Maah Myth in Aldern | World Anvil

Maah (MAH)

the Golden Lion


Urzan’s Narasan (avatar protector) is the great golden lion Maah. Maah stood as tall as a mammoth and dwelt in the upper branches of Urzan feeding on the giant avian of the world. He always watched below, ready to pounce on any who threaten the Elder Tree.


A stone tablet found in Ziggurat of Urzan claims Maah was immune to fire. It states that he could easily kill and consume his Dragon foes with little fear of their breath weapon. The tablet claims this is due to his consuming dragon meat, though there are no other records of any creature gaining immunity to fire due to this.

Siduumites legends speak of Maah sometime appear before a Valan woman in her time need as an omen of good. The Valan people would bind a male member of the community near the base of Urzan as a sacrifice for the lion.


The Mahal people, precursers of the modern Hydossa people, came to worship Maah as some sort of god. It is believed that they carved the famous Lion of Mar statue in southern Craddle Valley. This statue, carved from a mountainside is said to be a depiction of Maah.


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