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Fireday, 2nd of Gozran 4721 AR

17/07/22 - Session 3

by Illiara

Entry xxx
(Fireday, 2nd of Gozran 4721 AR)
My first real day at the Magaambya… Aaaand I’m going to a black market to buy an endangered species of bird. Why do I feel like I’m back at work? Granted I never dealt in anything live, but this isn’t the exact direction I had foreseen my first day of education taking.
We met another of our dorm-mates, there seem to be a number that still haven’t shown their faces. This one was a clean-shaven Dwarf named Haibran.
Him and Esi explained to us that we’d be assisting in tasks for the five branches of the school in order to get a feel for which we’d like to study under. The first task was for the Rain-Scribes. It also happened to involve tracking down a transient black market called the Kafesi Market and buying several endangered Ojofiri chicks.
With my experience, finding the market was the easiest part. I still got it.
Although to my embarrassment I got distracted by Ms. Mukami’s browsing after we arrived. Ms. Esi gave her the money, so I assumed it was worth sticking around her, and after a fashion it really was.
We discovered a fraudulent vendor and Ms. Mukami got into a screaming match with him. She had the good sense to pass me the coin first (not that I ended up needing it), and I had the good sense to get far away before the shouting started.
To my surprise Ms.Ruin was apparently the one to locate our quarry, she also appeared to be quite smitten with the little creatures. Well one of them at least. It seems the way into her good graces are a combination of food and …birds? I shall have to test how far that last one goes.
She’s certainly easier to approach without Ms. M’Olivia spinning a trench in the ground around her. Speaking of… I wonder where she got off to? Perhaps she overslept.
I turned the usual charm on the lady who sold the Ojofiri and tried to locate her supplier for extra credit… I’m not exactly sure the Magaambya goes in for that kind of thing, but well, being thorough has never harmed me. Regretfully the chicks were bought in from out of town, far out of the Magaambya’s influence it would seem. Smart.
We returned to the dorms with 5 Ojofiri chicks. Not a bad haul.
We returned to deliver the baby birds and everyone parted ways to do their own thing. Ms. Ruin and Mr. Cuali went off to work picking fruit so I figured I’d buy Ms. Ruin a peace offering… She can look after an Emu right? Right?
Gift down, bath time. Ms. Mukami and Mr. Malnar had yet to return so it was quiet enough. Ms. Ruin was waiting for me outside my room… It appears gifts make her suspicious and no mention of taking a bath. Baby steps.
I could hear everyone in the dorm squabbling through the walls all night, but I got another spell copied down despite the racket.
Tomorrow’s task is assigned by the Tempest Sun Mages, this should be fun.
I just looked at the calendar… 11 more days and I’m 40 huh? I guess a human might find that remarkable, but most elves would still see me as a toddling babe.

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  1. The Dream
  2. 03/07/22 - Session 1
  3. 10/07/22 - Session 2
  4. 17/07/22 - Session 3
    Fireday, 2nd of Gozran 4721 AR
  5. 24/07/22 - Session 4
    Starday, 3rd of Gozran 4721 AR
  6. 07/08/22 - Session 5
    Moonday, 5th of Gozran 4721 AR
  7. 14/08/22 - Session 6
    Moonday, 5th of Gozran 4721 AR
  8. 21/08/22 - Session 7
    Toilday, 6th of Gozran 4721 AR
  9. 04/09/22 - Session 8
    Wealday, 7th of Gozran 4721 AR
  10. 02/10/22 - Session 9 & 10 [WIP]
    Wealday, 7th of Gozran 4721 AR - Fireday, 9th of Gozran 4721 AR
  11. 09/10/22 - Session 11
    Toilday, 13th of Gozran 4721 AR
  12. 23/10/22 - Session 13
    Oathday, 15th of Gozran 4721 AR
  13. 20/11/22 - Session 15
    Fireday, 16th of Gozran 4721 AR
  14. 04/12/22 - Session 16
    Starday, 17th of Gozran 4721 AR
  15. 19/02/23 - Session 22
  16. 05/03/23 - Session 23
  17. 31/03/24 - Session 38
  18. 07/04/24 - Session 39
  19. 28/04/24 - Session 40
  20. 05/05/24 - Session 41
  21. 19/05/24 - Session 42
  22. 26/05/24 - Session 43