Victory Market

Victory Market is the main trade grounds and market area in the Pipestones District of New Keeleon in central Tarteria. It is a covered area of side streets and alleys with both stand-alone vendors stalls and brick-and-mortar shops.


Victory Market is located near the main crossroads of New Keeleon. A number of buildings of the Pipestones District have overhangs constructed between them, creating an area of covered streets and alleys.   The brick arches and yellow-plastered ceilings protect shoppers and merchants from the sun and weather, and even though air flows freely through the many open entrances to the city streets, the air inside is stuffy with tobacco smoke and the scents of frying foods.   It’s a bit dim compared to the outside, and several enclosed glass flame lanterns hang on chains from the arches to light the interior walk.   Many small shops and stalls line the interior, selling all kinds of specialty goods, trade goods, and services. Farther in are more secluded alleys and rooms where additional business is conducted away from the view of the public.

Associated Shops

Surrounding the area are several brick-and-mortar shops as well. Many of these have entrances both to the main streets and to the interior of the Victory Market as well.  

Lortuk's Secret Chambers

In the back alleys is an archway set out from a solid brick wall. Nearby is a broken wooden door. If repaired and set against the brick arch, a secret, enchanted doorway can be revealed by knocking three times. This leads to a series of hidden chambers created by Lord Lortuk, son of Mog.   The doorway leads to a plush and extravagant foyer, which is about 30 feet across. There is soft music playing in the interior and it is softly lit. The room is decorated with emerald green draperies, small trinkets, and doilies on the tables. Several sitting sofas and high back armchairs fill the room. A number of other rooms connect to the foyer through additional arches.


The Fifth Age: The Age of Beginnings
5A 352
On 10 Adroth, Coinguard Holarust and an orc page named Elzil were last seen speaking with merchants in the Victory Market. Before they went missing, merchants heard they were headed to the Commandment of Sky Guildhall.   On 12 Adroth 5A 352, the Lightbringers visited the various vendors of Victory Market, including Brickaday's Smithing and Gralphank's Ten-Foot Pole Emporium.   On 13 Adroth 5A 352, Chaka returned to the shops to buy additional supplies and trade for rare goods at Gralphank's.   Later that day, the Lightbringers returned and searched for the hidden doorway to Lord Lortuk's rooms. They spoke with Lortuk and Ranger General Labb.   Meanwhile, Chaka, Romsca, and Ruslan remained outside in a magic tent. While waiting, they saw Shur try to recruit a civilian into the cult following of the Prophets of Regression.   Afterwards, they spoke with the merchants and learned about Coinguard Holarust's investigation.   On 14 Adroth 5A 352, Gertrude spoke with merchants of the market about the Tarterian Traders and Sir Talmid. Ilmendwyth spread thieves cant messages to spread the word about Chaka’s faux art piece.   On 16 Adroth 5A 352, several of the Lightbringers returned to the markets before the “History and Heroes” showing later that day.
Market square
Parent Location
Related Report (Primary Locations)
Desecrated Hills   Continent
Tarteria   Plane
Material Plane