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Dear Diary,
Well, I'm not alone anymore - whether I like it or not. After years of wandering the lands after leaving home, I wound up in Greyhawk and these "adventurers" decided to just follow me around after doing a job for some hoity toity nobleman. There was a cute little elf druid girl that wasn't so bad (for an elf), but she left after that job was done. Another elf wizard who up and vanished as well - good riddance I say. You can never trust an elf, and a magician at that only makes it even worse. There was also this holier than thou paladin who wasn't as preachy as others I've seen. He saved a dog from a fighting pit, which kind of pissed me off considering I had already placed a bet. That guy ended up getting in trouble with his church or something for just trying not to get arrested. Just goes to show you that those religious types are overrated anyways. There was also this weird chick who liked to tell stories and had a pet imp. The imp was cool, but I never trusted that woman. Turns out my suspicions were right (as always) because she bailed just when things started to get a little dicey. I think she was a witch, so good riddance to her as well. Last from that original group is this monk guy who is still hanging around. He's cool enough, I guess. Kinda scrawny, but can hold his own with weaker, lesser foes while I take out the big, main threats. He likes to kick people and is always disappearing, but at least he comes back. I can't blame him though for wanting to hang around me for protection - people usually pay good money for that and he's getting it for free. Reminds me of that old proverb - I think it went... "why stroke the bull when you can milk it for free." Something like that.
It's mostly been a whirlwind of groupies since that initial job for the rich guy. There was a dwarf who, despite his claim to want to party, was actually rather grumpy. I liked him - we got along just great. I would kill things and he'd heal my cuts and bruises afterwards. He stormed off one night while we were, ironically enough, partying. I have a feeling I'll see him again sometime. I hope so, he was cool. There were a few others who showed up in the weirdest of places - an odd water elf bard I think? Some skinny other elf who danced around with his swords - it was super fruity and lame. He'd spend more time twirling around being fancy than actually killing stuff, but I guess that's pretty consistent with elves. Another reason I can't stand them. Then this furry little cat kid found me in some tomb, which was spooky enough until he started talking to dead people. That was super weird. I did like him though - he was like my tiny little pet buddy. I think subconsciously I was trying to fill the void of my little stolen owlbear with something else small and furry and he fit the bill. I was even going to let him hang out in my new harness I had made, but he vanished one night just after we killed that pansy white orc who was trying to kill me. Pfft, like he had a chance. I guess if my furry little buddy bailed after a fight, he wasn't cut out enough to hang with me.
I did get invited to some fancy tavern to meet a couple secret friends of the witch. Not really my cup of tea (tea is for wussies by the way), but I went anyways to see if the ladies there were any better than the places I frequent. Turns out they weren't bad... I did end up spending a wild night with the prettiest one in the place, so it wasn't a total waste of time. I'll have to detail that in another journal entry... While I was occupied with the babe, the groupies following me around decided to invite more to join my little fan club. I can't really blame them, although I wish they had better taste or at least screened the newcomers. There was another dwarf, a cleric he said, who I actually like quite well. He was a good addition to my group. I seem to get along with that little race - probably because they seem to really ... Look up to me! But, with the dwarf was another puny elf who I was told was like a package deal. I think he... she? I really don't know still if it's a guy or girl with that long hair and tiny frame. I think they're just a really homely girl elf who is like the dwarf's servant or something. She keeps trying to impress me, but I just really can't stand those guys - always thinking they're better than everyone else. Gnomes on the other hand... Those tiny little guys are super fun! Fun to watch, fun to mess with, and even more fun to swing around. Which reminds me of another person I had to save who won't leave my side now. Another wizard type, ugh. This one though has proven to be pretty useful at times. Maybe enough to help me get over my distaste for them... we'll see. I still only trust magicians as far as I can throw them. No, wait. I can throw pretty dang far. That must have been a line thought up by a weak elf or something. I trust magicians as far as an elf can throw them! Although, the last one to join my little fan club happens to be another elf ... I think? I thought I saw the outline of those pointy ears showing through her hood. I think she might be hot, but I still can't quite see through the shadows her hood casts over her face. I'll admit, there are some pretty attractive elven women I've seen, so that whole race isn't a total failure. Except of course the one hanging around the dwarf with us. Gods she's ugly.
Anyways. These latest groupies seem cool enough I guess. I still haven't decided if they're quite worthy enough for me to keep hanging out with, but they are growing on me. Being alone for so many years did have plenty of perks and upsides. No one to pester me or hold me back. I only had to watch out for them if the pay was good. No responsibilities or liabilities to worry about. These guys seem pretty needy and I have a feeling they won't last long without me if they keep getting into trouble. I don't want that on my conscience just now, so I'll stick around a bit longer. Plus, I'm sure they're learning so much from me. Actually, should I be charging them for that? I don't know why I only started attracting these followers since arriving in Grewhawk. Maybe they're wanting to start a cult around me... the Cult of Viridian. That's not bad actually...
Until next time, All my love -