Gertrude Oathenhammer

Dwarf Cleric, Light Domain, Acolyte

"There's still use left in me and I will do what I can while I live."
Gertrude Oathenhammer, or "Gertie", is a dwarf cleric who appears in Azimuth Campaign Two. She is played by L.M.    



Gertrude is an eldery female dwarf. She is stout and strong in countenance. Despite her age, she still appears fit. Her hair is grey with hints of the strawberry blonde it was in her youth, and she wears a strand of gold chain woven into her hair. Her face is friendly, open, and honest. Her clothes are finely made. She has an insignia of the Zenethia symbol on her necklace. Her eyes are a bright, piercing blue.   She wears half-plate armor. Her shield, Valja, is polished to a mirror shrine and designed in an art-deco style, which is stylized like a faceted jewel. She has a warhammer and a handaxe.   The divine magic used by Gertrude creates platinum light with its effects.



Gertrude was born in Endor, the First Mountain in 5A 052.   As a child, Gertrude received a vision of Chedae, The Heaven's Light, while viewing the Chedae's Tear in the Hall of Dwarf Kings. Chedae said to her in this vision, "Gertrude... Gerhardtsdottir... dispel all lies and protect against the dark. May the grace of my flame shine warmly upon thee evermore."   When discussing where they came from with Arwin, Gertrude said she's lived in Endor, the First Mountain, "her whole life". During her years here, she would visit the First Mountain Arena many times during the Endor Tournaments with her brother and nephew.   Gertrude was involved with the founding of Fort Johanna, which was completed around 5A 100.   Gertrude became a well respected member of the Church of Zenethia.   At some point, she was engaged to a man named Bori, however he died before they were married.   At some point before 9 Madaet 5A 352, Gertrude brought the flyer for the Santeem Republic aid caravan to Bishop Rannyl Grimsunder and requested to leave to Tarteria.

Campaign Two: Lightbringers

Session 0.1 - The Provideniye
On 9 Madaet 5A 352, Gertrude was summoned to Bishop Rannyl's office in the Temple to Zenethia. There, she received the blessing of Bishop Rannyl to leave Endor and join the aid caravan to Tarteria and lend what aid she could to remedy Chedae's fading light.   Later that day, Gertrude met Captain Levka Ruslan at the Gate of the Maw. She joined the Santeem Republic aid caravan under Ruslan's command and together with Arwin, left to Endor Port and boarded the Provideniye.   The Provideniye sailed out from Endor Port through the Dragon's Maw and across the Leviathan Sea, and it arrived in Port Surene on 23 Madaet 5A 352.   On 25 Madaet 5A 352, Captain Ruslan gave a speech to the members of the aid caravan mission after the last of the supplies were brought onboard. The Provideniye then left Port Surene and started her voyage southwards across the Leviathan Sea.   During the voyage, Gertrude, Arwin, and Demitri would meet and begin interacting with each other and Captain Ruslan. Gertrude spent time drinking with the crew. When she gave some of her drink to Demitri, he quickly poured it out overboard, which Gertrude derided him for.   On 29 Madaet 5A 352, the Providenye reached Rune Pike. As the ship rounded the Pike, the crew saw a nearby ship, the Testudo, under attack from a flock of harpies. Captain Ruslan took command of the ship and ordered her to approach and lend assistance. During the fight, Arwin and Captain Ruslan fell into the sea, and Gertrude and Demitri were able to use the rope to pull them both to the side of the ship and to safety.   After the battle, the ships departed and the Provideniye continued south towards Porgorag. In the early morning of 1 Adroth 5A 352, they could see the northern edge of Tarteria on the horizon.  
Session 1 - Silvery-White Threads
On 1 Adroth 5A 352, Gertrude arrived at the Darksteel Foundry in Porgorag on the Provideniye. Along with the other caravan members, she met with Borscha Brickwell and Captain Levka Ruslan.   Gertrude seemed unperturbed by Vitibuk seemingly ignoring her when she arrived.   When Demitri seemingly did not like the prospect of carrying crates and boxes, she teased him, saying, "Afraid to get your hands dirty, there?"   During the investigation of the elven crates, Gertrude determined they were all equally non-descript. She coudl tell that they were made blank and that heraldry or symbols had not been scraped off the crates.   After the party asked questions of Borscha and Ruslan, they decided to head out to the city to see what could be done about the missing carriages.  
Session 2 - Searching for Carriages
Gertrude went with most of the party to the Yellow Quay, where they waited to meet Warguard Ghuzzakk. As she waited, Gertrude was fidgety and impatient and refused to sit down. When Romsca showed signs of stress, Gertrude and Demitri attempted to console her.   After their meeting, Gertrude followed after Chaka who was speaking to Coinguard Gim Gorod. When Chaka appeared to be casting a spell, Gertrude ran into him to intrupt him.   After the party regrouped and discussed their next steps, while walking back towards the Darksteel Foundry Gertrude said she had an errand to run at the Church of Zenethia.  
Session 3 - Guildhalls and Churches
In the evening of 1 Adroth 5A 352, Gertrude informed the party she wished to visit the Church of Zenethia to deliver a message. A member of the clergy told Gertrude that the Godsguard was about to give a sermon. Gertrude, Arwin, and Demitri entered the church and took seats in the pews while the rest of the party waited outside. Gertrude took the time to properly arrange her holy symbol and regalia.   When Arwin saw that Godsguard Ankhan, daughter of Audeh, was a dragonborn, he stood and left the church, which Gertrude noticed.   Gertrude introduced herself to Godsguard Ankhan and delivered the sealed message from Bishop Rannyl Grimsunder. Ankhan read the scroll and returned it to Gertrude.   Ankhan discussed the fading of Chedae’s light in Tarteria, what Ankhan had felt and experienced, and the rumors of the light still being felt in the west. Ankhan also discussed the rebellion in the Western Valley, and Gertrude asked about the leader of the rebellion. Ankhan did not know about the leader of the rebellion, but said it was rumored they had “a way with words”.   Gertrude went to Demitri by the statues. On the way, she passed the statue of Johanna, saying, “We meet again, Shieldmaiden.” Gertrude relayed the extent of the conversation to Demitri, and he noted she didn’t discuss the Coinguard.   They both went to the Godsguard and Demitri asked about Coinguard Gim Gorod. After, they thanked her for her time and both left the church. On their way back to the Darksteel Foundry, Demitri asked Gertrude about the design of this church and other churches in the world.   In the morning of 2 Adroth 5A 352, Gertrude assisted Romsca with her armor and Romsca helped braid Gertrude’s hair.   At the Hero Hunters Facility, the party agreed to exchange their services for covered wagons. Across the campus, they approached the abandoned storehouse and prepared to investigate.  
