New Keeleon

The City of Bricks

New Keeleon, also known as the City of Bricks, is a large city of the Queendom of Keeleon located at the border between the Desecrated Hills and the Northern Orcish Plains regions of Tarteria. The city functions as the northern point of power for the Queendom.


New Keeleon is located on the bank of the Rexun River and is a major city on the Orc Highway. The city is constructed of multicolored bricks, which gives it its name: "The City of Bricks". The bricks are mostly reds and greys and some are finer, silverine clay. The majority of the clay used in the construction of the city's buildings is gathered from the shorelines and banks of the Rexun River.   The city is divided into several sections. The central section of the city is surrounded by a large brick wall that runs out to the river. There are additional sectors of the city located to the north and south, along the Orc Highway. In these poorer sections, New Keeleon is sometimes derided as "The City of Pricks".   Its strategic location gives access to the northern half of the country, and the Queendom of Keeleon has a strong military presence here. Lately, this has heightened as tribal orc raids of trading caravans and supplies have increased in the northwest. In addition to the army, the city guards, called the "Clay Boots", are stationed throughout the city.

Embankment District

The Embankment District sits along the eastern bank of the Rexun River, consisting of the closest areas and structures to the riverbank. A long embankment wall is set into the river, forming a large section of calm waters at the river's edge. The Embankment District holds some of the oldest buildings of the city, as well as a number of religious buildings.  
  • Breakwater Keep: A major fortification located on an embankment wall in the Rexun River. It’s a huge fortress of brick and stone. The Nalt Oknar and the guard positions for the city run the city from the Keep.
  • The Augurs: A set of eight religious totems for each of the eight Dragons made of large shards of clay, each displaying the symbology and iconography of a respective Dragon.
  • Equus Orphanage: Part orphanage, part shrine, here services are held and donations pulled to support the city's orphans. A clay statue of a donkey sits in a garden of edelweiss.

Pipestones District

The Pipestones is the main central section of the city, located on several rolling hills surrounded by the brick fortification walls and the river to the west. It contains the main residential sections of the city, including those of the upper caste. This section sees much traffic along the Orc Highway which cuts through it.  
  • Highland Hills: Gated community on the high, hilly northeastern sections of the city. The upper caste and ruling elite have residences here. Guards are stationed to only allow those with business into the area.
  • Victory Market: The city's main marketplace with both brick-and-mortar vendors and sellers’ stands. Near the main crossroads, it’s a series of covered roadways with stands and sellers in the warm interior.
  • Kala Gate: The old Kala Gate is the fortified eastern gate leading towards Keeleon Castle. The fortifications and defenses atop the wall are pointed eastward.
  • Kiln Garrison: The Kiln Garrison is a military facility housing much of the city's the Keel’s Band. It’s a large, red brick structure encompassing part of the walls near the gate.
  • Far Bar Inn: A stylized, three-story tavern with a warm, inviting front. Though popular, the façade falls short of impressing more traditionalist citizens that prefer orcish styles of taverns.
  • Gralphank's Ten-Foot Pole Emporium: A goods seller providing an expansive variety of items. The owner has been using his connections to help out other, smaller suppliers around the city.
  • Leka Fabrics: A brick-and-mortar clothier and fabric seller located in the Victory Market.

The Catlinites

The Catlinites to the northwest down river is the industry section of the city. It is located outside the walls and farther from town due to the sounds and scents of industry, placing it far from the residential sections of New Keeleon.  
  • Kiloskitot Trade School: An old brick quarry and kiln repurposed into a center of trade learning. As part of the modernization drive from the crown, other learning topics are starting to be offered here as well.
  • Brickaday's Smithing: Smithy built by an minotaur who used to work for the kilns. Self-taught, the owner forges items with his apprentices, and these are sold mostly in Victory Market.

