Queldar Ethnicity in Aldern | World Anvil

Queldar (KWELL dare)

Inage Elves


The Queldar, much more commonly known as Inage Elves, and sometimes Twilight Elves, are Elf dwelling on the islands of the Enisle Archipelago, off the western coast of Anbar. The population is concentrated on the western Inage Island in the archipelago. This community predominantly consists of the Toeman'are ethnic group. These elves have an open invitation to all elves to live among them in the enchanted forest of the island and Woyd'are have joined their ranks, becoming Queldar over the years.


The island is heavily enchanted, creating what many believe is a recreation of what Karasaanu may have once been. The Mantle surrounding the Inage helps maintain a world of twilight forests, bright flora, sweet springs, and peaceful groves. A paradise for the people.


This Mantle seems to have a unique effect on the elven population. Over the first decade dwelling on Inage the hair of the elves slowly fades into a red shade. Some original aspects will remain, with blondes growing bright reds, while darker hues, such as wood elves' browns, will be a deep darker red. These colors will remain as long as the elf remains on Inage but will fade over time away from the island. It will take a decade away to for the hair to completely fade back to the original color.


Fish, along with the fruits of the forest are the main diet of the Queldar. The seas between the island of the archipelago are heavily maintained and fish. Sea patrols that watch for foreign ships nearing their domain also watch the waters for predators that would disrupt their food sources below the waves.


Dwelling in isolation in an elven paradise does not come without its drawbacks. Queldar are a xenophobic community. While they embrace newcomer elves to their island, there is an outright distrust for all others. When interacting with none elves they are always to the point, attempting to end the conversation as quickly as possible.


The elves are led by the White Queen, an ancient Soun'are from the dawn of history. She is rarely seen by elves, and never by any non-elf. Her existence is the stuff of legend across Aldern, especially through Anbar and Novyum. Kings throughout time claim to hear her voice whispering guidance and wisdom in their ears.


The Inage elves wear loose-fitting clothing, usually of natural colors, greens and brown are popular for the men, while the women seem to prefer red tones. Their rangers and warriors sport stylized armors make of carved wood and shells from great beasts of the sea. These suits, made by master craftsman, are equivalent to steel in strength and a status symbol to the islanders. The shell armor is worn by those that guard the shores and waters of Enisle, while the wood plate armor is granted to the rangers that patrol the inner forests and Roc riders that soar above, ever watchfull of the eastern islands and their pirates.

Race: Elf

Ethnicity: Toeman'are

Alignment: Queldar culture believe in the order of nature. They spend their days in their garden forests, balancing every aspect of their island. This leads these elves to have a lawful outlook on life. Their isolationist xenophobic culture lands them on the more neutral side of the philosophies of good vs evil.

Age: While on their island Queldar do not know death, and can live eternally. Those that choice to travel the world beyond their island can live up to about 600 years naturally.

Size: (Medium) Queldar are a diverse culture, and their size shows it, with the people ranging from anywhere between 4 to 5 feet tall, up to over 6 feet.

Language: While most of the elven languages are known and spoken on the islands, Sebludai (Farland Elvish) is the one that is universially spoken among all Queldar. Few care to learn or remember another other languages beyond those of their people. The few Queldar that leave their homeland will learn Seva Dai (Elvish Common) for convenience in their travels. Though rare, these elves will sometimes 'humble' themselves and learn the Common Tongue of Ethae as well.


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