Corxim Loofallue

Rock Gnome Rogue, Thief

"I'm game!"
Corxim Loofallue, or "Cor", is a rock gnome rogue who appears in Azimuth Anthology: The Lost Vessel, the prologue of Azimuth Campaign Two. He is played by N.C.



Corxim is a younger rock gnome around 50 years old. He is slight and small, though he thinks that he works out. His hair is black and rocky with dyed silver streaks that brightly glint. His hair is kept in a side part with a large swoop on the front and top.   His clothing is tailor made and is of standard quality with an added flair to it. He wears a button up shirt underneath his leather armor with strap ties at the neck opening. His arms are left more free, allowing for easy movement. He wields a short bow and two daggers. He previously had tinkerer's tools which were lost in the Red Rocks Bay.   Corxim spends a lot of time on his appearance, especially his hair, because he feels it will help him accomplish his goals. He is self conscious about his nose because it is a little larger than most gnomes.   Corxim's voice is quick and boisterous.


Corxim is excitable, charming, and talkative. He is prone to exaggeration. This was shown when he talked about Durak Hamarhart and "Lunchmoney" Snuggleshine's exploits against the bandits they dispatched.   Corxim is motivated by money, rejecting Durak's offer to accept a quest without pay. He also became wide-eyed and excited when Maalik produced a bag of gemstones as payment. He also tries to play off this motivation, shown when he acted casual as Maalik discussed the potential of salvage and riches from the Harolaud.   Corxim sought the attention and approval of his party members, especially "Snuggles" as he felt it would be harder to earn. He also never hesitated to put himself in danger in combat or to rush to a party member's aid.



Corxim is from a smaller gnomish town, which is led by a local lord. He left the town as he felt he couldn't find his way there and wanted to seek out the wider world.   Corxim has recently arrived in Endor, the First Mountain.   In early 5A 352, Corxim overheard "Lunchmoney" Snuggleshine as he was seeking aid to deal with a camp of bandits operating on the Iron Highway north of Endor. A paladin named Durak Hamarhart volunteered his assistance. Corxim decided this was an opportunity for riches, personal experience, and making allies, and he offered his assistance as well. Together, the three cleared the bandit camp. Afterwards, they returned to Endor to celebrate their victory.

Azimuth Anthology: The Lost Vessel

On 24 Felim 5A 352, Corxim, Durak Hamarhart, and "Lunchmoney" Snuggleshine visted the Gilded Gnoll tavern in Endor, the First Mountain to celebrate their victory against a group of bandits to the north. There, they interacted with Jozor Wildfingers, a halfling minstrel of the group Mithrilback, a musical group. Corxim told embellished stories of the party's recent activities. They also met a woman who seemed to glow with heat, Maalik, who offered them a quest to retreive a lost item from the gnomish ship, the Harolaud. When Durak offered to do the job without pay if it was in the interests of his patron, Corxim recinded Durak's offer.   The party spent the night in Endor, where Corxim visited the Beard and Bush brothel, as he felt it would be easier to find a room for the night over the Gnoll. In the morning they hired a carriage driver, Andinir Brightdale, and they headed northwards into a worsening winter storm.   On the roadway north of Lakanaba, they fought a mated pair of owlbears. Corxim and "Snuggles" fought the larger, male owlbear. Corxim was accidentally shot by "Snuggles" during the fight before he killed the owlbear with his daggers. During the battle, Durak's armor was damaged, but Corxim was able to partially repair Durak's armor.   At Fort Johanna, they helped a dwarf cleric, Dulimund Dourwrek, as he healed an orc farmhand wounded by an owlbear. As Dulimund talked to the party about the strange storm, he theorized it was Sehakora, The Maelstrom that was the source of the blizzard. Corxim offered to take an offering the orc had yet to offer to the coast with them and offer it to the Dragon.   They travelled into the Red Rocks Bay where they found the Harolaud frozen in ice. The party ran as they fled from many fire motes that tried to sap their energy on the ice. Once on the deck of the ship, Corxim investigated the bodies of the gnome crew and learned the lifeforce had been fully drained from them.   At the bottom of the ship was a large fire elemental that had slain the crew. As the elemental took the item they were seeking, a green ring, from the hands of the dead captain, it grew exponentially, causing the ship to explode outward. Corxim hid behind Durak in the explosion as they were flung onto the ice.   During the battle, Durak used his shield to protect Corxim from the elemental's attacks. As Durak used both his shields and warhammer to break the ice under the elemental, sending them into the water, Corxim rushed to the unconscious "Snuggles" to prevent him from sinking beneath the ice. As they sunk, the elemental was extinguished, and the steam caused prevented Corxim from seeing what happened to Durak until he was ejected from the water with the green ring item in hand.   Together, the party fled from the breaking ice back to the coast. They took refuge in a nearby cave, where Corxim helped Durak attempt to discern the effects and purpose of the green ring item, but they were unsuccessuful.   Though they were successful in retrieving the item, on the way southwards towards Endor they chose to not return the item to Maalik, instead seeking to investigate it as a potentially dangerous artifact. Once they returned to Endor, the party hid the green ring in Durak's family home and planned to seek the guidance of the preists of Endor's Temple of Zenethia.


Durak Hamarhart

Corxim often will exaggerate Durak Hamarhart's exploits, which Durak often modestly corrects. Corxim was protected by Durak several times during combat, such as when Durak used his shield to take the effects of a fire elemental's attack. Corxim put forward many questions to Durak during their time on the roads, which he did not hesitate to answer.

"Lunchmoney" Snuggleshine

Corxim often would attempt to goad "Lunchmoney" Snuggleshine into conversation and revealing more details about himself. Corxim praised "Snuggles"'s abilities and tried to get his approval, as he felt it would be hard to earn.   During their battle with a mated pair of owlbears, "Snuggles" missed his arrow shot and Corxim was hit by the arrow in the chest.

Character Information


On 24 Felim 5A 352, Corxim, Durak, and "Snuggles" accepted a quest from Maalik to retreive a lost item from the gnomish ship, the Harolaud. They were successful in retrieving the item, however they chose to not return the item to Maalik, instead seeking to investigate it as a potentially dangerous artifact.


  • "37 bandits?"
    "38!" - AA 02
  • "I'm game!" - AA 02
  • "Are we worried about dying?" - AA 02
2022 Character Art by J Pleshe
Character Type
Player Character   Actor

Current Location
Around 50
Date of Birth
Around 5A 302
Black hair with streaks of silver. Side part, millenial-esque, swoof to it.
Aligned Organization