Seraphina Dundragon

Lady Seraphina Dundragon, of Gilaphos

Seraphina Dundragon, a courageous and honorable paladin, played a pivotal role in the Great War, especially at the Battle of King's Crown. Her legacy, symbolized by her family's name, continues to uphold values of valor and honor in the present day.  


Seraphina was a striking Human woman with long, braided blonde hair, fair skin, and piercing light blue eyes. She stood at a height of 175 cm, carrying herself with grace and dignity. Her presence commanded respect, and her demeanor was a reflection of her strong sense of honor.  


Seraphina was known for her kindness, politeness, and unwavering commitment to honor and dignity. While she could be strict when it came to rules and commands, she abhorred corruption and unfairness. As a devout follower of Juulantus, she never hesitated to question or challenge commands that went against her sense of justice, encouraging others to do the same.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Early Adventures

Before the outbreak of the Great War, Seraphina was an adventurous spirit who traveled the vast lands of Aesen with a diverse group of fellow adventurers. These journeys helped shape her character and instilled in her a deep sense of camaraderie and courage.  

During the Great War

During the Great War, Seraphina initially fought as a paladin of Juulantus alongside knights and guards against the relentless orc hordes. However, her true impact came after the Battle of King's Crown when she received command over her own squad. To bolster her ranks, she conscripted her former adventurer companions, forming the legendary "Sentinels of Aesen." Under her leadership, this squad played a pivotal role in pushing the orcs back from the lands of Gilaphos and Eternos into the treacherous mountains of Khaldûr. Notably, they participated in the Battle of Rhôn, aiding in the defeat of the orc shamans and their demonic rituals that bolstered the enemy.  


After the Great War's conclusion, Seraphina's exceptional bravery at the Battle of King's Crown earned her the esteemed title of "Duchess of Gilaphos," a rare honor bestowed by the monarch. She married Johnathan Hunter, a lowborn knight who took on the Dundragon name, and together they had three children, with their eldest, Barian Dundragon, becoming the heir to the Duke title. Seraphina's legacy lived on, with her name symbolizing valor and honor for generations to come.  


Seraphina passed away at the age of 65, surrounded by friends and family, leaving a profound impact on Gilaphos. A grand parade was held in King's Crown to commemorate her, drawing adventurers and knights from across the realm. Her descendant, Victor Dundragon, currently holds the title of Duke of Gilaphos, upholding the family's tradition of honor and respect.


Seraphina Dundragon


Towards Johnathan Hunter

Johnathan Hunter


Towards Seraphina Dundragon

Lawful Good
Current Status
Circumstances of Death
Old Age
Kara's Vale
Place of Death
Johnathan Hunter (spouse)
Light blue
Long blonde, usually braded
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
fair skin
5'9" or 175 cm
148 lbs or 67 kg


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