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The Grinning Djinn

Financial Event

14/7 21:00

The Path of Nightshade head to The Grinning Djinn to free Trigger and discuss options with Wildcard. They meet the owner and operator of The Grinning Djinn Sharp Jo.

We cross the city and go to the Grinning Djinn. Biff and Buff are waiting for us at the door. “Do you have an appointment?”     Jackie says we need to talk to Sharp Joe to get an appointment. This establishment is Sharp Joe’s, so she will tell us if Wild Card is available. A 65 year old human woman answers the door. Wild Card is out, but she will put us up because Wild Card told her to. She knows Jackie and asks if he brings trouble or good news.     Sharp Joe tells Gilly Wild Card is taking care of a body. She does confirm that the prisoner is still there. She is staring at Alcath a little weird. She is looking at the scars, like maybe she recognizes that. Gilly asks if she knows Alcath and she hedges. Then Caia propositions her and she calls to Jerry “more people for fun!” and this huge half orc laughs.     She offers us rooms for the night, since Wild Card will likely be out all night. After checking our room, Alcath proposes his idea to the whole group (sans Jackie). Bobushio proposes having one of Ivy Hill’s competitors to “break them out.”     In the meantime, Caia shows everyone the parchment, and Gilly can tell it’s not even a language in the library.     Sharp Joe comes to knock and asks Alcath if he used to live west of Rockshire. He replies he lived there for six years, leaving about six months previously. She says she’s had correspondence from there about a “burned one.” He tells her that Shameno has passed. Sharp calls him the one that got away. She asks if he wants to chat.

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