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Fri 16th Aug 2024 11:55

The Town of Rel Part 2

by Krod

...The catacombs are finally cleared and I am done before the day has even started...
We report back to Priestess Jelana and inform her of a job well done with some heroic embellishment on Killians part of course.
50 silver and the plunder from the catacombs has more than made up for that harrowing experience from that ring this morning. I let Killian and Lairion know that any other jobs or tasks will not an ideal undertaking in my exhausted state. We still haven't fully discovered what Rel has to offer, so we all decide to have a wonder round. The first stop is the Guilded Quill...
Note- Priestess Jelana has a certain timelessness to her. I theorize that she is older than she looks, probably due to the type of magic she wields from her faith. I don't know why but I have a feeling she's not all she seems.
... The Guilded Quill is a beautiful scribes suppliers. The store houses hundreds of books that fill its walls, The second floor is an open gallery to try out quills and inks of different magical properties. Parchment ranges from its most basic for rough sketches and notes to the finest quality that can be used to en scribe magical scrolls.
The owner is an Elf by the name of Elanor, she looks very well read and proud of her establishment... Ugh ! Killian, Killian when will you learn ? One day you'll end up trying to chat up the wrong women. Ha Ha ! I hope i'm there to see that.
Interesting texts. Mostly factual, I appreciate that more than fiction. Knowledge is the key to understanding everything... What's that ? A small piece of literature fell out of the book. The Order of the Arcane Scribes ?
Elanor seems quite dismissive about the order when we ask her about it. Its apparently a secret society of some kind but not many believe they exist mainly due to the fact they are essentially librarians...
Note- Elanors dismissive nature towards our questions about the order begs investigation. This order might have some knowledge of what we were exposed to in Blaising Dell or unravel some mysteries regarding the Thunderfall Hidaway ?
I've commissioned Elanor to craft an ink the becomes indecipherable to eyes other than mine, I wanted to also purchase parchment that only appeared to it scribe but id require a constant supply for my notes and discoveries. Perhaps something to look into the future. Approximate creation of said ink will be ready in 2 days. Eleanor also hosts workshops for those interested in the art of calligraphy or the basics of spellcrafting through writing. I would love to learn and eventually master this technique, my magic is channeled into my craft I'm not endowed with magic like some sorcerers and wizards, so I have to find alterantives to enhance myself.
Also purchased from the Guilded Quill:
-Crystal Tipped Wand worth 50gp [+1 wand]
Whilst making our way through the town we have a look out for mittens. Something's caught Lairion's eye... He leads us to an alley behind the Broken Axe inn and some other houses. Upon first glance it looks like the Elf is chasing shadows or his superstitious beliefs is blinding his sight. However a closer look reveals a small symbol on the door in the alley. Baal. Lairion tells us this is the symbol of Baal, a demon prince of some kind.
This isn't good. I just think back to the cult we encountered in Blaising Dell and I can't help but feel that something is amiss in Rel... Probably just my paranoia but also begs investigation.
[The Party ensure that after investigating the alley that it is put back the way it was when they found it]
Note-We seem to be accumulating a lot questions that need answering. A trip to the Eternal Library is on the books for today ! I hope we find what we're looking for.
The day is still young and we all decide to discover what the rest of Rel has to offer. The Looming Spire is a curiously crafted building. No entrance ? Interesting ?... Ah the local children should know what the story is behind this mystery...
...What an insolent little wretch ! Tying to swindle and insult me !
Ugh ! I have no time or patience for this... I'm exhausted !
Note-Killian and Lairion discover the Looming Spire is some form of headquarters or outpost for the mages guild. An organisation that would be beneficial to be associated with but the entrance will only reveal itself to its members. How do they expect to recruit initiates if the don't let anyone enter ? The logic of wizards eludes me ?
With our efforts squanded Killian leads us to the tavern next door. I have to say a drink after our efforts this morning in the catacombs would be welcome. The Thirsty Devil. A lively place indeed, having just witnessed what can only be rainbows and bubbles being belched by some of the patrons and a couple of drunks in a brawl being kicked out by the owner suggests this place to be where it all happens.
The owner is Halfling man called Kenhi who has the air of a sailor about him, I'd even hazard a guess at former pirate. He handles the drunks well and keeps the ale flowing. Confident personality and not afraid to have a chat with the patrons. I don't catch what Killian says to him but by the look of it hes getting us a drink... This could be interesting.