Session 4 - Dusty Dens
The party headed to the abandoned storehouse of the Hero Hunters Facility. Inside, they investigated the abandoned manor and Gertrude cast Light on her shield.   As they moved into the basement, demons and oozes attacked the party. In the battle, Gertrude ran around to where she was needed, casting healing magic as she could.   After the battle, the party argued if they should close the tunnels or enter them and investigate, but while they debated, Mortimr collapsed the tunnels.  
Session 5 - Reports of Demons
After their battle, Gertrude returned with most of the others to report to Haugon. After learning of Coletta and Haugon's past, she silently prayed to Chedae for them.   After leaving Haugon, Gertrude went with Romsca and Arwin to the Oknar Offices. During their conversation with the Oknar, Gertrude informed him the water from the Yew Well may be contaminated. Gertrude also asked if a sewer map was available.   After leaving, nearby Arwin snuck into the Coinguard's office. While watching outside, a young page approached the office and Gertrude guided him away as a distraction.  
Session 6 - Strings of Prophecies
The different groups reconvened at Cardinal Desires and shared the various information they’d gathered. After discussing the black box from the caravan, Gertrude asked Romsca how well protected the Darksteel Foundry was.   Naran approached and spoke prophecies to them all. As she did, silver energy filled the room and spread to each of them, like strings of light woven in a web. To Gertrude, she said, “She sees you, though you are far from her touch and her words. Walls are rising between you. The winds of the west shall heal the squall in the south if you follow the path through.” The energies then broke and dissipated and Naran fainted.   Demitri, Arwin, and Gertrude shared their suspicions of Gim Gorod with Matriarch Eval , and they asked her to hold onto the Coinguard’s papers.   The party then returned to the Darksteel Foundry. The party went to the warehouse and confronted the goliath who was acting strangely.  
Session 7 - Brawl for the Box
The party confronted the goliath guarding the strange black box and a fight ensued. After Arwin was stunned, Gertrude cast Shield of Faith on him. Then she stepped into direct combat with the goliath and traded blows.   After the fight, Gertrude helped heal the party’s wounds. In response, Demitri said, “Oh, you’re a gem, Gertrude.”   During the party’s discussion after the fight, Gertrude stood ready over the goliath with her hammer.   While waiting for the party to regroup, Gertrude remembered where she had heard the names from the Coinguard’s letters. They were all celestial-based names from different cultures.   When Godsguard Ankhan arrived at the Darksteel Foundry, Gertrude greeted her with the motion of the Zenethian symbol.  
Session 8 - Disparate Pieces
When Mortimr cast magic on the green ring and Godsguard Ankhan was hurt, Gertrude healed her. Ankhan thanked her and told her that the sensation she felt from the ring was the same as when she first felt the fading of Chedae’s light.   When Mortimr’s compulsion caused him to open the box, Gertrude planted her shield between the gnome and the black box.   As the party ate and discussed, Gertrude appeared distant and quiet, even refraining from drinking. When Chaka asked why she seemed troubled, and when Demitri asked what her thoughts on their dilemma were, she didn’t respond to either. She repeated what the Godsguard had said, that the initial blocking of Chedae felt like "a wave from the south". The note in the box had mentioned Red Lake, a prominent lake in central Tarteria. Gertrude repeated the prophecy she’d gotten from Naran: "the winds of the west shall heal the squall in the south."  
Session 9 - Befouled Waters
In the morning, Gertrude rebraided the gold chain jewelry into her hair. While eating, Chaka ate while still wearing his helmet, which Gertrude called him out on. When they locked the black box and green ring in Romsca's room, Gertrude accompanied her to ensure it was done.   They went to Westifeld to the sewer access marked by Romulus. They removed the rusted grate and entered the city’s sewers. Getting back as far as they had previously scouted, Gertrude prepared her equipment, and they continued on.   Reaching a series of intersections, they noticed several creatures nearby. The group debated if they should put these things out of their misery, but elected to try to not risk a larger fight. However, Gray Oozes that were hanging on the ceiling dropped on them suddenly and the other beasts were drawn towards them.   In the battle, Gertrude cast Scorching Ray and killed several giant rats. Stepping past the poisoned and delerious Demitri, she slammed her hammer into the last of the rats, killing it.  
Session 10 - The Sunken Shrine
While continuing forward, the party heard Draconic chanting, which Gertrude could understand.   In the Spring of the Natant Yew, the party faced two Bulezau and other demons. When the spell chanting was stopped, Gertrude said her thanks. Gertrude had started near the back of the marching order, and in the combat, she ran forward to catch up to the rest of the party.   Arwin shot a roped arrow into the Bulezau’s torso. He called for help to pull, and Gertrude grabbed his belt and heaved. She lifted Arwin off the ground and the demon was yanked out of the circle’s radius.   The fiends were killed and prevented from completing a spell circle which would have created a source of corruption beneath Porgorag.   After the battle, Arwin put his hand on Gertrude’s shoulder, momentarily overwhelmed from the combat. Arwin asked her if this place could be sanctified again. She said they would need many clerics to fully purify the water and consecrate this place.   Arwin picked up the stone carried by the Bulezau. Gertrude confirmed it was not a spell focus, but it did seem magical.   Looking around the room, Gertrude remembered a story from her youth, a parable of a powerful mage who came to a place in need.   As they regrouped, Demtri and Arwin berated Romsca for needlessly risking her life. Gertrude said this was not the right place for this conversation, but Demitri insisted, saying he hoped it would sink in.  
