Azimuth Anthology: Luyos - Session 04

Azimuth Anthology Series

General Summary

Horukzul Caverns

Fane of the Fire Egg
A long time ago, an old half-orc warrior stood at the Fane of the Fire Egg. From her pack, she took a red-scaled drake egg she had carried for years and years. After looking at it fondly, she set it upon the central plinth of the fane. There was a dangerous task ahead of her, one of the most dangerous she would face. She was older, past her prime, and she could not bring the egg with without risking its safety.   Outside the fane, an old human man with tousled blond hair and a long black cloak set a series of rune stones around the base of the fane. The orc stepped down and crossed the runes. With a final touch, the man activated the rune circle. A sheen of abjurative energy surrounded the fane, dampening the holy radiance of the structure.   The man said, “She seemed eager to return to you and help, even in just this small way.”   The orc replied, “She’ll protect this place and the egg. We have a task that needs doing, though. Let’s get to the ship.”   Brigitte and Leo then left the Fane of the Fire Egg.  
Beast Battle
Luyos looked to the approaching sounds. A large, bestial Dire Wolverine had appeared out of nowhere. A spectral gray aura surrounded it, which gave off the same divine energy as the fane and runes. Its hulking form steadfastly and aggressively approached the fane.   Luyos looked to the newly hatched drake. Though small, it was ready to fight. A connection had been newly sparked between them. Luyos could tell the drake had been the source of the voice he was hearing. Now, as the drake’s reptilian eyes met his, Luyos sensed two names: “Tha’theo”, the name of the drake, and “Fifi”, the name of the wolverine.   Luyos didn’t know how he could tell that, or what this connection meant, but the wolverine was approaching. Luyos said, “Alright, if this creature is defending this place, it is between us and the exit.” They readied themselves side by side.   Fifi raged and charged forward. She barreled through one of the support pillars directly towards them. Luyos swung his axe and connected. At the same time, Tha’theo’s eyes alit red, charging Luyos’s axe with a sudden blaze of fire.   Fifi let out a deep and bellowing howl, which shook Luyos. Fifi snaped at Tha’theo and swung at Luyos, but the pair dodged to either side. Fifi crashed into another of the pillars, cracking it.   Luyos called out in draconic without realizing it, commanding the drake to flank the wolverine. His axe stuck again and Tha’theo bit hard into Fifi’s back.   As parts of Fifi’s spectral form started dissipating, she began frothing at the maw in a rage. She barreled into to fane, causing the chamber around them to shake. Small rocks and stalactites fell around them and onto the roof of the fane above them.  
Passing the Test
Fifi lunged and bit Tha’theo with a solid crunch. She then swiped her claws hard in Luyos, gouging a deep wound. Instantly, the fight had shifted, and Luyos and Tha’theo were severely wounded. Luyos commanded Tha’theo to back off as he stepped between the wolverine and the drake.   Luyos braced himself, but an attack never came. He turned to see the wolverine standing and staring, with a completely controlled rage.   The act of self-sacrifice seemed to resonate with Fifi, almost as if it had reminded her of someone else. Instead of running, he had chosen to stand so another could get away.   Luyos cautiously reached forward and placed a hand on Fifi. He cast a Cure Wounds spell on her, and the spectral energy recoalesced for a moment. Luyos noted that the scattered rune stones had the same gray-white glow as Fifi. As that energy faded, Fifi’s form began to dissipate.   Luyos reached and cautiously patted Fifi. He said, “Thank you for not killing us. I am thankful for the chance to walk away from here.” Fifi grunted and sat. She looked to Tha’theo before looking upwards, and she faded fully.  
Falling of the Fane
At the fane after the combat, Luyos looked to the red drake. He said, “Tha’theo… How can I tell that that is your name?” Tha’theo came up to Luyos and leaned into him.   “I did not expect to come across something like you down here. Normally, I stay away from the divine, but it seems that the divine continues to find me.” Luyos realized he was speaking in draconic. It was not a language he was used to speaking in.   There was a connection between him and the drake. He asked why the drake had reached out to him, but in reply the drake only huddled into him. He grabbed some rations and fed the drake, and they rested under the fane.   Sometime in the morning hours of 22 Sedaena 5A 178, the fane rumbled. The sinkhole had reformed, and quickly they started sinking. Luyos went to grab Tha’theo, but the violent shaking threw them to the floor.   The sinkhole collapsed the fane down through the rock and into another cavern below. The fane landed roughly, settling at an angle. The fane illuminated many elevated ridges around them in the large chamber. The light reflected on many sets of eyes.  
The Kruthik Warren
Luyos quickly realized they’d somehow landed in the active kruthik warren of the Horukzul Caverns. He grabbed his weapon and prepared to fight, but a voice called out.   “Halt! Let them stand.” Luyos saw a lithe and strong elven woman seemingly commanding the kruthiks. She approached and called, “It is surprising that a dragonborn would be caught by my attempt to claim this fane. Tell me, how did you come to be here?”   Cautiously, Luyos said he was forced into these caverns by Krummer of The Copper Dozen. He said the fane was not his concern, and he would be on his way, if the elf and these kruthiks allowed. She asked if he was allied with The Copper Dozen, and Luyos said he was “most certainly not”.   The elf reached the fane and regarded the empty plinth, the broken egg shell, and Tha’theo by Luyos’s side. She said, “It appears that my attempt to claim the fane's treasure was too late. The egg has hatched, and it has bonded to you.”  
Tense Conversation
Luyos said, “What does that mean for us now?” Luyos felt it was impossible he and Tha’theo would be allowed to just leave their warren.   She said, “If the drake has already hatched, then there is nothing to help that. There is indeed nothing I can do to break that connection which has already been forged.”   She continued, “You have, inadvertently as it was, discovered the warren where me and my kruthiks are housed. This puts us at great risk. You say you are not an ally of The Coper Dozen, that you are not aligned with their goals?”   Luyos confirmed that. He also said he wasn’t aligned with her, either. He was a bystander and would be happy to wash his hands of this conflict.   She said, “But you see, dragonborn, that you have information that I require. The Copper Dozen seek to destroy us, and whether you wish it or no, you are involved now.” Luyos thought to the young kruthiks he had saved and wondered if that was the reason for the grace he was being given now.   She said, “I will give you this option. I had hoped to use this drake as a way to send The Copper Dozen away once and for all, as they have plagued me and mine for far too long. I see now that I cannot claim that connection to this drake as you already have. If you would help by providing what information you know of these Copper Dozen and where they are on the surface, my kruthiks will allow you to leave these caverns unmolested."   Somewhat stunned at the offer, Luyos said, “I have heard empty promises before.” He was very unsure of this elf, but Luyos sensed the elf was attempting to be open in her intentions. Luyos recognized the demeanor of a paladin. It seemed she would be bound by her word.   “I have no desire to spill divine blood. If you would provide the information you know, we will bring you to the surface so that you might reveal Krummer and his ilk's camp to us. Then you would be free to go.”   Luyos mentioned Thelman and said he was another captive. The elf said, “When what is to happen begins, our agreement will be fulfilled and you will be able to act as you see fit. Rescue your friend if you wish. Cross my kruthiks and you will see the ends of their teeth closely...”
Report Date
02 Jul 2024
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Related Time
21 Sedaena 5A 178 to 22 Sedaena 5A 178