Mösön Uul

Mösön Uul is a large and old mountain located in the Drackhan Tundra of southern Tarteria. It is located miles to the northwest of Frozen Fleet Post.   Mösön Uul is significant for the Ivory Glacier on its southern slope leading to the Ice Ways of the southern coast. It is believed the mountain has some significance to the fabled Urskans of Hobgoblin folklore.


Mösön Uul, meaning "icy mountain", is a mountain in the Drackhan Tundra. It is a very old mountain that is short and very wide due to many years of erosion and weathering.   It is a lone mountain, being the only surviving rock feature from the mountain chain it was once a part of. The moutain seems to be a plentiful source of dense metallic ores, which may be a contributing reason why Mösön Uul has outlasted the rest of its range.   The slopes of the mountains are very gradual, and the erosion along the sides have created several long and shallow gorges. As it is located in the Drackhan Tundra, Mösön Uul is constantly covered is snow and ice, which has filled most of the gorges with ice and glaciers.   The largest and most prominent of these is the Ivory Glacier on the mountain's southern slope towards the Ice Ways.


The Third Age: The Age of Zenethia
At some point, a settlement of urskans occupied the Urskan Crevasse of the Ivory Glacier. During this time, they mined the metal ores of Mösön Uul.   At some unknown point, the Crevasse was attacked and occupied by frost giants, which either killed or drove out the uskans of the area.   Based on supplies found within the Crevasse, it is believe that ships have been crashing on the coast of the South Sea and scavenged for supplies, materials, and bodies by the giants and trolls of the mountain since at least as early as around the Great War.  
The Fourth Age: The Age of Shadow
At some point in the late Fourth Age, Hagillr, the Lone Hailstone, became the frost giant in charge of the Urskan Crevasse. It is unknown if Hagillr was originally from the area or came to occupy it later. Hagillr is believed to have been the last of his clan.  
The Fifth Age: The Age of Beginnings
During the early Fifth Age, the society of trolls under Hagillr continued to scavenge shipwrecks on the southern Tarterian coast.   On 12 Naerui 5A 023, Hagillr used the Horn of Storms to sink and shipwreck Grand Khan Drack's fleet. Trolls attacked the wreck of the Vikramadi, taking suppies, survivors, and bodies back to Mösön Uul.   After, Kholvek Vundruk, Braavak, Ganbaatar, and Chotgorrin followed the trail of the trolls to the mountain. They infiltrated the Urskan Crevasse and rescued Grand Khan Drack before collapsing the glacier and killing Hagillr.   During the years after this, expeditions would begin digging into the Crevasse. One such expedition would recover Hagillr's Horn of Storms, which would eventually be incorporated into the Vikramadi at Frozen Fleet Post.
Mountain / Hill
Included Locations
Drackhan Tundra   Continent
Tarteria   Plane
Material Plane