Session 11 - Porgorag's Light
After the battle, the group investigated the shrine. Gertrude investigated the stonework and learned some of the materials used in its construction. She bemoaned the erosion and damage, as it would not have been up to dwarven standards.   Romsca went to heal Mortimr, but he berated her for not healing herself first. In response, Gertrude healed Romsca.   The group left the sewers to speak with Godsguard Ankhan. The party told her what transpired, and Gertrude and Romulus told her the demons had attempted a spell of desecration in the shrine. Ankhan gave them about some information she’d gathered about the Eight-Pronged Residuum Ring.   Gertrude helped dig through journals and notes in the church’s office for information about the shrine. After Romulus seemingly activated the statue of Joseppe, the Shadow Mage, and located a hidden spell scroll, both Ankhan and Gertrude made the hand sign of Zenethia, which Mortimr scoffed at.   Most of the group chose to accompany the Godsguard back to the shrine. Ankhan asked if one of the party’s clerics would be more comfortable attempting to cast the spell contained in the scroll. Romsca offered, and Gertrude helped funnel the divine energies as she began to read.   After the spell was successfully cast and the protective barrier was reinforced, Gertrude congratulated Romsca with an enthusiastic slap on the back.   During the trek back, Ankhan told Gertrude she had characterful friends and was jealous Gertrude was able to get out and make a difference. Gertrude said, “It is never boring, but every once in a while, you want to wring somebody’s neck. But it is fun.” Demitri teased her about not getting out of Endor sooner.  
Session 12 - Connections
The party regrouped at the Oknar Offices with Godsguard Ankhan. They met with Oknar Jod and Watchguard Inzun, where they discussed their actions in the sewers and their concerns with the Coinguard. Gertrude shared that the water of the shrine had been reconsecrated.   At the Oknar’s direction, Ankhan cast a Zone of Truth spell, and Gertrude chose to not resist the effects. Gertrude said the reason he was infatuated was because he received a prophecy from Meena. Gertrude also said that someone seemed to have worked with the demons, likely a worshipper of Esturk, and the Coinguard has many means and resources in the city.   Later, at the Hero Hunters Facility, Haugon paid the group for their service and asked for their aid finding a lost Hero Hunters group in the west. During the conversations, Gertrude gave Romsca some of her healing ale.   After they left, the group went to the Glistening Hog Tavern to east and rest. While there, Gertrude wrote down notes about the tavern’s ale in a journal she carried.  
Session 13 - Growing Ties
In the Glistening Hog Tavern, the party ate a late brunch, rested, and talked. At Demitri's suggestion, they played a drinking game and answered questions about themselves.   Over the course of the conversation, Gertrude revealed information about herself. Gertrude was involved with the founding of Fort Johanna in her youth. She became a priestess after her father brought her to see Chedae's Tear on Dragonrise, where she heard Chedae’s voice. Gertrude waited for so long to leave Endor, the First Mountain, because she was waiting for a calling from Chedae. She didn’t know if Chedae waited this long for a reason.   The party discussed if it was better to go west immediately or go south first, and Gertrude expressed her commitment to finishing the aid caravan they had promised to see through.   Gertrude and Romsca noticed a green glowing from among Ilmendwyth’s possessions. He excused himself and went outside, saying he needed to use the restroom. He returned shortly after.   After they finished their meal, Gertrude purchased two health potions from the Yewberry Apothecary.  
Session 14 - Voltha's Walk
The party continued across town towards Eastfield. They reached a section of several specialty shops called Voltha’s Walk.   At Cloak and Trident, Orkid Aspara sold Gertrude a Tankard of Sobriety. Gertrude asked if she had a Circlet of Blasting, and Orkid said she didn’t have anything at the ready but could work on commission.   At First Mountain Jewels, Gertrude asked Kororsh if he could make a Circlet of Blasting. She showed him a pink gemstone she asked to be incorporated. Kororsh asked where she got the stone and Gertrude said it was intended to be a gift she had held onto for “about 250 years.”   Before leaving, Gertrude asked Kororsh if he had a place he’d recommend for food, and he suggested the Glistening Hog Tavern. On her way out, she made the Zenethian symbol to Kororsh, who gave a thumbs up in return.   At Pages for Ages, Trawlana mentioned her book, The Time the Eight Dragons Had Tea. Gertrude was very interested and asked if she could read it. Trawlana said she would appreciate a religious set of eyes and provided a copy. Gertrude sat by the window to begin reading.  
Session 15 - Snakes and Smokescreens
Gertrude finished reading The Time the Eight Dragons Had Tea, which she seemed to really enjoy. She returned the copy to Trawlana and asked for a signed copy when it was complete.   The party regrouped at the Darksteel Foundry and took time to prepare for their evening meeting. During this time, Gertrude meditated and felt that her connection to Chedae, The Heaven's Light, was a little fainter.   In the evening, they returned to the Glistening Hog Tavern. To prepare, Gertrude asked Bradzakk to be in the kitchens, and she offered her help serving drinks in the interim.   After the Coinguard arrived, Romsca and Gertrude noticed he was disguised as Kororsh. To avoid suspicion as Romsca spoke with Bradzakk about this, Gertrude served Romsca a drink in the Tankard of Sobriety.   When the Coinguard tried to flee after speaking with Mortimr, Gertrude rushed out from the kitchen and started trying to direct the tavern crowd out the doors. Gim Gorod’s bodyguard jumped down from the balcony, and Gertrude moved to intercept him.  
