
Hamisetr is a village located in the north of Ponteign Vale, at the foot of the Barrier Ridge mountains. Hamisetr grew around a confluence of two rivers navigable by small craft, and is comprised mainly of humans, along with half-elves, dwarves, halflings, and others. They are an feudalist oligarchic constitutional monarchy that follows the Eastern Way.   A population of 2,980, the denizens live a modest existence.


  • Dragonborn - 65
  • Dwarf - 329
  • Gnome - 230
  • Half-elf - 214
  • Half-orc - 65
  • Halfling - 543
  • Human - 1,366
  • Tiefling - 164


The policing carried out by Hamisetr Rangers is extremely strict, with citizens being forced to carry licenses, identification papers, and travel permits. Rangers control the village, and are extremely well armed, with brutality being commonplace. Law in Hamisetr is very much punitive based, and those that breach the laws can expect hard labor, incarceration, or sometimes public execution. Crime is an ugly stain on humanity, to be punished. Magic is reserved only for those with a license, which is a relatively simple form to fill out, stating what type of magic you wish to practice, a public liability bond, and whether it's for commercial or personal use.

Industry & Trade

Caveat emptor is the guiding philosophy of Hamisetr, and people live a modest existence because of it. Without any taxes or regulations, the free market reigns supreme here. Welfare is above average, considering the modest quality of life. Citizens can expect a decent education, provided they can pay for it. Healthcare is overtaxed and underfunded, though.

Guilds and Factions

  • Circle of the Green
  • The Brotherhood of Artisans
Location under
Additional Rulers/Owners
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization
Characters in Location


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