Ranger General Labb

Orc Ranger

"The Rangers could always use a good archer."
Ranger General Labb is an orc general who appears in Azimuth Campaign Two. He is the general of the Warden Rangers of the Keel's Band and the current warguard of New Keeleon. He is an NPC played by M.B.



Labb is an older male in the forties. He has rough, gray-green skin that is very worn from his extended time in the wilderness. His nose is heavy ridged, as if it has been broken before. His beard and hair have started going gray, and he wears his long hair in a high, wild bun.   Labb wears very worn leathers and bits of plate and chainmail armor. The pieces are damaged and often replaced or repaired. All over his outfit and armor are stains; many are reddish in color, but most are black from demonblood. Like the other Warden Rangers, Labb has a thick, thatched grass cloak.   Labb is equipped with a shortbow and two handaxes.



By 5A 351, Labb was the Ranger General of the Warden Rangers. As a result of the spreading corruption in the Desecrated Hills after the Dragonrise holiday, and the growing rebellion in the Western Valley, Labb was stationed as the warguard of New Keeleon.   The Warden Rangers would become occupied in the region hunting down ankhegs and scouting the Keeleon Castle. This resulted in Labb spending much of his time leading his rangers or attending to city business at the Kiln Garrison.   At some point after Lord Lortuk's arrival in the city around 8 Adroth 5A 352, they began working together.

Campaign Two: Lightbringers

Session 23 -Acid and Fire
On 10 Adroth 5A 352, after the Lightbringers defeated a group of corrupted ankhegs on the Orc Highway, Labb and several Warden Rangers arrived from the east.   Labb saw the ending moments of the combat and stated his surprise in orcish. Demitri cast a spell to comprehend the words, and as their eye’s met, Labb said, “Hold, hold! Friendlies!”  
Session 24 - A Dream of Iron
Labb introduced himself and asked Demitri what had happened. Labb apologized that his group didn’t catch up to the ankhegs they were hunting before they reached the road. Labb said the aid caravan was expected in New Keeleon. At Labb’s command, his rangers started to work over the battlefield.   Demitri learned from Labb that the ankhegs were from a suspected agitated nest to the east somewhere. Labb stated that whatever had recently changed needed to be resolved.   Arwin approached Labb and asked why the rangers were collecting samples of the ichor. Labb answered there was an “egghead back in New Keeleon” who was asking for the samples.   Labb said the group seemed to handle themselves well, and he offered them work once they were finished with the caravan. He said to both Arwin and Ilmendwyth, “The Rangers could always use a good archer, especially one that can hold their own against these things.” He said to seek him out at the Kiln Garrison if they were interested.   In the morning of 11 Adroth 5A 352, Labb and the Warden Rangers had finished their work and waited for the aid caravan to be on their way before they left towards the east.  
Session 29 - A Lord’s Investigation
On 13 Adroth 5A 352, Labb met with Lord Lortuk and the Lightbringers in a hidden room of the Victory Market in New Keeleon.   Labb wiped some of his chainmail off with a drapery, staining it, to the chagrin of Lortuk. Romulus tossed a doily to Labb, and he wiped more off before pocketing it.   Romulus asked again why the party was there. Labb said it was because his rangers were fully occupied with the ankhegs in the Desecrated Hills and couldn’t assist Lortuk with his goals.   Labb gave Lortuk one of the ichor vials recovered from the corrupted ankhegs. After Lortuk confirmed he could study it, Romulus gave him a vial from the oozes beneath Porgorag, as well. Arwin asked Labb is Lortuk was the “science guy” he referenced earlier, and Labb confirmed he was.   During their conversation, Lortuk said if the Lightbringers didn’t want to help him in the city, they could still assist by helping Labb and his rangers. Freeing up Labb’s forces would mean he could more directly assist Lortuk himself, but it would take longer to do so.  
Session 38 - The Prophets of Regression
On 18 Adroth 5A 352, the Lightbringers shared the results of their investigation at the Breakwater Keep to Nalt Oknar Rulla, Godsguard Shumedzar, and Warguard Labb.   When Demitri stated his intentions to become the next coinguard, Rulla confirmed with Stuzrog and Labb before she said she’d look forward to learning more about his qualifications.

Character Information


Labb offered the Lightbringers work with the Warden Rangers after they finished delivering the Santeem Aid Caravan to New Keeleon.   Labb's rangers were occupied in the Desecrated Hills and Northern Orcish Plains hunting down ankhegs, and he needed an adventuring group to scout and investigate the area beneath Keeleon Castle.


  • "The Rangers could always use a good archer, especially one that can hold their own against these things." - 2.24
Character Type
Non-Player Character   Actor

Current Status
Current Location
Aligned Organization