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The stoic rabbits of Aldebaran's beastfolk, Usatokki are a highly prolific race. Unlike the actual rabbit animal, usatokki are calculating and sturdy. They have great patience and are more than willing to tire out a foe. The best offense is a good defense, that's the motto of all warrior usatokki. Always hopping, it is very difficult to stop an usatokki's forward march.   Usatokki are hard willed people that tend towards to lawful side of things. They enjoy the security and certainty that it provides. One of the few races to actively venerate the Theotian Aunheim, and celebrate them in many of their holidays. Yis is also extremely popular, their large, extended families being a natural source of worship they can find comfort in. Finally, Karnassus, the Theotian of defense, is one of the most well respected gods of usatokki culture.   Serving under the wisdom and guidance of others, they find themselves in positions of high guards and protectors. Even the Wrekuinao family uses the famous Royalisamer clan as their personal royal guard. They train their young with the art of shields and defense. Their ability to hop so consistently despite overbearing weights and rough terrain make them natural masters of the steel circle. Their famous battle line, the shield wall, is one of the most impenetrable forms of defense available to the various armies of Aldebaran.   Warrior usatokki tend to have rigid personalities. They rarely talk to those outside their ranks, and when they do its usually with simple grunts. Certainly not true of all of them, especially those who haven't experienced battle, those that are blessed as such are a bit more fanciful. These usatokki talk a lot, and enjoy conversation and learning about others. They pick up on the emotions of others easily, and are natural empaths. When it comes to interactions between usatokki, they often get... hands on quickly. Quite likely the most promiscuous race on Aldebaran, there's a reason why there is so many of them. Being extremely polyamorous, Usatokki are one of the few races that actually do not choose a partner for life. They're often flingers, enjoying a night of passion and moving on just as quickly. They have a culture where the young is raised more by the whole family rather than just the parents. Despite the law and order they preach, they do not deny their love for Hyakuuwuu's teachings.   You'll find usatokki just about anywhere. With pelts they can grow out quite heavily, they can live in cold regions just as much as warm ones. They don't tend to like water very much though, as they're very good at drowning with all that heavy equipment they tend to wear. They also don't like the heavy commercial areas of cities, preferring quiet corners of towns where they can rest their sensitive ears.   Usatokki find it a little difficult to get along with the other races. They have a natural aversion to Amurrun and Ōkagǒu, and go out of their way to avoid them. That's not to say they can't become friends, but you'll find they enjoy their rodent cousins weski more easily. They especially respect the regal saetori, finding kinship in the idealogies they both share.


Usatokki are humanoidish rabbits. They have very large ears, two powerful digitigrade legs, and two 3 digit arms. Their fur is extremely soft, and they have some long whiskers. Their fur color ranges from white, black, brown, and more. They have an average height of 3"2. Their average weight is around 65lbs. They have a short, stubby ball tail.  


Type Humanoid/(Rodent)
Ability Score Modifier +2 Wisdom, +2 Constitution or Dexterity, -2 Strength
Size small
Speed 20ft. (See Text);
Language Usatokki begin play speaking their three regional languages. Usatokki with high Intelligence scores can choose from the following: Draconic, Dwarven, Elven, Gnome, Halfling, and Terran.

Racial Traits

  • [2 RP] Skill Bonus (Acrobatics) (Ex): Usatokki have powerful and balanced legs, gaining a +2 racial bonus to Acrobatics.
  • [4 RP] Hyper Perceptive (Ex): Usatokki have big, sensitive ears, gaining a +2 racial bonus to Perception. This increase becomes a +4 racial bonus to sound based perception checks. Any roll lower than a 10 for sound based perception checks are treated as if they had rolled as a 10. Perception is always a class skill for Usatokki.
  • [-3 RP] Sonic Sensitivity (Ex): Usatokki are intensely sensitive to sound. Whenever subjected to a spell that has the sonic descriptor, they must make a Will Save equal to the original DC of the spell or effect or become sickened and deafened for 1 hour. If an Usatokki suffers sonic damage, they must make a Fortitude Save equal to 10 + the damage dealt or be staggered until the end of their next turn.
  • [0 RP] Rabbit Empathy (Ex): Usatokki receive a +4 racial bonus on Handle Animal checks made to influence rabbits.
  • [3 RP] Hopper (Ex): Usatokki move around by hopping. Their base speed is 20ft. Besides a few exceptions, this base speed can never be lowered below 20ft. If an Usatokki finds themselves unable to use Acrobatics to jump in any circumstance, their base movement speed is reduced to 5ft. Usatokki ignore difficult terrain. When it comes to making long jumps, they are always considered to have made a running start and are not considered to be below 30ft. base speed for such instance. Usatokki treat rolls below 10 when rolling for Acrobatics jump skill checks as 10.
  • [3 RP] Shield Trained (Ex): Usatokki are trained from birth to handle shields. Usatokki are proficient with all forms of shields. Usatokki treat any shield AC bonus they receive as +1 higher. They also gain the feat Improved Shield Bash.

Scientific Name
Lepus Hominem   Origin/Ancestry
Rodent   Lifespan
60-80   Typical Habitat
Breezy plains, cold and warm regions. Bustling civilizations   Average Physique
Range from pudgey to slim, they tend to be a little bit weak, but healthy and quick.


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