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Sat 24th Aug 2024 02:50


by Krod

[During the night of the full moon a murder took place that awoke Killian and Lairion. Krod still being Exhausted did not go with them. Lairion using his raven familiar Woe, managed to discover that the body of the victim is covered in grievous wounds, drenched in a pool in its own blood and its face cut open with the skin peeled back]
...Thank the gods ! I feel worlds better. Its still quite early and Killian is still asleep. Mmm ? I still haven't uncovered the magics behind what we found in the crypt...
Note-The Amulet is actually an Amulet of Dol Dorn. Killian will be pleased ! Its only right he gets this, He's been more than charitable with the Board, Food and Drinks.
-Another figurine of wondrous power. I can see why this magical statue has been uncovered by us a few times. Its properties bare excellent utility and scouting for folks, regardless of you being a lowly wanderer or the general of an army.
During breakfast we decide the most pressing and concerning matter in the discovery of the symbol of Baal. Killian and I inform Lairion of the cult we all encountered in Blaising Dell and how they were behind the villages corruption. To discover town such as this could very well be in a similar situation is unthinkable. We need to burn out the rot before it infects the town to the point of no return.
Despite our minor status white in the town we are not above the law. Seeing whats behind the door could see us being arrested and prosecuted. Reporting to Zimena and informing her of what we've uncovered first will ensure our story if we are apprehended by the guards.
She's definitely stressed. Definitely not in the mood for Killian but I understand that more than most... This is another stain on her record, the murder happened on her watch and another 3 over the past year hasn't helped matters. Lairion getting involved the night previous didn't go down well with the guards but Zimena knows our insight in these matters is the best shes got. I think investigating the corpse might provide more answers and reluctantly she allows us to under her supervision.
Note-The body of the victim lays under a white sheet. We all get down to business, no joking, no fooling around. Killian, Lairion and myself discover using various techniques that we've learned in our time discover more about the cause of death.
-Despite the grievous wounds across the body, the victim bleed out due to an artery being cut.
-The wounds were inflicted by a curved/wicked blade, possibly a kukri or sickle.
-The victim was alive during the ritualistic killing, when the skin was peeled.
No magical essence is found which means the killing was done by the assailants own hand. Due to this murder the town guards resources are stretched thin. No one can be spared to follow up on investigating the door with the symbol of Baal and possible cult activity We however have the ability to operate outside these restrictions so I suggest to Zimena that we could follow up our own investigation with her blessing of course. Reluctantly she agrees...
[Lairion used the 2nd level spell gentle repose to preserve and protect the corpse from any type of necromantic influence]
We make our way across town again looking out for Mittens, no luck of course. The alleyway seems un-desterbed, perhaps this investigation might come to nothing. What I should say is I hope it will.
Note- The door with the symbol doesn't appear to have any traps set mechanical or arcane. The lock doesn't appear to be complex. This is technically breaking and entering. Lairion keeps an eye out for any onlookers or unsavory characters. The doorway leads down underground.
[Lairion sends his familiar Woe to scout the tunnel ahead. Krod uses his magical tinkering feature to create a 5ft area of light on Killians shield as to not draw too much attention but also so that Killian can see as he does not possess Darkvision]
This tunnel seems to going deep... What was that ! Oh No !...
[The party trigger an unseen trap set under one of the floor boards in the tunnel. Killian falls into a pit trap and Lairion and Krod are caught in the secondary trap mechanism]
[Krod casts a 1st level cure wounds on Killian]
...Ugh ! Perhaps once. Once we'll be able to actually get to the end of hallway or basement without getting caught in a bloody trap !
At least this door is like the previous. I think scouting ahead on my own might be more beneficial, I have the means to go unnoticed..
[Krod casts 2nd level invisibility and scouts out the chamber beyond the door]
The chamber is stark and there is an element of unpleasantness about it. The central chamber has a long table in the center with a door leading of to the north,a chest lying to the south and cupboard to south east. Before investigating the area properly, the east wall looks out of place and I suspect there's possibly a room beyond
Note-The Chest contains 3 Curved blades, one of which is stained with blood. An educated guess is that the blood belongs to our recent victim.
The Cupboard contains 4 sets of robes but has room for one more. So 5 individuals we know who are involved in these murders.
The Room to the north upon first glance appear to lead into a circular chamber with a braiser in the center. Whatever was being burned hasn't been lost yet, perhaps there's something we can salvage ?
I inform the others that the immediate area seems to be secure. I decide to stay invisible just in case of any interruptions or possible ambush. The east wall has in fact got a room behind it. Let's see what's hiding... By the Gods !... It's a Coffin ! A bloody Coffin !
We need the Zimena and the Forest Guard now ! If we pry any further without there backing we could fall into a deadly situation... Wait ! Killian we need the Forest guard to see this ! Wait ! Damn It !!!
[Krod uses the helm of telepathy to cast the 2nd level suggestion spell on Killian before he decides to enter to the Room with the braiser to investigate what has been burned]
... Thank the Gods ! I don't like what i did but it had to be done especially after what i did yesterday with that ring and not taking the proper precautions. I shall remain here under the guise of invisibility While Lairion and Killian get Zimena and the forest guard.
About 20 minutes later Killian and Lairion accompanied by Zimena and two of her forest guard arrive. Now we can do a thorough search of this chamber without worry of of prosecution and backup !
... Damn It ! They're Trapped ! For once can we not spring a bloody trap ! I can't see or hear them the stone that has dropped down blocking the doorway seems to be about a foot thick. I hope they find way to lift the trap ?...
[Killian, Lairion and Zimena become trapped in the circular room with the braiser in, where they find the remains of the missing cat Mittens. They discover a set of playing cards with a riddle attached to Mittens body, solving the mystery could lead to their release]