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Kingdom of Viala

While not always considered among the Free States Region Viala, when ascribed to a region, most accurately suits it due to the absence of much foreign intervention within their lands and governance. Viala however occupies itself primarily with concerns south of its borders within the Four Kingdoms region which it may also be placed inside fairly though Viala was never part of the old Kingdom of Cymor.   Viala is one of the larger Kingdoms in Falarin but also one of the most stable. Ruled by the Evenwood dynasty the land is a feudal monarchy with counts enjoying protection and a fair say in the politics of the state. Under its various Kings it has slowly expanded into its neighbours with many expecting the Four Kingdom’s region to be within its sights for future invasions.   With the Crowlands to the north, the Tribes of Mandabar to the west and the Dwarven Kingdoms to the east Viala has however often had to defend its borders preventing it from overstretching. This however has given it ample time to solidify and develop its lands fostering a competent military and a sense of national unity missing in many other regions.


Vialan's are primarily human with a notable halfling, half-elf and half-orc population. They tend to be taller than many of their neighbours and more hirsute than other Falarans but fluctuate between more lithe and muscular residents. Vialans tend to live in smaller communities of around 10-50 residents that are centred around a county capital wherein more skilled labour resides.    Lycanthropy, particularly of the Werewolf kind, is rife in Viala and while not strictly illegal is largely hidden from travellers. Lycanthrope communities appear throughout the land and rumours have long claimed that the Edenwood family are of Lycanthropic blood. The pronouncement of lycanthropy has also led to shifters being widespread across the land many of whom are viewed with particular reverence and taken to be blessed by the Green Father.


Viala is ruled by the Edenwood line who took power over the state towards the end of the 'mythic age'. By the time of the Falaran Wars of Unification Viala was governed by King Loric Edenwood but it would be his son that swore fealty to the Falaran Empire.    Viala is governed as a feudal monarchy ruled by the king and a moot of senior nobles and clergy that represent the needs of his people. Counts largely manage their own affairs and the clergy has a subsidiary role that serves the nobles but not ruling over them. This is reinforced by the disorganised state of the church with priests largely being citizens who are taken as apprentices by priests managing their church or otherwise showing some miracle or divine favour.


Viala uses a feudal military system with levies being raised on the request of the monarch at the cost of the vassal. Where possible the King uses levies from his own demesne though when the Kingdom is attacked many vassals are eager to prove themselves and join the fray.

Industry & Trade

Viala is comfortable in wealth with the counts living in less luxury than those of the coastal kingdoms but enough to enjoy themselves. Trade with the mountain dwarves serves as a key reserve with Vialan foodstuffs being exchanged for Dwarven crafts.


Viala is a lush and fertile land with gradually sloping hills and verdant forests. Viala both neighbours the Great Forest of Falarin on the Mandabar side and has several woodlands of its own throughout the land which are protected and nurtured by its residents. Farms cover much of the open land growing simple foodstuffs like grain and wheat the surplus of which is traded abroad.
Inhabitant Demonym
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