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Thu 14th Mar 2024 11:22

Run !!!

by Krod

...We're surrounded !
Blast it ! There's more at the entrance !
We won't survive unless I need to buy us more time !
[Krod casts 2nd level spell Web at the entrance to the encampment to stop the second group from entering-The Web spell appears as an * icon on Krods gauntlet that glows white and when cast is summoned at the position that it's cast at]
The cook ?! Really ?!
Shes behind this slaughter ?!
...Well she wasn't much of a cook anyway, I suppose we we've only one objective now !
Damn it !
We're still getting stuck by arrows and she's burnt the Web !
We're going to be overrun !
Dolen isn't looking good and yells for us all to run. I don't like to flee from a fight but I have to agree. I care for the well being of my new companions but its every man for themselves at this point this is a fight with the odds stacked against us.
-Note-Additional to the skeletons are the summoned shadows that are resistant to our regular strikes. This is incredibly problematic as my colleagues have limited magical abilities to defeat such adversaries.
[The 2nd level Web spell has burned away and the other group of undead start to move in]
Dolen shrouds himself with his innate magical ability to create a small void of darkness. Excellent strategy ! The creatures cannot see in magical darkness. I see Killian being surrounded and the sphere of darkness Dolen created moving towards him. I assume the distraction and obstruction will provide them enough time to escape... What the ?! Ah ! Killian's teleportation, I see he's heading for the encampment walls. I cannot wait any longer, I've got to get over the wall too...
-Note-I have a theory that Lelasha the cook is controlling this hoard somehow. She does not seem to be holding concentration on an ongoing spell, which must mean she has another method of control ? If we had a more advantageous position in this combat we might've been able to test this theory.
That Blundering Oaf ! Killian has decided to take on Lelasha and her guard by himself. It appears to have the same idea I had about her controlling the horde. I have to admire that ridiculous fool. His bravery is to be commended. I can't leave him now. I've got to help him !
[Krod cast's 1st level spell Faerie Fire on Lelasha, Skeleton Captain, Summoned Shadow and a group of skeleton warriors-The Faerie Fire spell uses the gem like node in Krods palm to fire his Lightning Launcher. A gem in one palm glows blue and ignites in blue fire and the gem in the other glows green and ignites in green fire. Krod grips his hands together until the combined fire becomes violet and projects it]
Wow ! Killian is lucky to have that innate ability to project a magical shield... Ah ! Bloody Hell ! It's Dolen thank the Gods ! Not good he looks almost dead...I think that now we have on opening now, we have to try to 'cut the head off the snake' so to speak.
Killian won't last much longer. I need to try and end this...
[Krod cast's 2nd level Catapult spell-Krod pulls out a 10 foot metal chain, pink runes appears on the knuckles of Krods gauntlets. Krod runs his hand down the chain charging the chain with pink energy and launches the chain]
Got the Bitch !
...Control of the horde hasn't lifted though ?!
Killian suggests the skeleton captain. I wonder if the adrenaline of combat improves his intelligence ?
Yes ! The Captain is defeated !... No ! Their Swarming !... We need to get out of here now !... RUN !!!
-Note-The skeleton captain appears to given the skeleton horde direction. With its destruction the horde have become mindless attacking the nearest living creature. This would've been advantageous if we had taken out the captain first. The horde would've turned against Lelasha.
[Killian, Dolen and Krod run and head 2 hours out into the forest away from the encampment to escape]
...We have no choice but to brave the forest at night. We know there is another encampment a few hours away and decide as group to get there as swiftly as possible.
We're being watched ? We can all see twinkling red and yellow eyes. The good news is that it isn't the undead horde, bad news we don't know whats out there, beaten, bloodied and no energy left we cant take any chances, we cant engage.
-Note-Dolen decides to try and get the drop on whatever is tracking us. To help I use my minor magical ability to make a stone glow and toss it. This I hope will cause enough distraction by engaging with whatever is out there for Dolen to disappear.
Forest Goblins ! An unexpected development. Embler the Forest Stalker, the leader of this party informs us they've been tracking us for some time. Embler appears to be negotiable and has some sense of honor as he hasn't attacked us yet. He can see how beaten we are we're not a threat to him.
After explaining what has happened to us in the past few hours and that we came from the foresters encampment having to fight our way out he informs us they've wiped out the the undead horde. A relief as we can now make our way back instead of finding our way through the forest.
-Note-Forest Goblins are masters of stealth in their natural environment and even though Dolen disappeared expertly, he never stood a chance getting the drop on these creatures. Embler has given us safe passage through his village if we come across it. If we are to be approached he has given us the name of Galasha the Tree Talker to use. This is a massive sign of respect as we are outsiders. As a reclusive culture maybe they have unseen methods of crafting I can observe and learn ?
...What an horrific sight. The encampment is littered with bodies and undead remnants. I persuade the others to tidy up this mess, search for the personnel belongings of the woodsman and foresters, if we are to report what has happened here there is at least some closure. So we don't get any unexpected guests we burn the bodies and in this instance Killian muttering a prayer is welcomed...
...Thunder ? It's coming from the north. That's not natural, that's magical ? Embler's village is that way too. I suppose the path is laid out for us now...