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Sat 29th Jun 2024 10:41

The Town of Rel

by Krod

... I feel a sigh of relief washes over the three of us as we make our to the borders of the Infernal Forest. Almost 3 and a half months of conflict, stranded and lost, on the run, battling hordes of undead and our confrontation with Rotbranch. Blaising Dell feels like a lifetime ago.
Someday we will return, the dark influence and corruption that has taken the village caught us off guard. We trusted too easily. Now Its safe to say that the ongoing conflict has ground away our ignorance and naivety... well at least mine and Dolens. Not sure about Killian.
The town of Rel is an impressive sight. The direction out of the Infernal Forest towards the town certainly paints a picture. The evening sun rests on top of the mountain range of the Restless Hills seeping light into the valley below. A huge waterfall cuts through the center of the nearest mountain and drops behind the town as if pointing to our destination. The sunlight drapes the towers, walls and houses in a warm light. The town has a certain bustle about it. Along its enormous stone crescent moon bridge are ques of trade wagons moving in and out of the town.
Within the town itself are a wonder of different buildings and structures, some made of stone and some made of wood. With a town this size its easy to get lost in which for us is what were looking for for now.
Note- A town this large has ample opportunities for creating contacts, securing supplies from various trader and the advancement of my own artisan skills. Current circumstances dictate that we integrate ourselves into the town first.
My colleagues and I decide to report to Ximena and the forest/towns guard before we check out the estate that we've some what inherited, just in case anything is required us. I think we're all in agreement that we don't want to upset the local authority.
Note- The deeds we recovered in the forest are clearly left blank for ownership to be granted to those who are given the blessing of the Hemlen family. Despite a Hemlen family giving us their blessing to inherit Thuderfall Hideaway. There are possible legal issues in the fact that the family member in question was dead...
As we make our way through the town it feels like a different world, the sheer amount of people is a welcome sight compared to our ventures in the Infernal forest. I wonder if any of these folks actually know what we had to do to protect them from the horrors that lurked in that place?... Anyway I'm happy to see the everyday hustle and bustle of the town not perturbed by a previously looming threat.
A beautiful fountain is at the heart of the town square. Surrounded by buildings and shops. The towns square seems to house the majority of the merchant and trader caravans as they appear to be packing up from here. A billboard sits in the square covered with notices and local information. Killian makes a b-line to it and in this instance hes on the money, local affairs, jobs and providing general support is a good way to increase our reputation... Unlike a certain village we were killed in.
Note-Information on the notice board;
Lost Cat: “Mittens, a black and white cat, has gone missing. Last seen near the market. Reward for safe return.” - Posted by Ella the Baker. Reward: 5 silver pieces.
Goblin Troubles: “Goblins spotted in the nearby forest, harassing travelers. Need them gone.” - Posted by Captain Harrold. Reward: 30 silver pieces.
Herbalist Assistant: “In need of a strong back to help gather herbs from the Infernal Forest.” - Posted by Master Alchemist Orin. Reward: 10 silver pieces per day.
Bandit Leader: “Wanted: The notorious bandit leader ‘Blacktooth’. Alive for questioning.” - Posted by Sheriff Lorne.
Reward: 100 gold pieces.
Haunted Crypt: “Strange noises from the old crypt. Seeking brave souls to investigate.” - Posted by Priestess Elara.
Reward: 50 silver pieces.
Escort Caravan: “Merchants traveling to the next town seek guards against bandit attacks.” - Posted by Trader’s Guild.
Reward: 25 silver pieces plus bonuses for safe delivery.
Missing Heirloom: “Family heirloom stolen, likely by pickpockets in the square. Desperate for its return.” - Posted by Lady Marielle. Reward: 40 gold pieces.
Dragon Sightings: “Dragon seen flying near Mount Gorgon. Need confirmation and details.” - Posted by Wizard’s Conclave. Reward: 200 silver pieces.
Bridge Repair: “The old bridge is unsafe; skilled workers needed to repair before it collapses.” - Posted by Mayor Thomlin.
Reward: 15 silver pieces per day of work.
