which is marked in units of slaves-These scales may suggest the occupation of our dead traders ?
A rock to wind a piece of string around-A simple implement for winding up rope or in this case string.
A small hourglass filled with fine grey ash-An hourglass may have its uses, interesting to see the contents as ash instead of sand ?
A pewter merchant's weight which weighs less than it should-Ah ! A crafty tool for some merchants to swindle a bit more out of a deal. This may come in handy when doing some trading of our own.
An eight-sided die which rattles when rolled- Another dice ! This is is no coincidence. The mystery surrounding these dice needs to be solved. The Orphanage and now in the Windmill ? I wonder if we'll find these dice in structures that are surrounded in dark mysteries ?
A pendant of golden stone engraved with the symbol of a legendary sage-The aspect of this item my have some hidden magical qualities or just be artistic relief of the sage themselves ?
2 barrels of ale-No need to go into the benefits of this particular item 'Hahaha' !
Barrel of salted beef-Excellent when we struggle to find food.
3 iron shackles-Again another suggestion as to the occupation to the dead merchants. I'm loathed to say this but they are well made and will be useful in the foreseeable future.
This place has become eerily quiet. I'm glad I'm not the only one who thinks this. Whilst Killian searched the bodies to determine identification and cause of death, Dolen is vigilantly on guard. He doesn't seem overly interested in the finer details. What's his angle here ?
According to Killian these merchants aren't what they seem...
-Note Contents of the bodies are as follows...
Body 1
A dragon's fang inscribed with the word "Undying"
A copper coin bearing the visage of a legendary wizard on one side, and the image of a malevolent devil on the other
-in regards to the unique items found, they could possess magical qualities to them or could mean membership to an unknown organisation but will need further study.
Body 2
A pewter figurine which looks like Killian cloaked in bat-like wings
A linen handkerchief printed with a dragon's skull and crossbones
-Killian seems to have more notoriety in this world than I thought, I have no words in regards to this figurine...
Body 3
A small spyglass with blue-tinted lenses
A ring with five keys and an iron tag engraved with an arcane symbol
-Dolen appears to have taken a particular interest in the spyglass, I can see the benefit as his occupation as the Hunter - again need to know more as to his intentions.
28gp, 33cp-In total from all 3 bodies however Holy man has denied usage until a donation is made as compensation.
Quietly making our way into the Windmill. It looks like it was used by the Goblins, my theory was correct. Dolen mentioned whispers. I have a feeling that there is some underlying magical influence in play here ?
What in the world is going on ! A sentient statue with glowing eyes attacking us ? We're all so drained from our previous conflict with the Goblins that Killian fell... After the fight I decided to make sure we don't get surprised and clear this forsaken place out by heading up to the further levels. Dolen seems to have the same idea its good to know his instincts are still sharp. I fear we may have bitten off more than we can chew.
-Note Upon further investigation to the statue seems to possess a similar likeness to this Baphamet demon found on the walls in the caverns under the Windy Goat. Despite the statue being shattered I've gathered up the pieces and will mend it when alone to discover any secrets and answers this artifact may hold.
... [Krod no longer under the influence of paranoia]
Ah ! The missing chest, let's have a look. A Dilemma has hit me. I asked Dolen his advice on the statue; a statement I never thought I'd say. I want to learn as many secrets and mysteries as possible but as Dolen said 'at what cost' and despite not knowing them for long, I don't want to betray my companions trust. The Mills mechanism appears to be still functioning. Remarkable considering its been abandoned for decades. Seems the perfect way to dispose of the pieces of the statue.
-Note contents of the missing chest...
2500 cp, 1000 sp, 90 gp.
A collection of Gemstones-Carnelian, Chrysoprase, Jasper, Moonstone, Onyx, 2 x Sardonyx, 2 x Star rose quartz- All are worth 50gp, any additional currency is welcomed
Potion of Greater Healing, 2 x Potion of Healing-A Godsend !
The Millers room appears to be untouched. Strange ?
-Note contents of the millers box...
A metal cube carved with demonic faces-Fascinating ! I shall start by determining the metal used in case it possesses any particular functionality or focus and then followed determining any magical properties this item has.
A tiny figurine of a female elf jester- A Genuine inquiry into a possible origin of this figurine turned into a sarcastic jibe. Dolen should be careful. One day a may hold his life in my hands.
A vial of quicksilver-The 2nd vial of quicksilver I've found ? I wonder what benefit this liquid metal can provide. Further study required.
19 cp.
I want to get back to the village as soon as possible but the other two decided we need to rest. Despite my reservations I see the other two needing it. First priority is to secure the windmill...
Oh what the hell is this ! It appears we're not alone. I think we should take a page out of the Goblins book and attack from multiple angles so to speak, we have no idea if its friend or foe ?
Killian has decided to take whatever this thing is head on. An ingenious plan conjured up by myself and Dolen allows us to strike from above. Of course he'll be the hero while I 'support' him so to speak.
A Ghoul ! I really don't understand whats happening here. At a glance it appears to be the Miller but there is no way in the 9 hell's that we'll ever find out now after I melted it.
-Note The grappling hook has been an excellent tool, it's provided us with elevation and descent on natural rock faces and structures. I wonder what more utility I can get out of it ?
The Catapult spell has also provided with avenue to explore. Concoctions and possibly explosives are given more yield. Impact followed by contents results in one melted Ghoul.