High King Faldrick Oathenhammer

Dwarf Monarch

High King Faldrick Oathenhammer was a historic dwarf monarch of Endor, the First Mountain, and High King of the Kingdom of Endor during The Great War at the end of the Third Age.


At some point in the late Third Age, Faldrick Oathenhammer came to power, becoming the ruling monarch of Endor, the First Mountain, and inheriting the title High King of the Kingdom of Endor.   During Faldrick's rule, Esturk, The World's End, with the Power of Evolution, brought war to Azimuth, starting The Great War.   The land of the dwarves was ripped in twain, creating a sprawling chasm of ocean, known ever after as the Dragon's Maw. Many dwarves were drowned in their holds, and one of the grandest, Karak Thrund, was destroyed. Though the Kingdom of Endor suffered greatly, the dwarven forces led by Faldrick did not surrender the First Mountain.   The forces of Endor led by Faldrick participated in the final battles of the war, including the Battle of the Demons' Blood Marshes on the northern coast of Tarteria. From the few surviving records, like The History of the Third Age, it is believed the battle started on 19 Adroth 3A 2092.   After the destructive effects of the Great War and the formation of the Dragon's Maw, Faldrick commissioned the construction of the Gate of the Maw and the founding of Endor Port. For the Kingdom of Endor, trade along the Iron Highway and through the Dragon's Maw would be instrumental in its recovery.   It is unknown if Faldrick first met the Zenethian Champion Rita, Wielder of the Zenethian Staff, during the events of the war or at some point after its conclusion. What is known is that Rita shared a close relationship with the dwarven peoples and with High King Faldrick. The Flower of the King was gifted to Faldrick early in the Fourth Age by Rita, and it was set in the central column of the city.   At some point, Faldrick was entrusted with the protection of the Zenethian Staff. The staff was placed in the Oathenhammer's own tomb in the Mausoleum of Dwarf Lords after Rita's passing, to await her progeny.   Eventually, Faldrick's life would end, and he would be buried in the Mausoleum of Dwarf Lords alongside his wife, High Queen Gundra Oathenhammer, and both their tombs would be set before the hidden entrance to the chamber holding the Zenethian Staff.


Rita, Wielder of the Zenethian Staff

After the events of the Great War, Rita developed good relations with High King Faldrick. Indeed, Rita both gifted the Flower of the King to Endor and entrusted the Zenethian Staff to the dwarven king, which was enshrined in the Oathenhammer's royal tomb.

High Queen Gundra Oathenhammer

It is widely believed High Queen Gundra Oathenhammer had a child out of wedlock at some point during or shortly after The Great War. This child would lead to a bastard lineage that would eventually lead to Bernar Az-Baraz in the Fifth Age. While this has been somewhat accepted, the legitimacy of this claim is hard to verify without delving deeper into the records of the time held in the Mausoleum of Dwarf Lords.

Character Information


  • The grand doors of the Gate of the Maw are fashioned in the likenesses of High King Faldrick Oathenhammer and High Queen Gundra Oathenhammer, the leaders of Endor at the time of The Great War.
Character Type
Non-Player Character

Current Status
Current Residence
Faldrick's Tomb at the Mausoleum of Dwarf Lords
Aligned Organization