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Illithid Hive

Illithid Hives or Nests are the homes of Illithid communities. The hive minded species tends to create temple like structures within the deep caverns that they call home that are tended to by psionically dominated thralls and possess large laboratories to assist in the Illithid's studies into the alteration of other creatures and development of their own.   During the glory days of the Illithid before the Elder War the Illithid Hive spread across all of Aesalia connected through long tendrils into a massive underground empire. The hive mind thought as one with the Elder Minds acting as conduits for a larger supreme will. Yet as the war continued the hive minds were divided and separated. The once united front became a weakness for the combined will which found entire regions of its knowledge taken away and pain shared amongst its all. Slowly the great network crumbled leaving only a few relics of the great empire hidden deep below the ground and away from where any might find them.


Illithid Hives tend to be governed by a single Elder Mind except for cases where the mind has not yet been formed or the hive only recently formed. Illithid then number anywhere from single digits to thousands dependent on the size and needs of the community with thralls often outnumbering them and serving the basic needs of the hive.


Illithid Hives are a hive mind that follow a single consensus of will. The Elder Mind acts as the centre of this hive holding the collective knowledge of the group and creating new Illithid as necessary.
Alternative Name(s)
Illithid Nest
National Territory
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under

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