Session 16 - Planting Seeds, Parting Gifts
As the party regrouped, Romsca returned Gertrude’s Tankard of Sobriety. Gertrude suggested time was important and they should investigate Gim Gorod's Residence, and they left the tavern.   Inside the manor, they explored. Gertrude found a locked wardrobe that seemed to match the gold key and called the group together. When the wardrobe appeared trapped, Gertrude suggested they smash it into kindling.   After locating Gim Gorod’s journal, they left out the back and climbed the back fence.   At the Darksteel Foundry, the group discussed the contents of the journal, and they rested. Gertrude fell asleep in a chair, and was later awoke by Chaka’s nightmare. Gertrude identified the rune on Chaka’s neck as draconic, and gave him some ale to help him sleep.   In the morning, they decided what to do with the Eight-Pronged Residuum Ring. Gertrude agreed that taking it with could present a chance to set a trap with it as bait later on.   Gertrude joined part of the group to the Oknar Offices, speaking with Inzun and handing over Gim Gorod’s journal. After, they returned to the Foundry and prepared to leave. Gertrude gave a bag of coins to Ambera and Borscha Brickwell, and she asked it be given to Kororsh.   Along with the rest of the Lightbringers, Gertrude left Porgorag with the aid caravan, headed south.  
Session 17 - Setting Out
On 4 Adroth 5A 352, Gertrude and the others set out from Porgorag southwards on the Orc Highway. On the road the first day, Gertrude did her best to keep her spirits up with song. However, her shorter dwarf stride resulted in her slowly falling farther and farther back in the caravan.   As evening came, Captain Ruslan ordered camp, and the caravan pulled off the road. Gertrude and Ruslan prepared a hearty meal for the group using the boar Ilmendwyth hunted. As they settled around the campfire, Ruslan asked if Gertrude would share some of her ale.   During the evening watches, Romulus awoke Gertrude for her turn. However, his Wild Shape panther form startled her, and she punched him before realizing who it was.   On her watch, Gertrude prepared dwarvish coffee and blessed the caravan in the name of Chedae. Mortimr scoffed at her prayer, and Gertrude came over to the cart he was under, saying, "Hello, darling. Now, I know that my faith might not be of interest to you, but it I choose to bless the whole caravan to make myself feel better, I’m going to do so. You don’t have to like it; however, you don’t have to mock me either. Good morning!"   Romsca and Gertrude talked about their roles as clerics. Romsca didn’t seem confident, but Gertrude reassured her, saying, "Life is all about finding things that make you happy and are useful to others." Mortimr joined them and said he disagreed, though Gertrude berated him for his pessimism.   The next day on 5 Adroth 5A 352, they continued on. Romulus offered to ease the travel for Gertrude, casting Longstrider on her, which she appreciated.  
Session 18 - Cards and Conversations
In the evening of 5 Adroth, Gertrude played the questions drinking game with some of the Lightbringers. When Chaka asked her about art, she said she enjoyed it, and cities like her home, Endor, attract many artists.   After Arwin and Romsca’s argument, Gertrude tried to comfort Romsca before the gnoll left.   During the overnight watches, Chaka said he wasn’t sure what could’ve been said during the argument. Gertrude said there wasn’t anything anyone could have said in the heat of the moment. She said Arwin’s perspective came from high emotion, and Romsca was not responsible for the actions of her race so far away in the past.   Mortimr asked Gertrude if Chedae had answered any of her sincere, “serious” prayers. She said no, but that, “There are many things that I would want, but there are things not even gods can give us back. I pray to her for good things to happen to good people, but life is life and sometimes bad things happen to good people as well.” Gertrude said she felt faith was worth it for her and that faith needs faith.  
Session 19 - The Roadside Cairn
In the evening of 6 Adroth, Gertrude, Romsca, and Mortimr took the final watch. Gertrude was tired and sore from the travel, but still upbeat. She kept an eye on Romsca, who was still feeling the effects of her talks with Arwin. She asked if Romsca was excited to be in a new city. Romsca said no, and she didn’t like crowds. When Romsca expressed concerns about her place in her guild and her duties to her tribe, Gertrude tried to encourage her.   At the evening camp, Gertrude investigated the nearby Tarterian War battlefield. Gertrude wanted to ease some of the unease she felt here. She investigated the cairn and found faded symbols of Nerull on some of the tumbled rocks. Before returning to camp, she made a prayer to Chedae for the fallen, and as she did, she thought she heard a sound like the shearing of metal.  
Session 20 - Drawn to Fire
Gertrude awoke to Ilmendwyth’s alarm whistle in the night. She armed herself with her weapon and shield, and she joined the group as Romsca returned with Drok, a young half-orc with Arwin’s arrow in his thigh.   Gertrude asked if Romsca would be healing him, and she replied yes, but as a reward for answering the group’s questions. Gertrude suggested he work to earn his keep and make amends. They woke Captain Ruslan and Gertrude informed him of what happened.   When ghosts attacked the caravan, Gertrude cast Scorching Ray, but the damage seemed to not hit with full effect. The ghost was drawn to her magic and she cast Shield of Faith on herself. She didn’t want to leave the other guards nearby, so she held her ground and prepared another spell.   The ghost rushed towards her, but with the risk of hitting Dhug, she threw the magic wide. The ghost rushed into Gertrude, burning her as it passed through. She felt herself being shunted aside from her body, but the light from her fired spell seemed to burst and luminate, and she held firm as Arwin killed the ghost.   In the wake of the combat, Gertrude felt that the blocking of Chedae’s light, or the light and dark of Azimuth being out of balance, was to blame for the spirits’ restlessness. This led the group to repairing the roadside cairn to keep the ghosts at bay.  
