Gate of the Maw

The Gate of the Maw is the second largest entryway to the city of Endor, the First Mountain, in the Kingdom of Endor. The Gate of the Maw is on the southeastern edge of the Ekrund Zorn, the Level of Stairways, and leads from the city out southeastward towards Endor Port, which is several hours of travel away.


The grand doors of the Gate of the Maw are fashioned in the likenesses of High King Faldrick Oathenhammer and High Queen Gundra Oathenhammer, who were the leaders of Endor at the time of the Great War.   The stretch of roadway from city center leading to the gate is made of laid stone cobbles and designed imitate a flowing river. The pathway descends in several short, segmented stairs. At the edge of the city, this "river" flows into a wide and round basin at the foot of the Gate of the Maw, forming a wide rotunda entrance.   The rotunda roof is a fresco showing the lands of Endor in flecks of precious stones, including emerald, topaz, and powdered diamond and sapphire. The pieces of these gemstones were laid piece by piece and form a representation of the lands and oceans of Azimuth.   There are a number of pillars that rise up in the rotunda. Along the edge are six pillars made of singular slabs of silvery rock that are 40-50 feet in height. Upon the surface of each pillar is a carved depiction of one of the Dragons of Azimuth looking inward to the center pillar. The center pillar is the grandest and largest, nearly twice as thick and taller still as it holds the center of the rounded rotunda roof. This center pillar shows a great winged carving of the Zenethian Dragon, Zenthai, The Dragon King. It is angled as such so that all who enter through these doors are met with the proud visage of the Zenethian Dragon. Around this central pillar is a round platform dais.   Notably, there is not a pillar for Esturk, The World's End, who in the Great War had caused much destruction. Instead, there is an honorarium which can be seen nearby, which includes a dedication to the lost hold of Karak Thrund across the Dragon's Maw.


The Fourth Age: The Age of Shadow
After the destructive effects of the Great War at the end of the Third Age and the formation of the Dragon's Maw, High King Faldrick Oathenhammer commissioned the construction of the Gate of the Maw. For the Kingdom of Endor, trade along the Iron Highway and through the Dragon's Maw would be instrumental in its recovery after the Great War.  
The Fifth Age: The Age of Beginnings
On 9 Madaet 5A 352, Arwin and Gertrude Oathenhammer met Captain Levka Ruslan here who was preparing goods for the Santeem Republic aid caravan. Both would join the caravan and assist, and they would leave through the Gate of the Maw towards Endor Port. As they left, they heard a bard playing nearby the pillar of Gaia, The Allmother, who matched the description of a member of Mithrilback.
Architectural Element, Entrance / Entryway
Parent Location
Iron Range   Continent
West of Gimora Mountains   Plane
Material Plane