Duggg Duddins

Rock Gnome Sorcerer, Wild Magic, Entertainer

"Did I explode something again?"
Duggg Duddins is a rock gnome sorcerer who appears in Azimuth Anthology: Alarming Farming Festival 1 and Azimuth Anthology: Alarming Farming Festival 2. He is played by S.H.



Duggg is a short gnome, standing around two-and-a-half feet tall. He has a long moustache and beard, which makes him appear more elderly than he is, and is long enough where he may trip on it.   He wears a set of garrish clothes, which he took from a jester he bested. The outfit uses lots of bold, changing colors. On his head is a large hat which doubles his apparent height, making the top of it stand at around five feet tall.   Duggg's magic is very showy, often incorporating large movements and sparkly effects. It is this magic and the aura of chaos that seems to surround him which causes Duggg's hair to grow at an abnormal rate, which can almost be visually seen during the day   Duggg's voice is high and nasally.


Duggg is a performer, and as such he is often showy with his actions and movements. He doesn't seem to mind attention being drawn to him and seems unconcerned with propriety and expectations, and at times he can be very direct with his language. He is not afraid to get his hands dirty and is not put off from competition.   Duggg is touchy about his height, as seen when he became aggrivated by rumors shared by Theryn that he is shorter than he is. He is also protective of his apperance and role, especially his tall hat, and has shown a willingness to fight to protect his image.   Though chaotic, Duggg appears to be very familiar with the wild energies in his life. He shows skill at manipulating these energies and can apply them tactically, as seen during his rapid movement to segments of the battlefield at the Fungal Nursery.



At some point before 22 Sedaena 5A 351, Duggg met the other members of the Turnip Tillers and helped escort a merchant through the Northern Orcish Plains to Bridon Tillage.

Azimuth Anthology: Alarming Farming Festival 1

On 22 Sedaena 5A 351, Duggg attended the Harvest Home festivities at Bridon Tillage. During the day, he performed acrobatic feats supplimented by bright magical sprays of color. Duggg got into a wrestling match with the blue ribbon winning chicken, which Duggg lost, leaving many chicken feathers stuck in his clothing and hat.   That evening, Duggg had second dinner at the Brace of Spades tavern along with Borga, E'larus, Róvhén, and Tanya.   A drunk Releg Cirin smacked into their table and began talking with the group. Duggg became annoyed when Releg drew attention to the feathers stuck in his hat and he threatened to curse Releg to smell of chicken. Releg challenged the group to a drinking contest, and Duggg participated, using a Mage Hand to tip Releg's cup steeply, making him vomit and lose. After the contest, the party eventually retired to their rented rooms.   The next morning, on 23 Sedaena 5A 351, they were awoken by shouts from the street. They found villagers under attack from strange, large turnip-like creatures.   Róvhén and Duggg cast spells at range and he damaged several turnips. Once Borga and Tanya were able to remove the black creature from Releg's bear form, Duggg destroyed it with a lightning strike.   After the battle, the group were asked by Falamin Leabrace to stay and help around the town, as the large sinkhole was still in the turnip field.

Azimuth Anthology: Alarming Farming Festival 2

As the group helped around Bridon Tillage, Duggg focused on the town’s chickens, which were scuffling with the animated turnips. Duggg attempted to drive the chickens outside Falamin's Fence, and only the prize-winning chicken seemed unfazed. Tanya asked him to stop driving the chickens out, and Duggg, replied, “I’ll not rest until this menace is stopped.”   On 25 Sedaena 5A 351, they were summoned by Falamin Leabrace, meeting Releg and Theryn, a mercenary, there. They were asked to investigate the tunnels below to find the source of the continuing tremors in town. Theryn shared the rumors he heard of the gnome mentioned he was much smaller, which aggravated Duggg.   While gathering supplies for the trip, Duggg purchased a small harness and riding tack. He also purchased vermin repellent and smoke sticks.   The group descended into the hole and began exploring. When they came across bioluminescent moss, Duggg gathered some and ate it, which made his mouth glow slightly.   When they encountered the myconids in the tunnels, after seeing Tanya enter their spore cloud to no ill effect, Duggg also entered. As a result, he found he could telepathically communicate with the group and the myconids. As Red and Blue shared details of the danger ahead, Duggg asked for an image of the “creatures of glass” they mentioned.   Duggg agreed to help them. At the Fungal Nursery, in preparation Duggg cast a Jump spell on himself and pulled out his staff from beneath his hat. When combat broke out, Duggg used his movement to jump quickly around the battle as he cast spells at the floating grimmlets.   When his Thunderwave spell inadvertently caused a grimmlet to duplicate, he changed his focus to channeling spell energy into the expanding portal with Róvhén to close it. The portal reminded him of the demiplane to Nadiria spoken of in The Story of the Zenethian Heroes, but it was strange to him that this portal seemed fluid and growing.   Duggg’s and Róvhén’s wild energies filled the chamber, and as the portal was sealed, the myconids used some of this energy to further close the gate with mushroom growths.   After the combat, back in town Falamin asked the group to report the events to a dragonborn in nearby Porgorag. Duggg agreed to continue traveling with the group, and on 26 Sedaena 5A 351, they set out along the Belltree Road.

Character Information


On 25 Sedaena 5A 351, the Turnip Tillers accepted a quest from Falamin Leabrace to explore the Underdark beneath Bridon Tillage to learn the cause of the continuing tremors in town. At a Fungal Nursery, the group encountered a planar gateway. They defeated the creatures coming through and sealed the gate, ending the tremors.   They later agreed to travel to Porgorag to report this to a young dragonborn and to seek out a rumored orc druid to further aid the town.


  • "Did I explode something again?" - AA 03.1
  • "Hey bro, kinda looks like you're trying to step into the hat territory. That's my job!" - AA 03.1
  • "I’ll not rest until this menace is stopped." - AA 03.2
Character Type
Player Character   Actor

Aligned Organization