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The Elder War

The Elder War was a protracted war between the Illithid and Dragons of Aesalia though some scholars would later connect it to the prior genocide of Giants and occasional conflicts with the Aboleth, Tarrasque and Kraken peoples.   The war took part across Aesalia with many Illithid leaving the Underdark to fight above ground though the vast majority of the battles did take part against the Illithid hives.   Though records are difficult to acquire early into the war the Illithid discovered that they could, through a powerful concentrated burst of psionic will, grant higher sentience to the thrall creatures of the Draconic Imperium. Though designed to not think and act with intelligence the interference of the Illithid allowed the mer to gain awareness of themselves leading to a series of slave revolts and rebellions that crippled the Imperium  The war came to a conclusion with a largely decisive victory for the Draconic Imperium whose domination of the Underdark and other underground domains was enforced through dwarven thralls and other such minions. The Illithid largely survived in isolated hives that existed beyond the scope and threat of the dragons facing a swift death where they dared to show themselves too openly.    The final stroke of the Elder War was however a grand release of psionic energy by a gathering of doomed Elder Minds. The release was potent enough to spread through the entirety of Aesalia releasing from their thralldom all of the mer and projecting into their minds images of all the atrocities committed unto them by their draconic overlords. This led to the final great revolt which would destroy the Draconic Imperium forcing the dragons to flee to Zakahith.

The Conflict


As the Draconic Imperium spread across Aesalia creating the Great Cities as strongholds of its majesty. It was only natural then that the creatures that commanded the air and, following the culling of the giants, the land would turn to seek power below. Driven largely by a desire for more arcanum which had become central to draconic life the Draconic Imperium began to explore below and encountered the expansive Illithid Hive which began dominating the minds of its minions and subverting them to their own hive will.    Seeking the arcanum below and fearing the Illithid would find means to dominate their own wills the Draconic Imperium began destroying Illithid hives wherever they could find them. As the pain of lost hives rippled through the interconnected hive-minds of the Illithid the skirmishes soon escalated into open warfare.

Conflict Type
Start Date
1310 PE
Ending Date
1090 PE
Conflict Result
Draconic Victory

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