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Wed 17th Jan 2024 07:28

What ?... Where are we now ?

by Krod

... Argh ! I'm alive !
... What is happening !
... I can't see !
... I feel the earth !
... I've got to get out !
[Krod use's a combination of his natural strength and innate telekinetic power to emerge from his shallow grave]
... The see the others climb out of their shallow graves too. It's good that we're all back together despite our predicament. We're not dead it seems but we're in a bad way. No sign of Blaisingdell, in fact I don't think we are even in the same region anymore, neither myself or my companions can to determine our exact location.
-Note Upon inspection of the surrounding area there are no tracks or traces of our murderers to be found. This raises a lot of questions. I believe what I see with my own senses and I know I have a lot to learn about the complexities of the Arcane but I can't deny a possible supernatural element beyond explanation at work here because we should be dead. Fact.
Dolen is back to leading the way, even with his mastery of tracking and hunting he seems to be at a loss. A main road cuts through the land and there are forests to the north and to the south that will provide us with shelter. At a glance the forest to the south seems to be more abundant in terms of growth, more life means more resources.
Almost dead and Dolen still insists on scouting ahead. Then again its probably a good thing as Killian is as subtle as a hammer on iron and that's just his personality.
An Inn in this desolate place ? Damn it all ! At this point we can't be picky, we all agree we have no choice but to take shelter here as out in the open we are vulnerable.
Like everything else in this region the Inn the name of which is called The Voyager appears to be just as desolate. Upon entering there's no one to be found and then out of nothing appears a Human who calls himself Jonas. Not a very charismatic individual, in fact he seems to emotionally void which is fantastic entertainment as Killian attempts to this charm this pillar of stone.
He provides us with a room and food. He's vague on the details of payment and that put everyone of us on edge. Nothing in life is free but we have nowhere else to go.
-Note Due to the lack of staff and patrons I suspect that this Inn is magical in nature. Listening to Jonas describe The Voyager. A theory of mine suggests is that the Inn appears to travelers who are in dire need and Jonas is either a mage of some kind or magical being who is connected to the Inn itself. Whether this is safe place is yet to be determined. For all we know this is an illusion put in place to lure us in to our final end.
A curious tip-jar lies on a table at the bottom of the staircase on a small table with a code, the numbers 0023481. Killian dumps 10 Gold pieces into the jar. I suspect this will determine how comfortable our stay is ?
Despite the comfort the room will provide us we all search it for possible traps or hidden areas. Nothing to be found so we all get ourselves cleaned up washing of the dirt and blood and head down for our food, possibly our last.
Jonas seemingly appearing out of thin air again provides us with a menu and multiple options. An establishment like this must have a hidden cost to it ? Killian decides to pay for our drinks and food. I'm too tired to argue so I accept his hospitality.
-Note the supernatural element seems to be becoming more plausible as the fire in the hearth changes colour when Killian makes his prayers. There are alchemical agents that can cause this to happen but the lack of agents being present and coincidence of the flame change can't be ignored.
The food order is as follows;
Killian-Mallard thighs cooked in a sweet vodka sauce served with a whole-grain muffin-4 sp-Pirate's Rusty Red-2 sp-Orange Quince Whiskey-1 sp.
Dolen-Duck breast sauteed in a velvety cheese sauce served with a slice of swiss cheese-6sp-Sour Mossy Mead-4sp-Orange Quince Whiskey-1 sp.
Krod-Charred flumphs cooked in a wine sauce served with a piece of wheat bread-6 sp-Mind Flayer Psychic Ale-1sp-Orange Quince Whiskey-1 sp.
Its a good to be alone with my new companions, share a possible one final meal and fine drink without the cares of the world outside.
We decide on a watch rotation and to fortify the room... I just hope we see another day.
Ah ! As predicted. Too good to be true. Despite waking up in the forest with the Inn nowhere to be found I feel rested and so do my companions. Many questions are left unanswered, how infuriating but we must move onward...
-Note I don't let the others know but I wanted to leave a message of my personnel appreciation, friend or foe we were saved. Carved on a tree I awoke from the message reads "Thank you Jonas".
Ominous much ! A clearing surrounded by purple, blue and red mushrooms and in the center is a chest. Dolen masterfully throws a stone at the chest and it sparks. Curious. I attempt to lift one of these mushrooms using my psyhonic's but they seem to be too well rooted as we cant determine the type of mushroom they are we don't want to risk getting too close. Another bright idea from Killian, we must be dead. He produces a giant rat from his bag of tricks and sends it forth to investigate, we all follow the route the giant rat took to avoid possible hazards...
...Ambush !
-Note The creatures seem to be a Fey creature of called a Redcap. Bloodthirsty and just plain evil. The weapons they wield despite crude have a nasty brutality to them. The Iron Boots almost kill all us in one hit ! I will make a note of there construction, material and skill in the future I am going to find a way to incorporate this into my arcane armor as the benefits of bludgeoning a foe with your feet as a secondary attack will keep the enemy off balance.
Contents of the Redcaps;
Playing cards
Flower, safely tucked away in a pocket
Pocket sand
A box of candles
11 cp
Flower, safely tucked away in a pocket
The contents of this chest appears to be used as a trap for the Redcap's to lure travelers to their death.
Contents of the chest;
1000 cp
7000 sp
1700 gp
2 Bronze crowns worth 250 gp each
Silver necklace with a gemstone pendant worth 250gp
Carved ivory statuette worth 250 gp
A dog mask that changes the color of what it touches to a random color once per day-An intriguing magical item. Upon inspection it turned my brown leather belongings bag to a bright yellow-Further study may cause different color changes depending on the material.
A pair of arm less hovering spectacles that can make a sound only heard by up to 5 creatures of your choice within 60 feet-Another intriguing magical item. The spectacles themselves offer no benefit in terms of actual sight but this sound that is emitted can be utilized as a warning, alert or code that only the group will know.