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Wealday, 7th of Gozran 4721 AR - Fireday, 9th of Gozran 4721 AR

02/10/22 - Session 9 & 10 [WIP]

by Illiara

Entry xxx
(Wealday, 7th of Gozran 4721 AR)
Day Five continued ~
So much has happened as of late I fear I'll soon be unable to keep up. We returned to the dormitory after the attack, Mr. Cuali seems to be taking this all far worse than I'd imagined.
I always forget how young they are, given some time I'm sure they'll all learn to process these things better.
I tracked Ms. Noxolo down and commissioned some clothes to distinguish Havvix from the common Gremlin around campus. Hopefully it will keep him out of undue travel. I do feel a little guilty though.
Ms. Noxolo appears to have some performance planned for tonight and asking her to rush an order on clothes while she prepares does leave a bad taste in my mouth.
I'm not sure what the others got up to after we returned to the dorms, I think Mr. Cuali was happy to hide within his chambers before Ms. Esi extracted him from hiding. I don't know what she said or did, but I appreciate how she handled things nonetheless.
I had the good fortune to cross paths with Mr. Ignaci just before I started toilet training Havvix, not that the help was entirely needed, but I enjoy the company while I work.
Mr. Haibram and Chizire, up to their usual hijinks, set fire to something in the bathroom. It smelled reminiscent of an outhouse fire.
Nothing of real worth was damaged, but Mr. Cuali seemed to be veering down an unfavourable path. Unaddressed anger issues might blow up in our faces at some point. Also Ruin seemed to like it which isn't exactly reassuring.
The reason Ms. Esi extracted Cuali from his room was so that everyone could get together and take part in some activities.
Truthfully it was what we all needed. A lot happened and I feel that trying to half-heartedly commit it to paper might cheapen it.
I got a new bead from Ruin, It's quite well made. Perhaps there's a crafty side to her after all.

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  1. The Dream
  2. 03/07/22 - Session 1
  3. 10/07/22 - Session 2
  4. 17/07/22 - Session 3
    Fireday, 2nd of Gozran 4721 AR
  5. 24/07/22 - Session 4
    Starday, 3rd of Gozran 4721 AR
  6. 07/08/22 - Session 5
    Moonday, 5th of Gozran 4721 AR
  7. 14/08/22 - Session 6
    Moonday, 5th of Gozran 4721 AR
  8. 21/08/22 - Session 7
    Toilday, 6th of Gozran 4721 AR
  9. 04/09/22 - Session 8
    Wealday, 7th of Gozran 4721 AR
  10. 02/10/22 - Session 9 & 10 [WIP]
    Wealday, 7th of Gozran 4721 AR - Fireday, 9th of Gozran 4721 AR
  11. 09/10/22 - Session 11
    Toilday, 13th of Gozran 4721 AR
  12. 23/10/22 - Session 13
    Oathday, 15th of Gozran 4721 AR
  13. 20/11/22 - Session 15
    Fireday, 16th of Gozran 4721 AR
  14. 04/12/22 - Session 16
    Starday, 17th of Gozran 4721 AR
  15. 19/02/23 - Session 22
  16. 05/03/23 - Session 23
  17. 31/03/24 - Session 38
  18. 07/04/24 - Session 39
  19. 28/04/24 - Session 40
  20. 05/05/24 - Session 41
  21. 19/05/24 - Session 42
  22. 26/05/24 - Session 43