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Wed 10th Jan 2024 07:04

Head's Up !

by Krod

[Dolen has become enshrouded in some form of stasis field]
...The door slams shut. it seems as if the world itself has shifted to an alternate state of itself ? Killian and I attempt to open the door to the guard house to escape the fury of whatever Magical or primeval force is out there, it seems the door has been sealed somehow, there's no budging this thing !
Perhaps overthinking the situation due to our current predicament. I decide to apply a logical solution. Picking the lock, for all we know its just been locked from the outside... Damn it all ! Failure ! Another approach is needed. Deconstruction, I'm not one to simply destroy someone else's hard work unless absolutely necessary... What on earth ! The screws seem to be magically reforming after being removed.
Killian seems to have applied the same logic. Lacking any type of finesse after my attempt decides to hack the door down, I am inclined to agree now though. Whatever is out there its getting worse...
... Wait... The storm has subsided, the door is open and its seems nothing about the day has changed since before we rolled the dice...
-Note I have multiple theories about these dice that will need to be explored. One theory about these dice suggest that the number rolled 1 being negative and 8 being positive as we have both ends of the scale to compare will determine the experience witnessed by those who are either in the near vicinity of the one who has rolled or share another connection (we have fought together/bonded by conflict). The experience seems to either magically echo in the mind or magically transport those who are apart of the experience in question.
Another addition to the connection of those in the experience is that the guard that we subdued didn't seem to be in the same place we were and afterwards he acted like nothing had happened ? It is imperative that we discover more as they have become more frequent part of this groups current journey and we must determine there purpose !
Blast it ! O'Mara voice booms throughout the village and he actually decides to do something clever for a change and call my companions bluff. Calling out our wannabe hero, holy than thou, nothing but action man to confront the towns guard in the middle of the streets can only end in one outcome. As much as I want to just get away to regather ourselves and recuperate, find out whats happened to Dolen, I cant leave Killian alone. Its time to find out the truth !
Interesting It turns out O'Mara is responsible for turning a blind eye to the strange goings on in this village. A classic case of one in authority, abusing their authority. What I find shocking is his ignorance. Cultists, dark rituals, monstrosities and un-dead plague this small village and its inhabitants and turns a blind eye as long as he's paid his due.
I will give him his due now !
-Note Killian's bag of tricks produced a Panther, If we survive this i must ask him to be able to utilize this sometime for future projects. In this moment crowd control will do !
If Dolen was hear he'd provide brilliant cover with his bow upon the rooftops. Again if we survive crafting some sort of climbing device would be beneficial in general and combat... Maybe I could find a way to utilize the grappling hook within a crossbow ?
5 Guards plus the more experienced Sargent against the two of us and a magically conjured panther... I wont lie I'm not hopeful especially we're an elf down and at half strength...
Goodbye O'Mara you rotten headless Bastard !
-Note The Wand of Magic Missiles I've incorporated into my armor hasn't let me down.
[Magic Missiles appear as Iridescent crystal darts the size of arrowheads. When the missile is fired it leaves an ethereal blue smoke trail and sounds like a firework and thuds on impact]
Despite my hatred towards the now headless O'Mara his death was a tactical choice, the alpha is dead the pack should be put of guard, best case scenario run away, we'll see...

This is it we failed... Despite my ignorance and prejudice towards the pointy ears. Dolen is a cunning character not easily fooled, a master of his craft and I trust him to solve this situation as he has good head on his shoulders especially after our hour of rehabilitation. He is the only one who can save us now !
...Who is That !