Note-Kenhi informs us of a special drinks menu that we can purchase from. Apparently purchasing a drink from this menu must consumed on the premises or cease to work and once drank they provide the consumer a minor magical boon. This is a amusing way of brewing and bottling magical effects besides potions and elixirs. I shall make a note of what we find out I'm sure the experience will be entertaining to say the least... I must thank Killian. Its been a while since we sat down and properly enjoyed a drink and a laugh.
Minor Magical Drinks Menu:
Bubbly Bourbon 5 sp-
Courageous Cordial 25 gp-
Crocodile Assistance 25 gp-
Fiery Water 25 gp-
Medicinal Mix 25 gp-
Musical Merlot 25 gp-
Rainbow Rum 5 sp-
Sober Solutions 5 sp-
Sprite Sparkly 5 sp-
[The Party partakes in a drinking game of sort, all roll 1d20 and whoever achieves the highest roll takes a drink of the next drink we haven't tried on the Minor Magical Drinks Menu]
Excellent ! truly excellent ! We haven't had a chance to let loose like that for months. Definitely a place for having a good time but wouldn't want to stay there Ha Ha ! I think our rooms at the Broken Axe Inn will do us... Ah ! Well all good things must come to an end and its back to business. We make our way to the Eternal Library with a lot of research to do.
The Eternal Library is a magnificent repository of knowledge. The bookcases are higher than some of the buildings in the town and the entire place is built over two stories. The biggest feature of all is the roof... There isn't one ! Never have I seen a Library with no roof, its completely exposed to the elements. There is an air of magic surrounding and protecting this place.
The three of us set off to research what information we can about the discoveries we want answers for, with the aid of The keeper of Tomes. A hooded black and grey robed figure, slightly ominous in presence but ultimately friendly and immensely helpful directing us to the books we require.
We're all there for a good 3 hours researching and another hour afterwards after meeting up to share the information discovered.
Note-The Information Discover form the Eternal Library:
-Killian Discovered information about the history of Thunderfall Hideaway and more clues in understanding the riddles and runes guarding it:
How the Molend Family came to be in possession of Thunderfall Hideaway. The Molend family's acquisition of the deeds to Thunderfall Hideaway is a tale of fate, fortune, and a touch of the arcane. In the waning days of the Era of Shattered Stars, the Molend family were renowned throughout the land as intrepid explorers and collectors of rare artifacts. The patriarch of the family, Cedric Molend, was particularly obsessed with the legends surrounding Thunderfall Hideaway and its mysterious creator, Aldarion the Architect.
Cedric spent years researching and seeking out clues to the location of the hideaway. His quest led him to the Great Library of Eldoria, where he uncovered a series of ancient texts that spoke of a hidden key —a key that would unlock the secrets of Thunderfall Hideaway.
Armed with this knowledge, Cedric and his kin embarked on a perilous journey to the town of Rel. There, they encountered a series of trials that tested their resolve, their bravery, and their intellect. They braved the Enchanted Forest, navigated the Whispering Caves, and finally stood before the gates of Thunderfall Hideaway.
1. The Moonstone-Symbolizes intuition, mystery, and the cyclical nature of time. It represents the wisdom that comes from understanding the deeper, hidden forces at play in the world.
2. The Sunstone-Represents illumination, growth, and the power of the sun to nurture life. It signifies enlightenment and the pursuit of knowledge.
3. The Waterstone-Embodies emotion, adaptability, and the life-giving properties of water. It reflects the hideaway's connection to the Thunderfall and the flow of life's energies.
4. The Earthstone-Stands for stability, fertility, and the grounding force of the earth. It symbolizes the foundation upon which the hideaway is built and the strength it provides.
5. The Windstone-Signifies change, freedom, and the breath of life. It represents the winds of change that bring new beginnings and the whispers of the spirits.
6. The Firestone-Conveys passion, transformation, and the creative spark. It symbolizes the warmth of the hearth within the hideaway and the transformative power of fire.
-Lairion Discovered information about the history of Baal and symbolism on the door in the ally we found.
-I wanted to uncover more information on the Order of Arcane Scribes. What they are is interesting to say the least and their knowledge would be invaluble to our struggles.
Its early evening by the time we leave. I could stay there for days but I'm drained and need rest. A good meal and an early night for Krod I think. Back at the Broken Axe Inn we are greated by Duror who brings us our food and a warning of all things ? Apparently a night such as this when the full moon is out bodes as an ill-omen in Rel. Having seen what we've seen I guess as to what that ill-omen is...