Nohji Plains
The Nohij Plains, also simply called the Great Steppe or the steppes, is a vast region of Aashk, made up mainly of temperate grasslands, savannas and shrublands. It stretches from the southern border of the Magocracy of Marithel before giving away to Valés Anvil to the south. It is bounded by Milastra Bay and Silver Gulf to the west, and the Sunrise Mountains to the east.
The Steppe Route connects Marithel, the Sacred Demesne, The Riverlands, and the Dhamin peoples of Valês Anvil economically, politically and culturally through overland trade routes. It is home to nomadic and tribal confederations, such as the Dark Crow Horde, the Blue Mouth Tribe, the Blue Foot Clan, and the Night Dagger Children. Most powerful of the clans and tribes is the Pale Shield Riders, ruled by Silun Gorgelji, Divine of the Stars. She is a fickle ally, constantly playing both sides of the war against each other.
Fauna & Flora
Common animals of the steppe include axe beaks, deer, elephants, heyenas and jackals, horse, big cats such as lions and panthers, and bloodhawks. Less common and far more terrifying include bullets, worgs, and even the occasional gold dragon.
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