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Thu 28th Apr 2022 04:28

Allustan Troubles (Discord Archive)

by "Gnomeswinger" ,"Lizardsbane", "Bearfather", "Kingbiter" Viridian

After the adrenaline wears off from fighting the undead, worm-infested zombiefolk in the basement, Viridian takes advantage of the downtime before turning in for the night. Intentionally seeking out Marzena's room, he sits down on her oomphy bed, takes his boots off and rubs his sore feet. The smell is nearly overwhelming - even to him - as he has not had a chance to remove his boots since they were on the road to the keep with Allustan, over a week ago, and before the long trek through the swamp. Ripe and rancid would not even begin to describe the stinging odor's assault on his nostrils. As he contemplates the events over the past several days, now laying barefoot and stretched out across the bed, he lets loose his lower intestinal muscles to relieve an auditory expulsion of pent up digestive discomfort that had been compiling for days. "Ahhhhh, that feels better!" he thinks to himself with a relaxing sigh.
During the several day ride back to Diamond Lake, Viridian spends much of the trek in thought, contemplating the upcoming meeting with Allustan. "That rat bastard has deceived and cheated me more than once now. Do I kill him for that? I've killed men for less. But if I kill him, he can't show me where he took the owlbear. But do I trust him to be true to his word and take me there anyways? I can't trust his word, he's already shown that multiple times now. And if he did, would the owlbear even remember me now after all this time? I feel like too much time has passed already, and it's no longer the baby I took from the farm. I don't know what I was thinking, really, when I took the thing. I felt bad for killing its parents, even though we had no choice. I couldn't bring myself to kill the baby, and I couldn't leave it there, all alone and helpless. Maybe some part of me deep inside felt like I was that baby, left alone in a harsh world, and I wanted to rescue it from the fate I endured as a child. To give it a parent that would love and take care of it, as I never had. Regardless, it is no longer the baby I saved, thanks to Smenk. I would kill that gnome-fucker of a coward a thousand times if I could. I hate that I didn't get the chance. And then Allustan promised to keep the creature safe and contained until I returned, only to release it into the wilds. I should kill Allustan for that. I should take my revenge that I was robbed of with Smenk, before it's too late. It's settled then. I will kill Allustan when we get back to Diamond Lake. I can find the owlbear on my own, I don't need that scheming mage's help. I'll deal with the consequences, whatever they may be, but I can't let him go unpunished for what he did."
With set and unwavering intent, Viridian heads to Allustan's with the group - all unknowing of his intentions ahead of them. As they walk through the foyer, and into the house, his fists tighten in anticipation of the sweet revenge and justice that awaits. "Should I do it now, right here in front of everyone? I doubt anyone here will really be too upset - it seems no one in our group really has much affinity to him anyways. I'll make it quick... " As they enter the sitting room, Marzena running ahead of them, Viridian stealthily slips his battle axe from his belt and into his sweating grip at his side. His steps seem to quicken just slightly as he aims to close the distance between them, when all of the sudden he stops dead in his tracks. "What is she doing sitting on his lap? Daddy?! She's his DAUGHTER?!?!" If anyone were looking at Viridian instead of the unexpected scene in front of them, they would see a look of utter dejected confusion and disbelief on his face, as sweat drips off his brow. He quietly slips the axe back into its holder on his belt and slumps down hard onto the couch next to him. He remains silent for the entire conversation to come, simply staring dumbfoundedly at Allustan - trying to reformulate any semblance of a plan he once had.