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Wed 6th Jul 2022 06:33

03/07/22 - Session 1

by Illiara

Entry xxx
(Spring, 4721 AR)
I’ve been in the city of Nantambu for a month and a half…
I HAD intended to be here for much longer, to settle myself in slowly, get to know the people and learn about the Magaambya at my own pace.
Life had other plans for me, regardless, I’m here now.
The interview process for the Magaambya was not quite what I was expecting, far more mundane and questionable whether or not it was truly worth my time. Teacher Ot, however, seems worth my time. Clear-spoken and WILLING to share his knowledge unlike the oleaginous dung-heaps in Katheer. At the very least he didn’t propose I marry his son in lieu of payment.
Now I guess the part I’ve been avoiding… They were in my group. The strangers from that dreamscape 3 years ago.
The human, an arcane fighter named Malnar. I’ll be honest I glazed over his story when he spoke about bringing people joy through humor. What practical use is there in that? He seemed the most easygoing of them.
The other human(???), Mukami. She said some things that appeared to stir Mr. Cuali and Teacher Ot up a little. Seems her place of origin is an interesting topic, once I have more time I should get a better lay of the land. She had an adorable little companion with her(a kitten), perhaps a familiar like the lemur? I’ve always found familiars to be a crutch, but I can see the appeal.
Ruin, RUIN, of course her name would be Ruin. Ruin my mood why don’t you. She was every bit as abrasive as I remember… She was on much better behavior though… I can understand her reaction to having her dreams invaded, but WHY WAS I SINGLED OUT!? Learn to swing a weapon if you’re going to carry around an armory… every part of me just wanted to turn her into a slug. I can’t even do that yet but Arazni willing I would find a way.
I haven’t had such uncontrollable spiteful urges since Bloodcove, thank-you for that mother.
I suppose Ms. Ruin isn’t the worst person I’ve met, she seems… Lonely.
The gnome, M’Olivia. Timid, sweet and trying her best. Her goal is practical, to help her community, I can respect that. Her speech about flowers blooming was a bit… Well flowery, but I admire someone who doesn’t just think about themselves. Her taste in people seems to leave a little to be desired though… She appears to have imprinted on Ms. Ruin. Lets see if she still likes her when she’s a slug
The orc, I’m still unsure as to his abilities beyond combat, Cuali Yaotl. Important family? His initial aspirations seem… hollow. Forcing yourself to meet your family's perceived expectations never ends well.
He’s a kind boy, kindness and openness might be a strength in this place but one day it’s going to get him hurt. Loathe as I am to compliment Ms. Ruin, she has the right Idea. A house has walls for a reason and you don’t just let strangers into your home, let alone your heart.
Worst of all he tried to speak to me about the dream in public, without wards, worry or reservation.
Naive. I don’t care what sage, god or extraplanar being put us on this path, but I will not play its game willingly.
Worst of all if it catches my mothers attention… My dreams are off limits and not up for discussion.
I miss my house, my paintings, my pillows, my statutes. I miss the dry evening heat. I miss the sounds of my birds and frogs lulling me to sleep. And not living in proximity of an unstable slab of beef.

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  1. The Dream
  2. 03/07/22 - Session 1
  3. 10/07/22 - Session 2
  4. 17/07/22 - Session 3
    Fireday, 2nd of Gozran 4721 AR
  5. 24/07/22 - Session 4
    Starday, 3rd of Gozran 4721 AR
  6. 07/08/22 - Session 5
    Moonday, 5th of Gozran 4721 AR
  7. 14/08/22 - Session 6
    Moonday, 5th of Gozran 4721 AR
  8. 21/08/22 - Session 7
    Toilday, 6th of Gozran 4721 AR
  9. 04/09/22 - Session 8
    Wealday, 7th of Gozran 4721 AR
  10. 02/10/22 - Session 9 & 10 [WIP]
    Wealday, 7th of Gozran 4721 AR - Fireday, 9th of Gozran 4721 AR
  11. 09/10/22 - Session 11
    Toilday, 13th of Gozran 4721 AR
  12. 23/10/22 - Session 13
    Oathday, 15th of Gozran 4721 AR
  13. 20/11/22 - Session 15
    Fireday, 16th of Gozran 4721 AR
  14. 04/12/22 - Session 16
    Starday, 17th of Gozran 4721 AR
  15. 19/02/23 - Session 22
  16. 05/03/23 - Session 23
  17. 31/03/24 - Session 38
  18. 07/04/24 - Session 39
  19. 28/04/24 - Session 40
  20. 05/05/24 - Session 41
  21. 19/05/24 - Session 42
  22. 26/05/24 - Session 43