Reading Challenge August 2024

The first week, I started out strong. Copper under my belt, I looked forwards to winning silver. But as it turns out, my muse was not interested in badges this year. I spent the rest of my time coordinating IP with my homebrew additions, cleaning up maps, and generally getting prepared to GM using World Anvil as my primary script.   I'm not sad (well maybe a little). I do have A CRAPTON of stubs that were generated by prompts. I think I'll continue to use the prompts this fall, making Exandria more and more MY Exandria.   So off to the showers. Clean the sand out of shoes, cracks, and crevasses. Put away the beach towels and the umbrella. Time to get back to work (so much housework... ).  

The Reading Challenge

Just a quick note regarding my approach to choosing articles. While I enjoyed reading the work of our more established community members, I decided to dedicate my reading challenge to folks who didn't get quite as many "eyeballs." I also committed to treating the entries as first drafts; looking for engaging ideas and interesting perspectives, while ignoring grammar and spelling gaffs.


Prompt #5: A document that changed the course of history

sponsored by Tillerz
A letter to King James II from Erasmus Horthall
Document | Jul 30, 2024

I enjoyed the initial concept that a letter could change history, even if it wasn't widely published. The description drew me in to follow the links and read more about your world. By dropping in references that had links, but were not explained in the article, the author really piqued my interest. Well done!

A quote from, or an image of the document would be a nice addition. I am curious as to why Horthall needed to deliver a letter: why not just talk to the king? What circumstances surrounded the choice of communication method?

Pharmacopoeia Arcanum
Document | Aug 2, 2024

The author had me at "...detailing the results of an experimental approach to magic." I am really interested in how an experimental approach to magic works out in a world. I have a few articles regarding that topic in my world: The Ring of Fire and Dragons. I also enjoyed the hints at how the pantheon in this world has changed over time. I would be interested in more detail about how the Pharmocopoeia Arcanum influenced later scholars. Did any follow her lead in using experimental methodology? Is the book accessible to readers in the present? Did she establish, or was she involved with a particular school?


Prompt #12: A technology used for defense or protection

sponsored by Kwyn Marie
Surat Weave
Technology / Science | Aug 3, 2024

This entry was short and to the point, which I think is an advantage in an article about a material. Several references to its historical and social context really helped engage me with the world itself. I'd love to see those connections reinforced with links to other articles.

02 - Shell Sheath
Technology / Science | Jul 17, 2024

This article is something of a contrast to the previous. The author was true to their summer camp goal of submitting an article for every prompt, and allowed that many submissions still needed a lot of editing. I respect that, and I think this article has a lot of potential. I enjoyed the story of a people without an arcane tradition, harvesting and innovating with a material that had an innate arcane quality.


Prompt #17: A tradition that gives comfort

sponsored by Delenya Marr

Both the entries I picked are interesting ideas that have a lot of room for added detail.

Seasonal Blessing Walks
Tradition / Ritual | Jul 26, 2024

One of the strengths here is the way the ritual is woven into the history of the settlement. The generalities of the ceremony are fairly thorough, but light in specific detail. I think adding in specific details and/or scenes would be very helpful in making this description more vibrant.

Clearly this is an early draft, but I think it has a lot of potential.The origin myth feels very much like a legitimate oral tradition. With more brainstorming on the template specific prompts, this could be a really interesting ritual.


Prompt #27: A degenerative disease

sponsored by Spleen
Dew Tick Disease
Condition | Aug 29, 2024

What caught my attention was the idea of researchers working to find ways to mitigate or cure the diesase with magic. I'm always down for the development of magical "technology".


This entry is relativly complete in terms of description of the disease itself. I feel that it could be elevated with more input from the inhabitants of the world; quotes, personal anecdotes, etc.

Curse of Stone
Condition | Jul 28, 2024

A curse afflicting those that mine the valuable living stone close to where the earthen realms converge on the material plane.

Another interesting vector: earth sap, a sentient residue (?) from the Earthen Plane. The author does a nice job of tying in social and political remifications into the description of the condition. I definily followed the links for awhile.


Prompt # 29: A storyteller, author or bard in your world

sponsored by ?
Character | Jul 31, 2024

Oh, yes, definitely heavy metal. And so mysterious. Definitely got me wondering about Dirge. I can see many articles branching off from this, describing the individual songs, and the bards that record them. Do they dare play any of Dirge's songs themselves?

Character | Jul 31, 2024

Skysailor, author, and history fanatic.

I love this character. I want to read about the shenanegans she was involved with!


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