Turnip Tillers

The Turnip Tillers are an adventuring group operating in the Queendom of Keeleon. In late 5A 351, they escorted a merchant group to Bridon Tillage, where they then celebrated the Harvest Home festival.   After, the group worked to stop the wayward magics of Releg Cirin from causing inadvertent damage to the village. They then explored a revealed section of the Underdark and sealed a planar portal.



In late 5A 351, Borga Gorehide, Duggg Duddins, E'larus, Róvhén Tinugalad, and Tanya Applebough helped escort a merchant through the Northern Orcish Plains to Bridon Tillage.   Arriving in time for the Harvest Home festival, the group participated in various festival activities around the town.

Azimuth Anthology: Alarming Farming Festival

Main article: Azimuth Anthology: Alarming Farming Festival 1   In the evening of 22 Sedaena 5A 351, the group ate dinner at the Brace of Spades tavern and discussed their activities during the Harvest Home festival. They also asked themselves if they would continue to work together and what else they may want to accomplish.   A drunk Releg Cirin smacked into their table and began talking with the group. He spoke about a powerful druid he was seeking, which caught Róvhén's attention, but Releg started becoming abrasive and challenged the group to a drinking contest.   Everyone participated, with several using magic to cheat and Releg using Wild Shape to turn into a polar bear. Tanya won the contest. She split the gold among the group and as further payment, Releg told them the rumors he heard about the orc druid he was seeking.   After the contest, Releg stumbled away and transformed into a badger to dig a burrow in a turnip field down the road. The party eventually retired to their rented rooms.   In the morning they were awoken by yells coming from the town. Rushing outside, they saw several injured townsfolk being attacked by large turnip creatures. They rushed to battle, defeating the turnips and saving most of the villagers. However, Róvhén lost control of his magic, which killed a villager in a necromatic burst.   The ground rumbled and from the wrecked field a huge turnip emerged. Clamboring up from a large hole also came a polar bear with a black, oozey covering on its head. They recognized it was Releg's polar bear form, and the substance on his head seemed to be causing his druidic energy to affect his surroundings.   Borga and Tanya rushed forward and tried to pry the black substance off the druid, but they could not without also hurting Releg. After more attacks, they removed the creature and Duggg destroyed it with a large lightning strike. WIth the creature killed, the energies stopped spreading and the remaining turnip creatures became docile.   E'larus healed the druid, who was confused but seemed somewhat aware of what had transpired. E'larus said Releg was to blame and the villager that was killed was his fault, which Releg believed.   Falamin Leabrace came out of his homestead at the commotion. After quickly filling him in, Falamin demanded that Releg stay in town to fix the mess he was inadvertently involved with. Falamin also offered to compensate the group if they stuck around and helped repair the damage. With the large hole still in the turnip field, the party agreed to stay and help.  
Main article: Azimuth Anthology: Alarming Farming Festival 2   As the group helped with some of the recovery efforts in Bridon Tillage, rumors and stories about them began to circulate between the residents. The group noticed there were continuing tremors as well as more creatures from the Underdark emerging from the large sinkhole.   On 25 Sedaena 5A 351, they were summoned by Falamin Leabrace. He was concerned the town's issues were not done and asked the party to head into the sinkhole tunnel and find the cause of the tremors. As part of this, the group was joined by Theryn, a mercenary in town who was hired by Falamin.   They first gathered needed supplies in town and prepared. Then, they lowered into the sinkhole and began exploring the tunnels, with several using lights to illuminate the caverns. They found signs and tracks of creatures, which drove them forward.   In the tunnels, they found two myconids, and tensions were high until Tanya entered their spore clouds and learned this was how they communicated. Most of the party chose to enter the spores as well, expect for Theryn, who remained cautious and skeptical. The myconids, named "Red" and "Blue", were urgently seeking help and asked the group for aid. Their nursery had come under threat by a "door to darkness" and floating glass-like creatures. They explained this expanding portal was causing the tremors and driving other creatures away, and it was a threat to all in the area.   The Fungal Nursery was a large, humid cavern with growing mushroom patches. Here, they found the grimmlet creatures identified by Red and Blue, and they saw the large black crease in the air. It appeared to be a gateway and on the other side they saw walls of black glass.   Borga approached cautiously. The grimmlets responded by attacking, and the group entered combat. Borga and Tanya were hit repeatedly by prismatic energy blasts, and Tanya went down before she was healed by E'larus.   When it became apparent that spell energy caused the grimmlets to duplicate, the spellcasters focused on the expanding portal while the rest occupied the grimmlets in melee. Duggg and Róvhén funneled spell energy into the seam, and wild magic began flaring throughout the nursery. Róvhén used a lightning spell to solder the gate closed, and he felt an additional push to his magic, which completed the seal.   After the remaining grimmlets were dealt with, Red and Blue used the abundant energies to further the seal with tendrils of mushroom growths. However, they shared that someone with knowledge of these energies would be needed to tend it. Borga suggested Releg.   The group returned and reported back to Falamin and Releg. As he examined the seal, Releg shared the gate didn't seem intentional and should fade with time. He used druidic energies to encase the seal in dark amber, and he vowed to stay and become the gateway's custodian.   Back at town, Falamin thanked the group and asked them to report all of this to a young dragonborn in nearby Porgorag. Tanya also suggested they seek out the rumored orc druid for aid as well. The group affirmed their decision to continue traveling together and Theryn chose to join them as well. The next day, on 26 Sedaena 5A 351, they set out from Bridon Tillage along the Belltree Road.



Player Character Race Class
L.M. Borga Gorehide Half-Orc Barbarian
S.H. Duggg Duddins Gnome Sorcerer (Wild Magic)
G.F. E'larus Tiefling Cleric (Twilight)
K.B. Róvhén Tinugalad Drow Sorcerer (Wild Magic)
I.W. Tanya Applebough Halfling Ranger
S.Y. Theryn Human Cleric (Trickery)

Allies and Friends

Founding Date
5A 351
Adventuring Party
E'larus Image.png
2024 Character Art by Hero Forge, supplied by G.F.
2023 Character Art by K Bredain
2023 Character Art provided by I.W.