Argil's Gate

Argil's Gate is both the northern gate out of the Pipestones and the name for the residential and farming community lands to the north of the wall. It is largely farmers and crafters and the buildings and land that support them.
  • Kuad's Farm: A large, free ranging cattle farm. Large herds of black-furred cattle roam in the fields north of the hills leading to New Keeleon.
  • Trade School Stables and Lodging: A series of small facilities mainly used for workers of the farms, students of the trade school, or workers of the industries in the Catlinites.
  • Cereus Compass: A compass rose on a clay platform in the design of a cereus flower. The surface drinks in the warmth of the sun and sheds it throughout the night, when river fireflies fly in bunches above it.

Mud Ward

The Mud Ward sits to the south of the city, downhill from the Pipestones and along the Orc Highway. As it is downhill, the watershed from the central section of the city makes the side streets and alleys here almost entirely mud. A number of territorial farms sit near to the river, which are under constant threat of being taken over by the expansive clay pits and quarries near to the Rexun River.  
  • Ural Clay Quarry: The largest of the clay quarries in New Keeleon, where the many tents of clay pits can be found. Workers pull clay out towards the rows of firings kilns.
  • Blue Bricks Tavern: A rundown bar just off the main roadway. It’s dark and a bit tight inside, but the blue color of the bricks and stonework make a striking visual.


2023 City Image created using Watabou by M.B.



New Keeleon is headed by a local mayor, titled a Nalt Oknar. This position maintains the city’s appointments for head of the city guard and enforcer of laws (watchguard), the regional military (warguard), the local commerce and relations with the trade guilds (coinguard), and religious affairs (godsguard).   Cases are brought to the head of that section of government, or to the full council over the city directly. The decisions are made by them solely, and are absolute. It is rare for a case to be brought further than local leadership.   Additionally, the Nalt Oknar oversees the other Oknar positions in the Northern Orcish Plains cities, including Porgorag. In turn, the Nalt Oknar reports to the crown in Kievs.  
Government Appointments
  • Nalt Oknar: Rulla, daughter of Krisur
  • Watchguard: Stuzrog (former)
  • Coinguard: Holarust (former)
  • Godsguard: Shumedzar


The population is mostly orc but the city supports a wide array of races and populations that come with trade and the merchant guilds. The city sees much traffic from the Orc Highway.   In 5A 352, the city's population was around 24,000 persons.  


The city is a major export of clay and brick materials to the rest of Tarteria. RIver barges can be seen docked near the Catlinites section of the city, which transport up the Rexun River towards cities like Aktrout and Kievs.   The city imports a number of crops, including wheat, maize, and soybeans, from Bridon Tillage.


The Fourth Age: The Age of Shadow
During the events of the Tarterian War at the end of the Fourth Age, many cities in Keeleon were destroyed by the armies of Esturk, The World's End. Much of the old city of Keeleon Castle was destroyed by the demons.  
The Fifth Age: The Age of Beginnings
After the old capital, Keeleon Castle, was lost to corruption and could not be reclaimed, a new settlement was formed in its stead by Argil, the son of Queen Alena, daughter of the Last Orc King. New Keeleon quickly blossomed due to the resources of the region that previously fueled the castle, and it grew into the northern power point of the Queendom of Keeleon's influence.   5A 352
On 27 Madaet 5A 352, Chaka attended a showing at the Watermill Gallery. The next day, he and Mortimr Gwathagoldrin left the city with Kelwin's Magical Toys and Concocted Wonders, travelling north out of the city on the Orc Highway.   On 10 Adroth 5A 352, Coinguard Holarust was investigating merchant complaints in Victory Market when she went missing.   On 12 Adroth 5A 352, the Lightbringers and the Santeem Aid Caravan arrived at the city, entering through Argil's Gate.   On 16 Adroth 5A 352, the Lightbringers rescued Holarust and Stuzrog from the Chamber of Titles beneath the Commandment of Sky Guildhall.   Afterwards, Nalt Oknar Rulla shut down the guildhall. She cleared out the corruption within the ranks of the city watch. Coinguard Holarust planned on stepping down and Watchguard Stuzrog left his post in shame.   On 18 Adroth 5A 352, the Lightbringers were gifted the Rill Priory for their actions. At this time, Demitri stated his intention to fill the coinguard position.