
Vinyamar is a land of rolling hills, green pastures and massive deciduous forests. Once home to the Dol Falton empire, Vinyamar has now one of the most diverse set of cultures on a Sub-Continent as anywhere in all of Ardicil. The topography can also be as varied as its people. On the western edges of Vinyamar, the lands of Land of Alton are hilly and filled with all manner of valleys and forests. While not ideal for crops, the land is bountiful in game. East of Alton lies the Purple Mountains , home to the city state of the Anklegnaw. These mountains reach high and have snow peaked tops, and caves filled with jewels and treasures for the gnomes and dwarves who live there. East of the Purple Mountains, the rolling hills of Greensburg exist, and thrive with agriculture and growth. East of Laketown , the Three Sisters rule, a place of dramatic hills, sapphire coasts, and massive fields of wheat and barley, scattered with grape and olive trees. It is here as well where the largest city in the known world thrives, Straatos.
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