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Clan Måne


Clan Måne are ruled by a hereditary line that is said to have been hatched from the moon itself. On the first full night after the death of the old Jarl an ancient Torc worn by the ruler of the Clan is placed in its great hall for all to see. Whichever member of the family has the torc in the morning is named the new Jarl with it often having changed hand numerous times.


Måne society traditionally alternates between raiding and hibernation seasons. Raiding seasons include the pillaging of others for wealth and resources, inside Solstein if they cannot leave, and hibernation involves looking within to their needs and managing their affairs.   Much of normal life occurs at night for the Måne with the primary daylight jobs being the guarding of the walls. The Måne believe that by working at night they are made stronger and more adapted to it which makes them more dangerous in raids.


The Måne have always been an oddity in Solstein preferring to live at night under the guidance of the moon over the sun. On raids they often act as scouts or lead skirmishes against approaching armies.   The Måne were allies of the Emerald King and suffered little under their reign refusing to believe many of the allegations against them. Those few secrets that passed were quickly dismissed by Jarl Rolof until all was revealed and it was impossible to deny it any longer. The clan quickly called to join the rebellion but Rolof refused claiming it would be dishonourable and all manner of other excuses. His youngest son, outraged at the act, challenged him for the Jarldom and it was agreed a contest would occur the following eve. As day broke however Jarl Rolof fled to Calgurn and soon joined the traitors in killing the Emerald King and fleeing to the lowlands.   In the years since the Måne have helped the other clans regrow and sought little position for themselves. In the election of the new warchief the Måne were expected to vote in favour of the Varcheg but changed their allegiance during the moot after Jarl Ubbe spoke with Skade. This was a matter of great controversy at the time and wounded relations with the Varcheg until they too fell in line with Skade.


The Måne depict Noxia as a slender woman who moves through the shadows cloaking her allies before a battle.
Geopolitical, Clan
Leader Title
Government System
Power Structure
Dependent territory
Economic System
Official Languages
Neighboring Nations








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