
Halflings are one of the common races found on Azimuth. They are small humanoids renowned simultaneously for their simple agrarian lifestyle and their incredible bravery in the face of danger.



Halflings resemble humans in many respects, though true to their name, they are only half the size. Some halflings have pointed ears, though not all do. Their skintone is akin to humans, as are their hair, though it tends to be wavy. Standing about 3 feet tall, they appear relatively harmless and so have managed to survive for centuries in the shadow of empires and on the edges of wars and political strife.


Halflings stand about 3 feet tall. They are inclined to be stout, weighing between 40 and 45 pounds.   A halfling reaches adulthood at the age of 20 and generally lives into the middle of their second century.


Early history and supposed creation

The halfling race is assumed to have been created as all were during the First Age: The Age of Creations by the gods that set forth their will during this time. If there was some greater role they were to play or a singular god that crafted them, it has been lost to time and to the Severance.

Additional History

Since this time, many have gathered on the edges of larger, more imperialistic nations, managing as they usually do to avoid wars and political strife. A small nation of halflings does exist in the area considered to be the homeland of their race: the Halfling Fields. This nation is relatively secluded, though it was nearly lost entirely during the Great War when the continent of Gimora saw much destruction.   The Halfling Fields have also seen attacks and raiders in its more recent past, such as with the Defense of Bonmalo in the early Fifth Age.


Halflings are an affable and cheerful people. They cherish the bonds of family and friendship as well as the comforts of hearth and home, harboring few dreams of gold or glory. Even adventurers among them usually venture into the world for reasons of community, friendship, wanderlust, or curiosity. Halflings are easily moved to pity and hate to see any living thing suffer. They are generous, happily sharing what they have even in lean times.   As a peace-loving people, most halflings worship Gaia, The Allmother, Avianor, The Timefather, or Chedae, The Heaven's Light. Halflings love life, food, and community, and these gods represent those aspects in their communities. They're concerned with basic needs and simple pleasures and have little use for ostentation. They have a knack for finding the most straightforward solution to a problem, and have little patience for dithering.   Most halflings live in small, peaceful communities with large farms and well-kept graves. They rarely build kingdoms of their own or even hold much land beyond their quiet shires. Indeed, the Halfling Fields to the north of the Kingdom of Endor and Bridon Tillage in northern Tarteria are extended familial communities focused on the tilling of land and helping those in need over any desire for empire or conquest. Their tendency towards peace means they have a lack of formal military, instead relying on more military-minded allies for any needed protection. Even still, halflings excel at going unnoticed, and their unassuming nature helps them to avoid unwanted attention.   They typically don't recognize any sort of halfling nobility or royalty, instead looking to family elders to guide them. Families preserve their traditional ways despite the rise and fall of empires. Many halflings live among other races, where the halflings' hard work and loyal outlook offer them abundant rewards and creature comforts.   That being said, there are those halflings who feel the call to travel beyond their fertile communities. Halflings usually set out on the adventurer's path to defend their communities, support their friends, or explore a wide and wonder-filled world. For them, adventuring is less a career than an opportunity or sometimes a necessity.

Halflings in Gimora Major

The largest society of halflings is in the Halfling Fields in the area West of the Gimora Mountains. The central city, Bonmalo, functions as their capital, though government would be a loose term for the family elders that guide them. Though the Iron Highway doesn’t reach Bonmalo, the road southwards to Endor is green and pleasant, and with the dwarven protection with Fort Johanna means any threats to the fields are dealt with, though swiftness isn’t always the norm.

Halflings in Tarteria

In Tarteria , the northern farming settlement, Bridon Tillage, was the work of an adventurous halfling family. Halflings can be seen as part of communities across lands close to their familial homes, however the orcish way of life tends to keep them in more diverse settlements closer to theirs.


Lightfoot halflings

Lightfoot halflings are the most charismatic of their kind, and have a knack for hiding, even behind other creatures.  

Stout halflings

Stout halflings have the best constitution of halflings, and are even able to resist poison better than others.

Notable Halflings

Azimuth Anthology: Alarming Farming Festival

Player Characters

Non-Player Characters

Humanoid   Size
Small   Age of Adulthood
Around 20   Lifespan
Around 150 years   Average Height
Around 3 feet   Average weight
Between 40 and 45 pounds   Skin color
Human-like, ranging from nearly black to very pale   Planes
Material Plane   Primary Locations
  • Halfling Fields
2023 Character Art provided by I.W.