BUILD YOUR OWN WORLD Like what you see? Become the Master of your own Universe!


Written by Jdebro

With the conclusion of SummerCamp 2024, I have to say that I did gain insight into the creative process that I havent considered before. And found myself pushing my creative flow to even greater heights than I did previously. A lot of the insight I gained was focused on me getting into the "nitty gritty" of the world that I'm building, digging deeper to apsects of my world that I usually tend to gloss over. Add to that my utter determination to achieve Diamond this year and I was pushing myself to make these goals a established reality. I'm glad to say that I have accomplished that. 

I've also selected ten articles that stood out to me for their creativity and the inspiration behind each one. To summarize, each article covered different sources of inspiration that I hadn't considered before. I couldnt help trying to get into the head of each creator through understanding the creative process behind each article. What was their inspiration? How did he or she come up with the twist taht made their article more unique? The insights that I gained from this was enriching to me. 
A Tumultuous Region Prone To Natural Diasasters
Synagrav Peninsula
Geographic Location | Jul 14, 2024

A Displaced People In Your World

Ivalian Elves
Ethnicity | Jul 19, 2024

Valley Dwellers
Ethnicity | Jul 28, 2024

A Sickness That Caused Societal Upheaval

Pumpkin Rot
Condition | Jul 21, 2024

A Technology Used For Defense Or Protection
Bloomshield Generator
Technology / Science | Aug 20, 2024

A leader or high-ranking person in an organization
Knight Commander
Rank/Title | Jul 31, 2024

Knight Commander is the highest rank someone can achieve withing each of the thirteen Stratos or Knightly Orders of the Church...

A settlement considered a refuge
City of Night and Shade
Settlement | Aug 3, 2024

Degrunda's capital city, nestled against a behemoth cliff face known as the Great Embrace, which ensures roughly 70% of the city exists in perpetual darkness -- just how the inhabitants like it.



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Aug 18, 2024 18:44 by Alan Byers

Some great choices in here, James!

Aug 23, 2024 01:40 by James Debro

Thanks! There were so many good articles that making a final choice was brutal. Why only ten articles????

Aug 23, 2024 10:25

Thank you for including my Elves, really appreciate it! ^^

Feel free to check my new world Terra Occidentalis if you want to see what I am up to!
Aug 29, 2024 15:13 by K.S. Bishoff

Thanx for including my article

Come vist my worlds