Session 21 - Axe-Breaker Blessings
During the travel, Gertrude was exhausted, quiet, and disheveled. She was seemingly disturbed after the possession attempt during the previous ghost battle.   As the caravan approached a Dire Pangolin, Romsca approached Gertrude and said, “Since there might be danger and you’re not looking like you’re up to as much today, have this please.” She gave her a platinum ring with diamond chips in the shape of Gertrude’s shield.   During the conversation with Lieutenant Vramas, Gertrude mentioned Gim Gorod was no longer the coinguard of Porgorag. She also noticed the emblem of Nerull he wore and mentioned the roadside cairn and the troubles the caravan ran into on the road southwards. When Vramas offered to aid with the lingering effects on some of the party, Gertrude called over those affected.   As they camped in Axe-Breaker Thicket, Gertrude picked up some red wood chips.  
Session 22 - Raised Voices
During the travel on 9 and 10 Adroth, Gertrude was tired and less jovial. She was unused to this type of extended travel.   As the group discussed what to do with the Eight-Pronged Residuum Ring, Gertrude felt the Tarterian Traders could try to steal it from the caravan before they reached the city. She suggested they hold onto the ring until they figured out who to trust.   As the group thought to have Mortimr examine the ring, Arwin said if things went wrong they could just kill Mortimr. Gertrude was shocked by this, and she reached for the ring. Demitri held it away and she struck him, hitting his Shield spell. As they fought, Romsca cast Hold Person, but the ring activated and vacuous force harmed Demitri, Gertrude, and Romulus.   In the ensuing argument, Gertrude said, “All we were doing was talking and nothing was being done. Except for talking about killing, Mortimr.”  
Session 23 - Acid and Fire
The argument over the green ring was interrupted by tunneling ankhegs that attacked the group. Gertrude engaged with the adult ankheg that had grappled Mortimr, throwing her axe at it.   In the melee, Gertrude was splashed with acid from the ankhegs. Gertrude smashed an ankheg youth, destroying most of the creature’s head. However, it continued to move despite the grievous injury.   When Romsca went unconscious, Gertrude rushed into range of the alpha ankheg, which allowed her to get a hand on Romsca and heal her with magic. After Romsca was rescued, Gertrude finished the alpha with a massive swing of her hammer, breaking the ankheg’s back and carapace.  
Session 24 - A Dream of Iron
As the Warden Rangers started to clear the ankhegs, Gertrude carefully scraped the ichor from her shield and weapon. She used magic to heal herself, and she ensured Romsca made it back to camp to rest.   During the travel on 11 Adroth, Gertrude helped the struggling Chaka by sharing her ale.   That evening, Gertrude thought of home and her times with family during the Endor Tournaments. She saw a lightning bug and thought of the tenuous connection to Chedae, and she hoped they would find answers soon.  
Session 25 - Rose Glasses, Clay Compass
When Mortimr asked Gertrude for a drink, starting the questions drinking game, she asked if he was actually going to answer questions this time.   As Mortimr explained the entity in his head, Gertrude thought of religious parallels she had heard of with seers and prophets.   The group prepared for Mortimr to see the ring, and Gertrude chose to stay close to him. During the investigation, Gertrude saw a pink tint overtake the gnome’s glasses and ephemeral flower petals in the air. After, Mortimr shared the details from the entity. Arwin was aggravated by the revelations, and Gertrude asked if he’d expected good news from it.   Mortimr asked if Gertrude could try asking Chedae for guidance. She took the time to pray and focused her thoughts on asking for help. The connection she felt to Chedae was tenuous, but several lightning bugs seemed to be drawn from Gertrude towards the south.   Before bedding down, Demitri approached Gertrude and thanked her for agreeing to let Mortimr examine the ring. He gifted her his copy of The Fate of Johanna. Gertrude was touched, and she hugged Demitri and offered him some of her ale.   At the Cereus Compass, Gertrude could tell the ex-soldier preaching truly believed the words he was saying.   Just after midday, Demitri entered New Keeleon through Argil’s Gate along with the aid caravan.  
Session 26 - Names, New and Old
Inside Argil’s Gate, Gertrude investigated a message board for postings related to the fading light.   They reached the Breakwater Keep and entered to speak with Nalt Oknar Rulla, Watchguard Stuzrog, Godsguard Shumedzar, and Lord Lortuk. During the conversation, Lortuk said Labb was “a bit old” for the role, which put off Gertrude.   They were directed to wait nearby for the arranged payment, which was brought and distributed shortly.   After Arwin spied on Sir Talmid’s conversation with the city officials, he returned to the group and quietly shared what he’d learned as they left.   As they were escorted outside to the bailey, Romsca seemed put off, and Gertrude reassured her that the job was done.   On the way out of Breakwater Keep, Romsca suggested Gertrude seek out the ex-soldier they had heard at the Cereus Compass, in case it related to her goals.   The party regrouped at the Far Bar Inn. After Mortimr recognized Sir Talmid and said he would kill him, Gertrude said if they openly assassinated an official, they wouldn’t make it out of the city alive. Gertrude said she wasn’t a murderer and Mortimr said he wasn’t asking her to deal the killing blow.   Arwin asked what the party’s plan in the city was. They started talking about tasks they should accomplish. Gertrude wanted to search for answers for Chedae’s fading light.   After the discussion, Mortimr initiated a Gnomish Gem Binding ritual. Gertrude participated, using the tip of her axe to draw blood.   The group went to Victory Market to purchase supplies.   That evening, when Demitri met his mother at the Equus Orphanage and learned he may be the heir of Sokolov, Gertrude reacted with surprise. She suggested Sokolov had lied to Demitri, to prevent him from seeking out his family.   During the conversation, Romulus noted an old enchantment on Zofi and altered Gertrude and Romsca to it. After Romsca removed the spell, Gertrude cast another spell on Zofi, whispering, “to see your son with better eyes.” Though it would be temporary, the cataracts in Zofi’s eyes recovered, and she could look upon Demitri clearly.   After they finished speaking with Zofi at the orphanage, they headed back to the Far Bar Inn. On their way back to the Far Bar Inn, Gertrude shared her flask with Demitri and said the “flaming-haired woman” was a problem.  
