
Gnomes are one of the common races found on Azimuth. They are a small race of humanoids known for their work ethic, cleverness, and sense of humor.



Gnomes have somewhat exaggerated features compared to humans, such as pointed ears, or large eyes or noses. They have the same range of skin and hair tones as humans, though their hair tends to be wild and seemingly unkempt.   Gnomes are creatures of energy and enthusiasm that find great joy in living and in the world around them. Their tan or brown faces are usually adorned with broad smiles and their bright eyes shine with excitement. Usually very expressive, it is often easy to discern a gnome’s mood.   Gnomes speak as if they can't get the thoughts out of their heads fast enough. Even as they offer ideas and opinions on a range of subjects, they still manage to listen carefully to others, adding the appropriate exclamations of surprise and appreciation along the way.


Gnomes average slightly over 3 feet tall and weigh 40 to 45 pounds.   Gnomes mature at the same rate humans do, and most are expected to settle down into an adult life by around age 40. They can live 350 to almost 500 years on the high end.


Early history and supposed creation

The gnome race is assumed to have been created as all were during the First Age: The Age of Creations by the gods that set forth their will during this time. If there was some greater role they were to play or a singular god that crafted them, it has been lost to time and to the Severance.   The ancestral home of the gnome race is the mineral-rich Gnome Lands and the Pravitel Forest in the north-center of the continent of Iluvitar. Here, the gnomes live in huddled burrows and underground homes among the hilly and wooded lands. The population of gnomes here has never grown far beyond these borders, even as the world around them has changed.

Additional History

In the Third Age, elven colonists came and built many great cities in the fields and forests of Iluvitar. It was they who named the continent and surrounding seas in elvish. Here, they made friendly relations with the gnomes of the time. As a result of the near destruction of their World Tree later on, many elves would become isolationist as they felt an internal pull to return and defend the source of their extended life. Though the process was slow, elven colonies across Azimuth were left abandoned.   It was human expansionists that would rediscover these elven places late in the Third Age, and colonize them in their stead as they moved across the sea. During this time these humans would come into conflict with the gnomes and desert peoples. These were bitter conflicts of interest that resulted in much bloodshed. Eventually, the humans would rise to be the dominant force on Santeem, but the gnomes would retain their control over the Gnome Lands and continue to exist semi-autonomously under this ruling state, even becoming a core pillar of the Santeem economy.   Once a kingdom, today the government has been reformed as a representative republic, and gnomish interests are preserved in Santeem by their representatives in the Lustrous Assembly.


Though gnomes love jokes of all kinds, particularly puns and pranks, they're just as dedicated to the more serious tasks they undertake. Many gnomes are skilled engineers, alchemists, tinkers, and inventors. They're willing to make mistakes and laugh at themselves in the process of perfecting what they do, taking bold (sometimes foolhardy) risks and dreaming large. This has led to the gnomish expertise in materials that other craftsmen would find frustrating or imperfect, such as master bronzeworking, small crafts and tinkering, clockwork, and residuum, as their longer lives and enjoyment out of the processes brings them success where other craftsmen would turn away.   Both forest gnomes and rock gnomes exist within the societies of the Gnome Lands and the Pravitel Forest in Iluvitar. That said, most other races would not necessarily be able to identify the difference between the two by sight alone.

Gnomes in Gimora Major

Rock gnomes are somewhat common in the karaks of the Kingdom of Endor as they can find familiarity among the smiths and metalworkers of the dwarves. That said, some of the more eccentric gnome tinkerers can draw the irritation of dwarves with their willingness to experiment and work with unconvential materials.

Gnomes in Haradren Gaer Arnad

In the lands of Haradren Gaer Arnad is the wide-ranging forests of the Slumbering Pines. Here, small communities of forest gnomes can be found.   Communites of rock gnomes had previously been found in the Ashen Hills, however the destruction caused there by Esturk, The World's End, during the Great War displaced many of them elsewhere.

Gnomes in Tarteria

Gnomes are skilled artisans and metalworkers, and their work has brought some gnomes from the wider world into Tarteria. During the rebuilding of the Queendom of Keeleon, their skill in engineering was useful with the swift reconstruction of its cities.

Gnomes in Northwest Seas

The ancestral home of the gnome race is the mineral-rich Gnome Lands and the Pravitel Forest in the north-center of the continent of Iluvitar. Here, the gnomes live in huddled burrows and underground homes among the hilly and wooded lands. The population of gnomes here has never grown far beyond these borders, even as the world around them has changed.


Rock Gnome

Rock gnomes are the most hardy and inventive of gnomes. They are often master tinkerers, and many make hobbies of crafting small clockwork devices. Most other races will only interact with rock gnomes, as they are the more likely of the two general types to live and work in the more accessible cities other races may visit.  

Forest Gnome

Forest gnomes are the most nimble of gnomes, and have mastered creating minor illusions to keep themselves hidden. Forest gnomes are capable of making rudimentary conversation with small beasts. Forest gnomes tend to stick to their burrows and underground homes and communities, or in the wild places of the world.

Notable Gnomes

Azimuth Anthology: The Lost Vessel

Player Characters

Campaign Two: Lightbringers

Player Characters

Azimuth Anthology: Alarming Farming Festival

Player Characters

Humanoid   Size
Small   Age of Adulthood
Around 20   Lifespan
Around 500 years   Average Height
Between 3 to 4 feet   Average weight
Between 40 and 45 pounds   Skin color
Human-like, ranging from nearly black to very pale   Planes
Material Plane   Primary Locations
  • Gnome Lands
  • Pravitel Forest
Corxim Loofallue Image.png
2022 Character Art by J Pleshe
2022 Character Art by J Pleshe