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Merchant Guild Ward

The Merchant Guild Ward, located in the northeast end of Hollow's Point, contains many small shops and the open market, as well as a popular inn named the Misty Maiden. Local produce, wares, and livestock can be found here, as well as an emporium of various trinkets, nick knacks, and oddities called Bollyboondock’s. General purpose items, including adventuring gear, can be found here also, at a place called Fillodern’s Necessities. Exotic items and unique shops will pop up in this area only to be replaced weeks later with another type of shop or merchant.   While merchants and shops exist throughout the city, the Merchant’s Guild is responsible for the health and welfare of the economic community in Hollow’s Point. They are currently headed by Guillaume Merryfeather an elderly Halfling male who has been part of the Merchant Guild for much of his adult life. He has seen Hollow’s Point’s economy rise and fall many times in his tenure. He is a jovial fellow with a great patience for people and trends. He has weathered many an economic storm and continues to look to the future. He does a good job of keeping most of the merchants happy and he is on a first name basis with the majority of the shopkeepers, tavern owners, and traveling merchants who make Hollow’s Point a regular stop. While he might be happy to deal with people, he is no fool and takes his job seriously. He does not dislike Guildlord Bristlebottom, but he thinks she spends too much time with festivals and not enough time with the money to be made from those same festivals.   The Emerald Coin, a temple to Greegis, can be found in the Merchant Ward and is a very popular temple in Hollow’s Point. It is headed up by Master Merchant Peralin Huestone, a Human of advancing years. His white hair, and bushy beard hide a keen mind that is ever on the hunt for great deals, or to gain an upper hand in any dealings he has with people. He keeps a mental inventory of all the favours he owes and are owed to him, and he will collect as he sees fit.   Well-established in the Merchant Ward is Bollyboondock’s – the foremost Emporium of Oddities, Curios, and Quirky Things. It is run by the Bollyboondocks, a family of Gnomes that create, import, sell, and buy all sorts of oddities, from clockwork items, to strange foreign games, to interesting and unique art pieces. Initially started as a small shop, the Bollyboondocks, of which there are a lot of, quickly grew and kept expanding their space. Their popularity has quietly launched them into the top three merchant families in Hollow’s Point, no small feat, despite their diminutive stature. Led by Antwhistle Bollyboondock, this family business continues to grow, and there has been talk of opening up another location in Essillion, and maybe even further, all the way down to Riverbless. They dream big and luck seems to be on their side.   Fillodern’s Necessities is a group of smaller shops around Hollow’s Point that specialize in adventuring gear, survival gear, and practical items for everyday use. Nathaniel Fillodern is responsible for the success of all the shops but he has delegated the running of each of them to shop leaders. He can be seen traveling all around Hollow’s Point, checking in on all of his shops and trying to secure new items for sale. He is often fond of going from tavern to inn, looking for adventurers to sell their wares, or to promote his business.   Guillaume Merryfeather owns the Misty Maiden Inn located just outside his Guildhall and he is quite proud of her reputation. Many different types of entertainment can be found at the Maiden, including music, dancing, singing, stories, and even small plays on the second floor. His prices are a bit higher than other taverns and inns in the city but most people that can afford it say it is definitely worth the price. Traveling merchants often make the longer trek to visit the Maiden than the Rusty Gate at the northern entrance.


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