Session 27 - River and Sky
At the Far Bar Inn, they discussed their plan. Gertrude said the timeframe the Tarterian Traders had put increased pressure on the city merchants was the same as when Chedae’s light had first started to fade.   In the morning of 13 Adroth, Gertrude and Ilmendwyth stayed behind with the Eight-Pronged Residuum Ring and its new box.  
Session 28 - An Interrupted Meal
While waiting, Gertrude meditated and cast Sending to Bishop Rannyl. She said the fading light was drawing her south and asked for information on the residuum ring.   They regrouped at the Far Bar Inn and shared what they’d learned. Gertrude shared her message to her bishop, and said she wanted to speak to the captured prisoner about Chedae. When Arwin said Mortimr may be interested in meeting with Sir Talmid, Gertrude asked if he'd be able to handle his emotions.   The group met Captain Ruslan for a Santeemite-themed lunch downstairs. Gertrude went immediately for the caviar. When Ruslan asked about their efforts with the residuum ring, Gertrude said, “And now I believe the hard part begins.”   Arwin asked Ruslan to deliver a message. Ruslan said he’d be happy to take the message and leave it somewhere, which Gertrude laughed at.   During the meal, city guards arrested Ruslan. Gertrude said she had business at Breakwater Keep and would be coming with, smiling at the guards.   Gertrude and the others followed and spoke with the watch commander. Gertrude fully introduced herself, but there was no record of her being given permission to enter. The guard said he didn’t want to impede a woman of the faith and escorted Gertrude and Arwin in. They shared a quick look when they found Ruslan in the cells.   After Cole briefly argued with Arwin, Gertrude said, “Please don’t play the victim. You knew damn well what you were doing. You knew what you were doing was dangerous and you did it anyway.”   Gertrude asked Cole about Chedae and his experience during those times. Arwin said in dwarvish the story seemed farfetched, and Gertrude agreed. Gertrude led a prayer with Cole. From him, she felt a similar energy to Chedae, but disconnected in some way. As the prayer ended, Cole invited Gertrude to the west to see for herself.   Gertrude spoke with Ruslan and promised they would not leave until he was released. She said Ruslan was now a friend of her family, Clan Oathenhammer. Ruslan replied saying she was a friend of his as well. Ruslan asked to help Romsca not feel bad about this. Gertrude said she was going to be upset no matter what.   They returned and shared their findings. Gertrude went to the Nalt Oknar’s chamber and asked why Ruslan was in the dungeons. Demitri and Romsca quickly informed Rulla about the arrest at the Far Bar Inn, and Gertrude was visibly upset. Rulla and Shumedzar joined the group to the cells, and Rulla called for Ruslan’s release.  
Session 29 - A Lord’s Investigation
Gertrude cast Sending to Mortimr to inform him about Ruslan’s release and say the inn was not safe.   The party regrouped at Victory Market. Finding the hidden door, they entered and Gertrude surveyed the room. They spoke with Lortuk and Ranger General Labb. They discussed Lortuk’s investigation into Red Lake and the Prophets of Regression.   When Lortuk mentioned the timeframe, Gertrude asked how far south Red Lake was. She said it was the same timing as when Chedae’s light started fading.   They discussed who they could trust and who Lortuk may be working with. Gertrude said she felt they could trust Rulla. She said, “If you’re worried about corruption, I think you should think about the watchguard and the Commandment of Sky in the city, specifically Sir Talmid.” She also said that the missing coinguard may have been asking too many questions about the Traders.   Gertrude informed him that the watchguard had apparently tried to apprehend Captain Ruslan, and there was paperwork with the watchguard’s signature. After learning that Ruslan had been arrested, Lortuk said ensuring Ruslan was fully exonerated would be the least he could do. Gertrude agreed it would be the least.   After the conversation, the group left back into the alleys of Victory Market.  
Session 30 - On the Riverbank
The party regrouped in the alleys. Gertrude and Ruslan were concerned about returning to Far Bar Inn but decided it was still the best place to stay. Ruslan asked how the meeting went. Gertrude said she didn’t like Lortuk “skulking in the shadows” while their group did all the work.   Demitri suggested the seek out Argilla. Gertrude agreed and also suggested they search for the missing coinguard. Before leaving the Victory Market, the group spoke to merchants around the area as they were closing shop. In the late evening, they returned to Far Bar Inn, ate, and rested. Ilmendwyth and Gertrude took last watch.   In the morning of 14 Adroth, they took the main roadway into the Embankment district. At the Augurs, Ilmendwyth and Gertrude found a small figurine offering at Esturk’s shard. They brought it to the attention of the rest of the party. Gertrude then made a quick prayer at the Chedae shard.   They saw Nedurr, the Mud Mage, on the riverbank. They approached and questioned him. At Nedurr’s raised voice, they were ambushed by a pack of mudmutts. Mortimr and Gertrude were grabbed and pulled into the river and attacked beneath the murky water.   Gertude swam to an unconscious Mortimr. She couldn’t cast and couldn’t administer a potion to him. Instead, she took the potion in her mouth and transferred it to him with a kiss. Mortimr came to, and Gertrude gave him a harsh look, as if to say, “You saw nothing!”   Ruslan jumped in the water and moved to protect Gertrude. With savage attacks, Ruslan went down, bled out, and died. Nearby, a different beast attacked Gertrude and she was knocked unconscious in the water.   Mortimr moved to Gertrude and used his own potion to kiss and transfer to Gertrude. She recovered just in time for Romsca to drag them to shore. Romsca healed Gertrude with a spell like melting gold. Romsca, Gertrude, and Romulus turned to the fallen Ruslan. However, Mortimr reached him first and revived him.   Nearby, Argilla called to the group, “Quickly! Away from the water, this way, this way!” Gathering the wounded, the group rushed northwards towards the Watermill Gallery.  
