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Moonday, 5th of Gozran 4721 AR

07/08/22 - Session 5

by Illiara

Entry xxx
(Sunday, 4th of Gozran - Moonday, 5th of Gozran 4721 AR)
[Sunday] Day three, still Gremlins.
The Cascade Bearers set our task today. Ms. Mariama, a new face, greeted us alongside Ms. Root.
As Ms. Mariama put it, the Cascade Bearers help advance magical research and make sure new magic is safe to work with. The actual task for the day is to gather ingredients for a ritual of some kind.
Scarlet Caps, or 'Tree Blood' for Scarlet Cap Oil.
Lucky Bones for Bone Oil.
Caterpillars for Caterpillar Oil.
I thought we'd be under Ms. Roots care, but apparently she was just supposed to help us discern which bones were lucky. She encouraged us to pursue the bones first, a logical course of action, before we had to leave the city for the other two ingredients.
I did have some questions for Ms. Root about what qualified a bone as lucky, but aside from some amusing conversation I can't say I learned anything I could use.
We found a butcher shop where I could assist in deboning some chicken for 20 or so minutes in order to get enough bones to hopefully find some lucky ones. Having cooked for over 20 years I should expect I have some experience in the matter but there is always time for more practice, especially when you're long-lived. Maybe I should cook for the dormitory someday soon?
Anyway, anyway we got back and had Ms. Root assess the bones, ten were lucky. We inquired some more Into how her abilities functioned. A tradition of her people, learned or otherwise.
I may have had a little fun at her expense but Mr. Cuali is a little too straight-laced to have let that continue for long.
We helped Ms. Root get the Bone Oil started and headed out of the city for the rest of our ingredients.
Ms. Ruin seems to have the best head on her shoulders when it comes to navigating out in the wilds. Mr. Malnar as well, I think. We found a tree covered in scarlet caps and a mushroom monster hiding in the boughs. I don't think we needed to fight, Mr. Malnar and I could have gotten everything we needed at a distance and left. Some blockhead blundered forward and got us attacked which in turn got us infected with its spores.
Lucky for them I can't quite remember who it was or what came next. I think Ms. Ruin got a hold of my journal and saw the old sketch of her in the back. I got about half a sketch of the creature to hopefully help diagnose us, I suppose it must have been enough given that we are alive.
Somehow we made it back to the dormitory alive AND with the caterpillars… [reminder to buy more Ink]
Ms. Esi identified the creature that attacked us as a Myceloid and let's just say it's lucky we're in the foremost magical academy in the world.
I was getting pretty tired at this point… I'm pretty sure someone somehow convinced Ms. Ruin to take a bath and now one of my dresses is missing.
I had some unusual dreams about Atronea trying to feed me frogs… and then Ms. Ruin had a tantrum in the corridor and everyone was buzzing around the hallways.
[Moonday] Day Four… The final Gremlin.
I slept exceptionally well, the others were… A mixed offering. We gathered at the storehouse once more to perform a ritual to repel the Pugwampi. I genuinely could not tell if any part of the ritual was magical and now I'm sort of annoyed that I nearly got killed by a mushroom for this.
The wards were supposedly successful, but will apparently only last a week.
Ms. Mariama gave us the rundown on the school branches, an Incredibly biased rundown, but I don’t think she’s changed my mind much. It’s still the Tempest-Sun Mages. We’ll be starting our next task shortly, So I suppose I’ll get ready for that now…

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  1. The Dream
  2. 03/07/22 - Session 1
  3. 10/07/22 - Session 2
  4. 17/07/22 - Session 3
    Fireday, 2nd of Gozran 4721 AR
  5. 24/07/22 - Session 4
    Starday, 3rd of Gozran 4721 AR
  6. 07/08/22 - Session 5
    Moonday, 5th of Gozran 4721 AR
  7. 14/08/22 - Session 6
    Moonday, 5th of Gozran 4721 AR
  8. 21/08/22 - Session 7
    Toilday, 6th of Gozran 4721 AR
  9. 04/09/22 - Session 8
    Wealday, 7th of Gozran 4721 AR
  10. 02/10/22 - Session 9 & 10 [WIP]
    Wealday, 7th of Gozran 4721 AR - Fireday, 9th of Gozran 4721 AR
  11. 09/10/22 - Session 11
    Toilday, 13th of Gozran 4721 AR
  12. 23/10/22 - Session 13
    Oathday, 15th of Gozran 4721 AR
  13. 20/11/22 - Session 15
    Fireday, 16th of Gozran 4721 AR
  14. 04/12/22 - Session 16
    Starday, 17th of Gozran 4721 AR
  15. 19/02/23 - Session 22
  16. 05/03/23 - Session 23
  17. 31/03/24 - Session 38
  18. 07/04/24 - Session 39
  19. 28/04/24 - Session 40
  20. 05/05/24 - Session 41
  21. 19/05/24 - Session 42
  22. 26/05/24 - Session 43