Orcbane Envoys

In the annals of history, The Orcbane Envoys stand as a legendary adventuring party that undertook a perilous journey through treacherous orc-infested lands during the Great War. Composed of diverse individuals, their mission was nothing short of securing aid from the Dwarven Kingdoms for their beleaguered Human homeland.

Their mission was born from the dire circumstances of the Great War, a conflict that pitted the relentless Orc Hordes against the Human kingdom of Gilaphos. The orcs, driven by territorial disputes, had plunged the realm into chaos and were relentlessly pushing the Humans back. The Orcbane Envoys' journey commenced as they sought to convince the Dwarven Kingdoms to join forces with their Human brethren.


  • Thalen Stoneheart, the master tactician, provided vital strategic guidance to the group. His knowledge ensured their safe passage through hostile territories.
  • Elara Windrider's unparalleled wilderness skills guided them through treacherous landscapes and helped evade orc patrols.
  • Valen Lightweaver's healing powers offered solace to the party and ensured their physical well-being throughout the journey.
  • Sylvari Nightshadow, the Wood Elf rogue, excelled in espionage and intelligence gathering, helping the party remain one step ahead of their adversaries.
  • Kaldrik Stormbeard's mastery of magic facilitated diplomatic negotiations with the Dwarves, using arcane prowess to garner support.
  • Merric Willowleaf's charisma and negotiation skills eased tensions and secured cooperation from various parties encountered on their path.

The legacy of The Orcbane Envoys lives on through the Adventurer's Guild, which they founded after the Great War ended. The guild has continued to thrive, mentoring generations of adventurers and upholding the values of honor, professionalism, and camaraderie that defined The Orcbane Envoys.

As for the fate of its members, by the present date, all but Thalen Stoneheart have passed away. Most succumbed to old age, having fulfilled their destinies in a world forever changed by their efforts. However, the enigmatic rogue, Sylvari Nightshadow, met a different end, shrouded in mystery, given the exceptional longevity of elves. Her demise remains a tale whispered among adventurers, one that adds a layer of intrigue to The Orcbane Envoys' legend.

The Orcbane Envoys' journey through perilous orc territory and their dedication to forging alliances with the Dwarven Kingdoms stands as a testament to their unwavering courage and determination. Their names continue to be etched in history, inspiring future generations to undertake heroic quests and preserve the spirit of adventure.
Adventuring Party
Orcbane Envoy

Articles under Orcbane Envoys