Session 31 - These Old Artists
Ruslan ensured Gertrude and Mortimr were alright. Gertrude repaired his damaged armor. Ruslan said he wasn’t sure what happened, but he thanked the group. Gertrude thanked him for interposing himself and said she was in his debt. Gertrude appeared somewhat distant, then quickly changed the subject.   Argilla noted Gertrude’s iconography and said they’d be in good hands. Gertrude said she’d met with Godsguard Ankhan and needed to speak to him about Chedae’s light. However, she said Chaka had been waiting some time to speak with him as well.   Argilla introduced them to Al'phonas Muchaelas. They spoke at length about many topics.   Argilla asked about Chedae’s light. Gertrude had felt the blockage, and she’d been sent by Bishop Rannyl Grimsunder to investigate. Gertrude described her conversation and prayers with Cole. She said the residuum ring may be drawing out Chedae’s light in some way.   While discussing elemental founts, Argilla mentioned Red Rocks. Gertrude recognized it from the nearby Fort Johanna.   Al’phonas presented a plan to create a decoy Unsigned Painting of the Great Beasts to learn where his real painting may be and if the Tarterian Traders were involved. They agreed, and the party prepared to help Chaka as best they could.  
Session 32 - To Paint a Phoenix
On 14 Adroth 5A 352, Gertrude spoke with the merchants of the city and learned about their relationships with the Tarterian Traders.   Gertrude communicated with Bishop Rannyl through Sending spells. Rannyl checked Zenethia scriptures and shared information about “a genasi seeking residuum in the wake of the Great War” and their battle with Zenethian Champion Rita.   To help Chaka, Gertrude cast a light spell to illuminate the room. She also cast Guidance on him.   That evening, Romsca asked the group to return her notebooks to Gohled Teente if she were to die. Gertrude and Ilmendwyth said they would do so, if needed.   On 15 Adroth 5A 352, Gertrude spoke with Rannyl again. Rannyl shared info from The Decayed Tomes, which mentioned the Severance and “four Siphons and four Keys.” Gertrude asked him to continue searching.   Rosmca asked Gertrude questions about faith and what it was like to be part of a faithful order. Gertrude said any self-doubt Rosmca felt was only within herself. Gertrude said, “Fate has placed you on this path. Trust in the goddess you devoted your life to to lead the way. Four years for a god is nothing. The divine is a scary thing, but embrace it. She is with you. […] Don’t question the will of the gods. She chose you, accept it. You’ll go insane if you try to think about it too much, lass. Just go with the flow!”   To help Chaka, Gertrude and Romsca cast Mending on Chaka’s brushes and supplies to keep them in pristine condition.  
Session 33 - History and Heroes
Ruslan was considering joining their group and not returning to Santeem. Gertrude said she had connections and could try to get Ruslan appointed by the church to her mission to repay him and to avoid trouble with the Santeem government. Ruslan agreed to help.   Mortimr approached Gertrude, saying, “Oathenhammer, are we good?” She replied he didn’t know what he was talking about, and the conversation ended.   They discussed the upcoming gallery showing. Al’phonas said weapons and armor weren’t allowed. Gertrude asked Romsca, if she was staying outside, if she would hold her shield and warhammer. Romsca didn’t believe she was well suited to their mission. When Mortimr said, “Quit your bitching,” Gertrude told him to simmer down.   Al’phonas made arrangements with Leka Fabrics. Gertrude received clothes influenced by traditional and modern orcish styles. Back at Argilla’s home, Gertrude gave a leather sash to Romsca. Romsca said she didn’t have anything to return, and Gertrude said she didn’t have to.   At the gallery opening, Romsca cast a protective bonding spell on Gertrude. Gertrude accompanied Argilla inside. They overheard excitement from the gathered nobles about a rumored rare art piece on display.   As the show continued, Gertrude saw Shur in the gallery. She didn’t recognize him, but she kept watch on him as he browsed the art.  
Session 34 - Watermill Melee
Shur activated a smoke grenade in the gallery and attempted to push Al’phonas aside. A burst of light from Gertrude protected him for a moment. Gertrude saw revealed cultists start pulling weapons and they quickly engaged.   Ilmendwyth quickly dragged Al’phonas towards Gertrude’s light as she attacked and killed cultists across the gallery. Gertrude checked Al’phonas and tried to aid, but the effect from Shur prevented him from breathing, and he passed out.   Gertrude continued battling against the cultists while Argilla stayed close. Gertrude called out if anyone needed healing and started moving towards the front door. Outside, she healed the guard captain.   Ruslan reached them and provided their gear. He helped Gertrude to put on her armor faster.  
Session 35 - On the Scent
Ruslan handed out gear to Chaka, Mortimr, Gertrude and Demitri, and they reequipped themselves. Ruslan helped Gertrude equip her armor.   The party regrouped at the gate to the Catlinites and headed to a warehouse near the Commandment of Sky Guildhall. After dispatching sentries, they entered and found a hidden passage to the main guildhall.   Arwin found a hidden door with an elemental sigil. The party entered, though the cultists were now searching for them. They headed down a set of stairs.   Beneath the guildhall, the group found the Chamber of Titles. They overheard conversation between Talmid and Shur, but they triggered a trap. Two large elementals apparated in front of them and attacked.  
Session 36 - The Chamber of Titles
Gertrude cast a Fireball spell in the back of the room, hitting the air elemental and blowing the door off the ritual room. The air elemental flew forward. Gertrude stood firm, but the gale threw Romulus across the room.   Talmid pushed Shur forward. He shot Gertrude twice with air missiles, but to little effect. Gertrude called, “Are ya having a bad day?”   She cast another Fireball, hitting Shur, Romsca, and both elemental cores. With another radiant spell, she scattered the air elemental in a burst of wind. The air core fully cracked and broke.   Talmid called to the fire elemental. It rushed across Gertrude, Romsca, Mortimr, and Demitri, setting them on fire. Gertrude continued to attack the elemental in the fire, helping Demitri to kill it. Then, Talmid was subdued and captured.   They started exploring the rooms. Romulus, Gertrude, and Ilmendwyth found Coinguard Holarust and Watchguard Shumedzar. Ilmendwyth picked the locks of the cages, while Romulus and Gertrude quickly searched the room. Once the cages were open, Romulus cast a healing aura spell and Gertrude helped tend to their wounds.   Gertrude cast a Sending spell to Rulla and informed her they’d found Stuzrog and Holarust at the guildhall. She received a quick reply and could tell Rulla seemed to be running.  
