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Witch Queen Natasha Iggwilv , The Baba Niraga (a.k.a. Tasha, Zybilna, Iggwilv)

The Baba Lysaga wished for a strong father for her daughter, someone of great vision and drive whose blood would strengthen her own. In this she found the King of Zarosk, the great ruler and conqueror, Strahd Von Zarovich. Much to her surprise the King came to her seeking wisdom on magical matters before seducing her. Yet it was only after consumption that she realised her courtier was a trickster, taking the form of Strahd, to gain access to her eldritch wisdom. Yet even as she destroyed the trickster his seed had taken root and the Baba Niraga was beginning to form.    Initially the Baba Lysaga had planned to destroy the foetus gathering the ingredients for the ritual until her own mother intervened foreseeing her future granddaughter as possessing unspeakable potential. On the agreement she would be taken and raised by the Baba Yaga herself the foetus was spared and upon her birth Tasha was snuck out of the now sealed Barovia by Vistani allies.   Unfortunately for the Baba Yaga the Vistani had other plans for the child. Under the guidance of Madam Eva Tasha was taken in as a child of the Vistani for many of her formative years until finally at the age of eighteen she discovered her birth right in a tarokka reading. Enraged she left the caravan armed with a mist talisman granting her access through the fog and returned to her birthplace in Barovia to find her mother and her birthright.   Her return caught the eye of the increasingly mysterious Strahd Von Zarovich who watched as she returned to her birthplace. Yet he soon realised the danger of what was to come swiftly intervening with his own unchallenged power as the two turned violent, a fortune for Tasha as her mothers powers far overcame her own. The young Tasha spent several years in Strahd's own court learning magic] and eldritch lore from the Vampire who viewed the child as something of a protégé and taking her as a lover. Yet Tasha, though bedding the Count, saw him only as a tool enticing him to her will even so far as that he had the Baba Lysaga's grimoire stolen for her. He offered her the tome in exchange for her agreement to be his newest bride yet on the eve of their wedding, when she was to be made a Vampire, she used the secrets of the grimoire in tandem with her mist talisman to escape to the Faeywild and finally meet her grandmother] .   At last united and under the loving tutelage of the Baba Yaga Tasha rose to become the Queen of Witches and one of the most powerful sorceresses in Aesalia. When finally she returned to the lands of the mer she had little more than pity for her mother who became no more than a target for her distant ploys.   Instead Tasha grew ambitions to reshape the world travelling across it and appearing and aiding, or hindering, its various heroes for centuries. Tasha is known to have loved only one person, the Wight King, who some believe her to have wedded.

Mental characteristics

Gender Identity





Vistani Court of Strahd Baba Yaga Black Library Strixhaven Academy




Towards Baba Yaga


Baba Yaga


Towards Tasha



Daughter (Important)

Towards Baba Lysaga



Baba Lysaga

Mother (Trivial)

Towards Tasha



Honorary & Occupational Titles
The Witch Queen,
The Witch of Perrenland,
Dream Witch,
The Dark One, 
The Baba Niraga,
Black Hair
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Caucasian, Notable Trident Birth Mark on Right Cheek
Known Languages
Common, Elven, Dwarven, Giantish, Quori, Arcan, Druidic, Gnomish, Sylvan, Infernal, Abyssal, Celestial

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