Resh Noch Organization in Aldern | World Anvil

Resh Noch

Noch Reborn


Resh Noch was a civilization, and town, built on the ruins of the original Noch settlement during the Randagri Period. The settlement was rebuilt by the Canoheth (Neo Noch) people. Scholars believe this was done in, or near, 1800 pre-sc. The city wall were black and grey, constructed of mudbricks made from ash of the Aggelomachy. Legends claim the top of this wall was lined with the skulls of the bodies found among the ruins. Resh Noch's internal building were constructed from the bones and scales of fallen Dragon and other monstrous corpses from the great war.


There is confusion in the historical records of what happened to Resh Noch. Oral traditions in northern Jerain claim a great wall of waters up to a mile high came from the sea and washed the city away when Gilgurth struck the world in 1200pre-sc. There is no account of this tsunami in Merico Islands tradition about the time. Which one would expect to find as Merico stands between the Gilgurth impact sight and Resh Noch's supposed location. The best guess of this is that survivors creating this oral history must have mixed the flooding of the plains to the west into the Resh Noch destruction event. Despite this descepency, evidence of flooding throughout the region can be found. This flooding is believed to have been what created the marshy lands that are today Char'wyn. The flooding did not seem to destroy Resh Noch, however.


Shockwaves and fiery skies rained down onto northern Jerain, and the lands of the Neo Noch. Resh Noch, already a Magically corrupt region, seemed particularly vulnerable to this destruction. The city crumbled during the early days after the impact. Coupled to that, there are texts from several of the sects of the Pantheon of Nine claim a ritual was preformed by the Bone Lord and zealots of the Nod Noch Nine, the rulers of Resh Noch. This ritual was at attempt to use the power of Gilgurth's destruction to shatter the Nine from their prisons beyond Aldern. This failed and cost the life of the people. These two events wiped city of Resh Noch and the Neo Noch people from the world.

Alliance, Cultural


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