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Starday, 3rd of Gozran 4721 AR

24/07/22 - Session 4

by Illiara

Entry xxx
(Starday, 3rd of Gozran 4721 AR)
Day two, Gremlins. I’ll admit to not knowing so much about the fair folk of the first world. Ms. Mukami seemed to have a better grasp of the creatures than I, so I deferred to her expertise.
Our task today was for the Tempest Sun Mages. A storehouse required ridding of some gremlins, Pugwampi to be specific. According to Ms. Mukami, Pugwampi are yappy little dog-headed creatures that revere Gnolls like gods.
The Puwampi had been barricaded into a storeroom to keep them contained, though considering later discoveries it’s a wonder they were still there.
Given that we were asked not to fatally wound them we opted for a diplomatic approach. Ms. Mukami coerced poor Ms. Root into assisting us, she agreed… But I’m not entirely sure how much actual choice she had in the matter.
A few thrown glass bottles and one Anchor Root later and the situation resolved itself quite neatly. I may have gotten a little carried away and given one of the little gremlins a scare, giving creatures nightmares while they’re awake is difficult at best but it worked in our favour this time at least. The fleeing Pugwampi exited through a trapdoor concealed in the storehouse.
There seem to be an alarming number of tunnels beneath the Magaambya, but this appears to be known… according to Esi.
We even found a hidden entrance within the Spire Dormitory. Shall have to keep an eye on that.
Anyway, the Gremlins. Ms. Root managed to extract from them that they work for a Pugwampi named Kurshkin who takes her orders from a 'scary ghost'. They supposedly have big plans, but what constitutes a big plan for a Pugwampi, I haven't a clue.
Regardless we stuck them in some barrels and had a merchant take them out of town. Success.
Besides the aforementioned tunnels, not much else happened in the evening.
I learned some spells from Malnar’s book and I must admit I’m running really rather short on supplies for proper spell transcription… I may have to seek another job.

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  1. The Dream
  2. 03/07/22 - Session 1
  3. 10/07/22 - Session 2
  4. 17/07/22 - Session 3
    Fireday, 2nd of Gozran 4721 AR
  5. 24/07/22 - Session 4
    Starday, 3rd of Gozran 4721 AR
  6. 07/08/22 - Session 5
    Moonday, 5th of Gozran 4721 AR
  7. 14/08/22 - Session 6
    Moonday, 5th of Gozran 4721 AR
  8. 21/08/22 - Session 7
    Toilday, 6th of Gozran 4721 AR
  9. 04/09/22 - Session 8
    Wealday, 7th of Gozran 4721 AR
  10. 02/10/22 - Session 9 & 10 [WIP]
    Wealday, 7th of Gozran 4721 AR - Fireday, 9th of Gozran 4721 AR
  11. 09/10/22 - Session 11
    Toilday, 13th of Gozran 4721 AR
  12. 23/10/22 - Session 13
    Oathday, 15th of Gozran 4721 AR
  13. 20/11/22 - Session 15
    Fireday, 16th of Gozran 4721 AR
  14. 04/12/22 - Session 16
    Starday, 17th of Gozran 4721 AR
  15. 19/02/23 - Session 22
  16. 05/03/23 - Session 23
  17. 31/03/24 - Session 38
  18. 07/04/24 - Session 39
  19. 28/04/24 - Session 40
  20. 05/05/24 - Session 41
  21. 19/05/24 - Session 42
  22. 26/05/24 - Session 43