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  • Kullen; albino half-orc bounty hunter / muscle for Balabar Smenk in Diamond Lake. Personal grudge.

  • Wizard; Kullen's Gang pet wizard. He is now in an unmarked grave after trying to come after us.

  • Gnome Wizard; Thieves' Guild member. Jumped us for gold. Used as a makeshift weapon to kill his friends with his body.

  • Faceless One; Vecna Cult leader. He had no face, and now has no head.

  • Giant Boar; Made for some excellent bacon.

  • Grimlock Kennelmaster; easy enough and got a sweet scary mask off his corpse.

  • Wind Duke Ancient Clay Golem; tough fight, but yielded a huge profit from the clay remains.

  • Giant. Apes! 4 of them so far...

  • Garras; another dirty half orc. This one was a Hextor cultist who bit off more than he could chew when he challenged me. I won the battle of wits and then took his head.

  • Shesht - Lizardfolk shaman, turned into a giant crocodile and tried to eat me. But I cleaved him in two.

  • Giant Snake; Huge, easily 500 ft long and weighing 2000 lbs. Technically one of those floating jellyfish that sometimes come to me killed it, but still counts as my kill.

  • Harpy; it bit Armando so I slapped it and broke its neck. Might need to tame my own giant pythons... naw, who am I kidding!?

  • Lizardfolk King; I recall eating some jerky I skinned from a lizardfolk shaman, and then my memory is hazy. I only vaguely recall some primal recollection from the depths of my mind where I had the lizardfolk king in my mouth... jaws? ... and was rolling around until he went limp. I seemed to wake and saw Kit standing over me with a bloody dagger, and a gods-awful taste in my mouth. But the king was dead at my feet, so naturally I took and wore his crown to proclaim my kingly triumph!

  • Basilisk; big six-legged lizard that tried turning me to stone before I hacked it in two with my axe. Maybe next time, scaley-boi!

  • Tamatoa; gigantic crab the size of a brothel with a shell covered in loot and treasure. Arman snuck in for the killing blow, but that was the only time he even hit the thing the whole fight, while I was whaling away on it, draining it of life and brining it near death by the time Arman stole my kill. I swear I heard it sing "You'll never be quite as Shiny... You wish you were nice and Shiny..." as it lay dying.

  • Woe Strider; some kind of ugly ass lanky elf monstrosity with a void full of purple eyeballs where its face should be. Still better looking than Lhoris. I cut down a couple of them while the group focused on the other 2.

  • Ghostblade Eidolons; weak-ass ghosts that were pouring black ooze out of cups. A whole town was infested with them, so I killed like a dozen and rid the place of their evil presence. Got a sweet golden bow from a god as thanks, but I gave it to Kit since it was too small for me.

  • Cyclops-es; several of them tried to ambush is in a ravine on a road trip. They were stupid... not just to jump us, but also like really stupid. I was loving every blood-soaked second of it!

    *Note to self: Stop letting these bastards steal my kills. The list would be much longer if it weren't for their swooping in at the last second to take my glory!