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Clan Skov


The Skov determine their Jarl by way of a grand hunt that takes place over a season. During the seasons a council of wise men and women govern and review in turn the carcasses brought to them. Each hunter must bring one and only one pelt to the council which is reviewed both on its rarity, the quality of the kill and the skill required to hunt such a beast.


Skov society traditionally alternates between raiding and hibernation seasons. Raiding seasons include the pillaging of others for wealth and resources, inside Solstein if they cannot leave, and hibernation involves looking within to their needs and managing their affairs.   Skov life is in harmony with nature with animals living freely among the clan as if it were part of the forest. For many Skov it is considered a coming of age moment when an animal imprints itself on you and begins to treat you as its master. It also helps define how the individual may turn out with the nature of animals favouring different careers that their masters may not yet have considered.


The Skov have long been wardens of the forests of Solstein in which they are welcomed as allies in any raid and steadfast protectors in the face on unwanted aggression.   Under the Emerald King the Skov Jarl Thyra became quickly corrupted by his offers of powers and was among the first to replace her dissenters with Changelings that stood loyal to the wills of their master. While initially the beasts began to become wary and raise questions of their new 'masters' careful use of charmed treats managed to disway most major concerns with many of the changelings pets falling to mortal wounds during 'hunts'. When the truth was revealed Jarl Thyra was chased through the woods by several hunters before she managed to hide in an old Skov barrow. From there she made her way to Calgurn after which she joined the conspirators in killing the Emerald King and fleeing through the Calgurn Pass.   In the years since the Emerald King's fall the Skov have increased in power save for growing tensions with the Orkan Clan whose hunger for more bloodshed contrasts with the more restorative view of the Skov. This view was completed in the Jarl Skade who argued that the Solstein way of life was no longer in keeping with the world they lived in. She argued that there raids were growing ever harder and would soon summon a host that sought nothing more than there total destruction and so they must find a new way to adapt and live peacefully, growing their strength and then launch one final assault to create new fertile territory to settle in the lowlands.


The Skov depict the Green Father as a tall being part beast and part man often with the antlers of a stag and hide of a bear or wolf. Sometimes there are bark like features also added to the figure.
Geopolitical, Clan
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Leader Title
Government System
Power Structure
Dependent territory
Economic System
Official Languages
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Notable Members
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