Session 37 - Petals, Paintings, Pasts
Gertrude ensured Holarust and Stuzrog would survive before focusing on Mortimr. She wordlessly handed him a healing potion.   Mortimr asked what Talmid was afraid of if he wasn’t afraid to die. When Gertrude said Beburos’s name, Talmid seemed to jump.   After Talmid was killed, Stuzrog weakly said Rulla needed to be informed, and Gertrude said she’s on her way.   Gertrude made a prayer to Chedae to ask about Borli’s soul. She only received silence. Her connection felt strained, as if her light could not reach her here. After the conversation with Maalik and Azariel, Romsca returned to Gertrude. She asked if Gertrude was alright. Gertrude told her she had been unable to pray.   The group was tired and it was past midnight, but they chose to stay and continue looking through the rooms. Gertrude inspected the stonework to see if any of the materials or design reminded her of the tunnels she’d found Bori in.   Gertrude fumbled with the fine clothing beneath her armor. Romsca asked Gertrude to message Bishop Rannyl and ask to watch over Romsca’s sister, Yeempa. Demitri suggested Rannyl be safe as well. Gertrude said she would contact him as soon as she recovered her magic.   The group settled down in the rooms to rest. Gertrude waited until everyone else was asleep, then took out Bori’s pink gemstone. She didn’t sleep that night as she stared at the gemstone with tears in her eyes.  
Session 38 - The Prophets of Regression
In the morning, Gertrude warned Bishop Rannyl of the genasi and Tarterian Traders, and said to guard the Flower of the King. He replied he would put their best paladin on it.   She also told her brother, Gerlach, to find and protect Romsca’s sister, Yeempa. She messaged her nephew, Lachlann, to say she was proud of him.   Over the next days, they dug into the research, journals, and materials they found. They discovered information about the Prophets of Regression and the genasi’s actions.   At the end of studying all this information, they theorized what this all meant. Gertrude and Romsca didn’t know what redoing or undoing the Severance would mean for the Dragon pantheon.   Chaka consulted with the party about providing the Great Leviathan painting to Al’phonas. Gertrude didn’t know what else they would need it for.   In the late afternoon of 18 Adroth, Rulla sent Lord Lortuk to gather the Lightbringers. On the way, Chaka split Al’phonas’s gold with the party.   The group discussed what next move would be best and chose Red Lake as priority, then they would cycle back to the ankheg nest.   At the Breakwater Keep they were brought before Nalt Oknar Rulla. As reward for their actions, the Lightbringers were given the Rill Priory and invited as guests of honor to the Champion’s Conquest festivities.


Bishop Rannyl Grimsunder

Bishop Rannyl Grimsunder is one of Gertrude's oldest friends, having been involved with her during much of her time with the faith. It was stated they spent many hours discussing matters of the faith together over the decades. Rannyl was familiar enough with Gertrude and her family to offer to attend the ceremony of her nephew, Lachlann, in her stead should she not return to Endor, the First Mountain, in time for it. Rannyl was also the minister set to preside over the wedding ceremony for Gertrude and her late fiancé, Bori. Uncharacteristically for Rannyl, he hugged Gertrude before she departed from his office. Rannyl thought very highly of Gertrude, which was seen in his letter to Godsguard Ankhan, daughter of Audeh.

Character Information

Notable Items

  • Cask of Dwarven Courage: small cask of home-brewed dwarven ale.
  • Leather pocket journal: carries notes from restaurants and taverns.
  • Valja: her gemstone-like shield, which was a gift from her family.
  • Pink gemstone: gemstone shared that glows with a soft light, carved to represent an edelweiss blossom.
  • Platinum Ring: a ring given by Romsca, with diamond chips in a design similar to her shield.
  • A set of regal dress clothes purchased from Leka Fabrics. They are made of thick fabric and deep navy and green colors, with a small sable fur accessory piece.


  • "Fear not, even if I do not come back here, we will meet again." - 2.0.1
  • "Afraid to get your hands dirty, there?" - 2.1
  • "Even though these old bones do betray me sometimes, there's still use left in me and I will do what I can while I live." - 2.3
  • "Why is everybody in this party rude?" - 2.11
  • "It is never boring, but every once in a while, you want to wring somebody’s neck. But it is fun." - 2.11
  • "Hello, darling. Now, I know that my faith might not be of interest to you, but it I choose to bless the whole caravan to make myself feel better, I’m going to do so. You don’t have to like it; however, you don’t have to mock me either. Good morning!" - 2.17
  • "Life is all about finding things that make you happy and are useful to others." - 2.17
  • "Has Chedae ever come down from the heavens to grant me a personal audience and make all my wishes come true? No. I have devoted my long life to her, yes, but I am not going to ask the impossible of a deity with the weight of the world on her shoulders." - 2.18
  • "If you're asking me if I think religion is worth it, for me it is, yes. It's given me purpose. I've done good things for good people, and bad people as well. I'm here to help. She is here to help." - 2.18
  • "I have been a priestess of Chedae for hundreds of years. I have prayed to her often and I know what she feels like. I have prayed to her on this continent, and her power is but a whisper, and she always leads me south. Not once have I felt her power in the west. Not once. I believe everything you’re telling me, I believe that you have seen this, but I doubt its true origin." - 2.28
2024 Character Art by Hero Forge, supplied by G.F.
Character Type
Player Character   Actor

Current Location
Date of Birth
5A 052
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2024 Character Art by Hero Forge, supplied by G.F.