Wanted Dead or Alive: “The assassin known as ‘Silent Whisper’. Dangerous, approach with caution.” - Posted by The Crown’s Justice. Reward: 500 gold pieces.
-There is also a note on here for Dolen. I have a bad feeling about what this might mean. He has a very shady background. Perhaps is past has caught up with him. I'm in agreement with Killian who suggests we meet this contact who's looking for our Drow companion.
We find the forest/towns guard headquarters and we are immediately recognized for our activities in the Infernal forest. We're ushered into Ximena's office where shes doing paperwork. Obol the giant wolf on guard as per usual. We let her know our intentions and that our obligations to the Treant council has come to an end. We want to rest but not to assume our deed to the Thunderfall Hideaway is a given. She informs us the mayor is not in town and she has no authority to go through this type of legalities. She however give us an interesting story on the Hideaways origins and give us her permission to inspect the area but obviously with caution due to its magical nature.
Note- I'd say her position in this organization is quite influential, the size of her office and where it is with in the building The forest/towns guard headquarters appears to be seated on the edge of Rel, where the town meets the The Infernal Forest.
It appears to be abnormal structure compared to the rest of the town. Its built from the timber of the Infernal forest and the signature stone used in the construction of the buildings of Rel, a design that suggests the coalition between civilization and nature.
The Thuderfall Hideaway doesn't disappoint the magic surrounding the grounds are impressive. This however presents us all with our next challenge. How do we enter the grounds and gain entry to the house ? Upon investigating the area, the courtyard appears warded against those not worthy enough to enter the grounds... What the ! Killian ?!
...I think its safe to say we're not getting in anytime soon. We all vote to take refuge at the local tavern. I think we could all do with a good meal, a stiff drink and to rest in an actual bed.
Note- A riddle and a series of Glyphs/Symbols are to be deciphered before entry. This will require more research especially now that we've discovered the Thuderfall Hidaway is guarded my magical defenses.
Guardian of secrets, keeper of time, I stand watch without a chime. My hands are still, my face is blank, I hold no rank. Yet within my silent keep, Lies power vast and secrets deep. Speak my name, and enter thee, What am I? Can you see?
-Swirling winds
-Crescent Moon
The Broken Axe Inn is our next destination, a rough and tumble place by the looks but we're no strangers places like this now. A couple called Duror and Gerra run the place. They have an interesting tale about the origins of the inn and their meeting and later marriage.
Killian treats us all to a feast fit for a king and enough drink to drown our sorrows and more. Lodging is provided too so we don't have to worry about finding a place to sleep.
...That shady looking figure in the corner appears to be beckoning Dolen over. Perhaps they are a part of the same organisation ? They are dressed in similar garb.
Wait ! Where is Dolen going ?
...Dolen's gone ! Just like that ! After everything we've been through... I don't have any words...
Lairion. If I was to make a deduction, this elf is Dolen's blood brother as they are not the same kin. Dolen must trust him enough to take his place on this journey ?
As the night progresses an inebriated man makes himself known that he knows the secrets of the Thunderfall Hidaway and an artifact hidden within a maze underneath the grounds, naturally we invite him over to discover more as we have essetially inherited it. Killian tries his natural charms and failing beautifully. The man seems to be digging his whole be drinking himeslf to sleep. Now is my time to discover what this fool knows...
[Krod uses the Mage Hand cantrip via the telekinesis feat- the Mage Hand appears invisible- Krod routes through the drunks bag and whilest stealthy studies the notes]
Rune 1: Start your journey under the wisdom of the night sky.
Rune 2: See the light of knowledge and the dawn of understanding.
Rune 3: Honour the Thunderfall and the flow of life's energies.
Rune 4: Round oneself in the strength and stability of the hideaway.
Rune 5: Embrace change and the breath of new beginnings.
Rune 6: Ignite the spark of adventure and the warmth of the hearth within.
Note-Upon first glance these documents may hold a clue to entering the Thunderfall Hidaway...