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Sun 15th Sep 2024 07:54


by Krod

... How do I get into that chamber ?... Upon investigation the stone Isn't as thick as the hallway from the entrance into the chamber. This will be tough but not impossible. I need to get them out !
[Killian and Lairion take out the Joker cards from the pack of playing cards and burn them in the brazier, in which is the charred remains of Mittens. The missing cat. Burning the two joker cards spawns two wraiths that attack the two of them]
Mmm ?... I wonder ?... Oh bugger it ! I haven't got time for this !
[Krod casts 2nd level Shatter at the stone door creating a massive crack. Not enough the break through but enough to ensure an entrance can be made]
...Brilliant ! It worked !... Argh ! Damn it ! I don't have enough magical power within me to cast that spell again... I wonder if I charge my battleaxe with the same power...
Raaaggghhh !!!
[Krod uses the Booming Blade cantrip on his battleaxe to mimic the effects, as much as possible of the 2nd level spell Shatter. To finally break the stone door down gaining entrance to the chamber]
... Wraiths ! Ugh ! They had to be undead didn't they. Well I'm sure Killian and Lairion are in their element cleansing these tormented souls.
[Killian and Lairion have both had their life essence drained by the wraiths having their Max HP reduced. Ximena joins the fight as Krod enters to provide reinforcements]
...Get away from me foul spirit ! Ugh this wraith keeps coming !... Stand back everyone !
[Krod uses Telekinetic Shove on the wraith in pursuit of him to get away from its reach and fires of 6 charges of his Wand of Magic Missiles. 4 darts go into the one in pursuit and 4 more go into the wraith engaging Killian and Lairion]
[Killian, Lairion, Krod and Ximena eventually take out the two wraiths with a combination of Divine Strikes from Killian, Flanking attacks made by Lairion and Ximena and magical attacks from Krod ]
... What !? What the hell ! I can't leave you two for a minute, I'm just going to sit down here while you both play at cards. I tell you what chaps, I'll get my battleaxe ready for another inevitable catastrophe.
[Killian, Lairion and Ximena solve the puzzle of the playing cards. Burning the cards in the hearts suit from 9 to the Ace. With every card burned Mittens remains twitch and eventually is brought back to life]
Mittens !!! I don't believe it ! Mittens is alive. Hahaha !...Wait catch it before it goes missing again !... Bugger !
Despite a small victory with bring back Mittens, we still have the chamber with the coffin. We inform Ximena that bringing more guards before we investigate the final chamber will be beneficial especially after the encounter we've just had. Thankfully she agrees.
After another few guards come down Ximena lets us take charge in investigating the final chamber. The coffin is centered in the chamber itself surrounded by bowls of blood, bones and flesh. I volunteer to investigate further, there seems to be no other way to determine what this coffin is other than to open it. Brace yourselves...
... I'll take that sigh of relief that I see on my companions and the guards faces as a positive. The coffin is empty and doesn't appear to be a coffin. The inside has spike facing up through the area where someone would lie, I've heard of these devices of death... Wait ? What ? Ugh ? Why do I feel like ? Ugh ?... Nobody enter this chamber !!!
-Note-The magic surrounding this coffin is immensely dark in nature. It has some way of getting into the mind forming a compulsion to willing enter the coffin. Clever way of accumulating a death toll without effort. The magic runs to deep for me to gleam its true purpose or origin. Similar to the Elder magic ring I acquired, I'm clearly not got enough experience to understand such things. I theorize that the coffin is not of this place and acts as some form of conduit. The victims are placed within the coffin and clearly killed, their souls and their flesh offered as a form of payment to this Demon lord Baal.
This is beyond my understanding, our understanding. I think a full practitioner of a holy faith is needed to help in this matter. We inform Ximena that we'll get the aid of Priestess Jelena as we have built up a small amount of respect from her and we can only do so much.
... I can tell just at a glance we're all exhausted and beaten, It's not even noon yet ! Its amazing how these situations where we think we're in control actually seem to get on top of us. Perhaps one day we will be able to tackle whatever we face instead of being beaten so easily.
-Note-We really need to find out the mysteries of the Thuderfall Hidaway. The inn is very pleasant and comfortable but we can't stay there forever and a safe haven to re-cooperate and re-charge, to call our own would be the way forward. I need a workshop to theorize, research and craft... I feel my goals in life have changed since this journey began. I wanted to be a world known master artisan like my mentor Boris but now ???...
The church is bustling with folk, it seems that Priestess Jelena is about to hold a sermon for the town. Killian takes the lead on informing the Priestess on our exploits and how Ximena is in need of her aid in the possible cultist chamber. Naturally embellishing his role of course. Thankfully I know this woman holds an subtle, strong power and can see through this buffoons blustering bullshit... Its quite entertaining to watch.
After Priestess Jelena heads off to provide her aid to Ximena, we decide as a group to find the baker Ella to inform her that Mittens has been found. By us of course, I swear if anyone proclaims they found that cat I'm gonna...
... Ahh ! Mittens, all my woes seem to melt away. I think after all the monumental steaks and dark machinations we've faced a little bit of joy to this women has made it all worth it... Oh ! Of course Killian takes the lead in telling her everything...and rest ! Wow ! A small crowd has formed, I hate to give him credit but he's done well this time as this is a perfect opportunity to spread the word and increase our standing.
-Note- Even though the reward for Mittens return was 5 silver pieces. We refuse the payment and settle on some freshly baked bread. On the notice board there is a note about pickpockets in the market square. The person who posted this was the mayor's wife with a reward of 40 gold pieces to return what was stolen. I wonder if we manage to capture the assailants, recover the stolen goods and negotiate a small reduction to the reward our reputation may increase further. This is beneficial if we reside here on a more permanent basis in the future.
We meet up with the Lady Marielle. who informs and describes to us the missing heirloom. It turns out she has not been the only one effected by pickpockets. Further investigation is required on this matter and with the forest guard caught up with the cultist chamber we're the ones to sort it.
Killian has an interesting idea to lure a pickpocket to him. He says he'll place 5 gold within a small pouch loosely to his person and loudly proclaim he has money to spend and Lairion and myself are to spot and capture the pickpocket in the act. His idea is ludicrous, ridiculous and so obvious... Its going to work isn't it.
-Note- I shall become invisible to keep close eye Killian while Lairion keeps a more watchful eye on the crowd. I shall also use the Helm of Telepathy to establish a telepahic connection to Lairion to keep him updated on our situation and provide backup if needed for combat or pursuit.
Stall 1. Nothing so far. Gods thats Expensive ! I suppose it must be worth it, its a popular market.
Stall 2. Mmmm ? I get the feeling Killians plan may have drawn a different kind of attention...
... Bloody Scammers ! That's it ! I'm getting that money back !
[Krod disconnects telepathic link to Lairion and connects to Killian to warn him the market owners are scamming him]
Damn you, you scamming cow !... For God's sake I'm going to be seen in moment...There's to many people I need to get out of here !
[The crowd in the market square notices the commotion providing opportunity for the pickpockets to strike]
Well that went wonderfully... What now... Killian what are you doing those kids won't know anything...
Well i'll be damned ! Those kids knew the pickpockets !...
-Note- If information can't be obtained by conventional means, Let Killian take the lead to find a way... I will never admit this to him but. Ingenious absolutely ingenious.
Lairion the back of the Silverpine Outfitters now !!!...
[Krod reestablishes a telepathic link to Lairion and both of them head off in pursuit]
... Its seems there's a group of these degenerates... Excellent my companions here... This group of fools they have know idea what they've got themselves in for now...